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U.S. Hist. 1789-1877

This study stack will help you study for the spring semester final.

Sam Houston Leader of the Texican forces in the Texas War for Independence from Mexico. 1st president of the Republic of Texas
John Adams 2nd president of the U.S. Federalist
Tariff A tax on imported goods
Reformers Education--Horace Mann Prisoners & Crazies--Dorthea Dix Abolition--Douglass, Garrison, Tubman Temperance--end alcohol abuse
Northwest Passage A non-existent water route across North America
Origin of political parties Started as a conflict between Jefferson and Hamilton over the nature of government.
Whiskey Rebellion Violent protests over taxes on whiskey
Marbury v. Madison Court case that established the principle of judicial review
1803 President Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from France
Embargo of 1807 Enacted by Jefferson, the U.S. refused to sell its goods to European countries. It nearly ruined our economy.
War of 1812 A war between the U.S. and England over freedom of the seas.
Frances Scott Key Wrote the Star Spangled Banner
Industrial Revolution Factories replaced hand tools and skilled workers. It lead to urbanization: people moving to the cities.
Eli Whitney Cotton gin, Interchangeable parts
Nationalism A feeling of pride and loyalty to one's country
Missouri Compromise 1820 agreement to balance slave and free states. Missouri--slave, Maine--free, a line drawn to determine slavery in new territories.
Democratic Party Started by Andrew Jackson and supporters. The party was determined to expand voting rights to more men by dropping property owning requirements.
Indian Removal Act Law passed by Congress authorizing the removal of Indian tribes from the Southeast to territory west of the Mississippi.
Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court ruling under which Chief Justice John Marshall supported the arguments of the Cherokee tribe.
Tariff of Abominations Tax on imports that hurt the Southern economy disproportionally. Led to the doctrine of nullification proposed by Calhoun--an attempt to avoid secession.
Inflation A decrease in the value of money accompanied by rising prices.
Trails west Oregon Trail Santa Fe Trail Mormon Trail
Tejanos People living in Texas of Spanish heritage
Manifest Destiny belief that the U.S. should stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific supported by President Polk used to justify the Mexican War
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty ending the Mexican War
Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court case in which it was determined that slaves were property, could never be citizens and that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
Ft. Sumter First battle of the Civil War
Battle of Antietam the bloodiest single day of battle in American history the Union gained the advantage because Lee's battle plans were found
Emancipation Procalmation Lincoln's order that freed all slaves in the Confederate States of America
Battle of Gettysburg The turning point in the Civil War
Battle of Vicksburg gave the Union control of the Mississippi River
Appomatox Court House Site of Lee's surrender to Grant
Reconstruction The process of integrating the former Confederate states back into the union.
14th Amendment gave citizenship rights to people born in the U.S. all people are equal and should have due process Southern states had to ratify this before they were readmitted to the U.S.
'Jim Crow' laws Laws put into place after the failure of reconstruction. They were designed to separate the races---segregation
States' rights The idea that states have rights the federal government can't violate (10th Amendment) Nullification Crisis/ Civil War
Urbanization Populations move from the country into the cities.
Telegraph An invention that revolutionized communication in the 1800s
Suffrage The right to vote
Eli Whitney Invention of the cotton gin AND interchangable parts
Nullification Crisis South Carolina was MAD about a tariff and said they'd secede. John C. Calhoun said --hold up--just ignore (nullify) the law--AJ put a stop to that
Land Speculators People who buy up big pieces of land they will break into pieces to sell off individually.
Compromise of 1850 Made by Henry Clay California would com in as a free state & slave auctions in Washington, DC stopped The Fugitive Slave Act was put into effect
Popular sovereignty The PEOPLE are the ones to make important decisions about their country.
Bleeding Kansas Abolitionists and pro-slavery people fought over the future of Kansas.
Uncle Tom's Cabin A book by Harriett Beecher Stowe that let Americans know just how bad slavery was.
Anaconda Plan The Union's plan to defeat the Confederacy by 'squeezing' it so it couldn't get supplies.
John Wilkes Booth The man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln
13th Amendment Ended slavery forever in the U.S. Confederate states had to ratify it before they could return to the United States.
President Johnson's Impeachment Congress tried to remove him from office because he went against them when he FIRED AN EMPLOYEE.
Sharecroppers People who lived and worked on land they didn't own. They gave the landowner a SHARE of their crop to pay the rent.
Created by: gcarlson1
Popular U.S. History sets




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