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Gov Ch 1

This ancient Greek scholar was one of the first students of government. Aristotle
feature of all the states in today's world. population, territory, government
a way the United States has extended its territory. purchase, negotiation, war
This system of government gives all key powers to the national government. unitary
A loose union of independent states is a confederacy.
The effort to control or influence the conduct of government is called politics.
one of Aristotle's classifications of governments. autocracy, oligarchy, democracy
Any system of government in which rule is by the people is called a democracy.
The form of democracy we have in this country is called representative democracy.
Communist countries have a command economy.
When the territory of both the nation and the state coincide, the country is a nation-state.
This man's writings influenced the American revolutionaries. John Locke
This system divides the power between the state and national governments. federal
A plan that provides the rules for government is called a constitution.
This study is concerned with a government's power and the rights of the citizens. constitutional law
These nations are in the early stages of industry and technology. developing nations
Any system of government in which a small group holds power is called an oligarchy.
The Republicans and Democrats have developed in this country as the major political parties.
The economic system in which freedom of choice is emphasized is capitalism.
This man provided a philosophy for capitalism. Adam Smith
the state evolved from family evolutionary theory
social contract theorist John Locke
plan for government constitution
defines government power constitutional law
king, queen, or emperor rules monarchy
free market theorist Adam Smith
United States system mixed-market economy
wrote on communism Karl Marx
characteristic of capitalism freedom of choice
a civil society helps democracy to prosper
supreme and absolute authority sovereignty
origin of the state in family evolutionary theory
one purpose of government provide essential services
statement in the constitution preamble
totalitarian dictatorship a form of autocracy
United States government representative democracy
requirement of democracy majority rule
a hands-off attitude laissez-faire
public ownership of most land socialism
communism command economy
wrote that in a "state of nature," no government existed and life was "cruel, brutish, and short." Thomas Hobbes
In a(n) ____________________ system, the national government has the key powers and can create state and local governments. unitary
The ____________________ to the Constitution sets forth the goals of the government. Preamble
Karl Marx called workers who produce goods the ____________________. proletariat
Karl Marx called owners of the means of production the ____________________. bourgeoisie
Contrast the social contract theory of government with the divine right theory. What type of government would result from each theory? social contract theory rulers serve the people & that government exists through the consent of the governed. Divine right holds that the right to rule comes from God. Democratic governments - social contract theory, divine right supports monarchy.
Explain how some features of capitalism tend to promote freedom and democracy. The ideas of individual initiative—that each person knows what is best for himself or herself—and freedom of economic choice supports freedom of political choice.
What are the potential positive and negative effects of politics? Politics is simply the effort to control or influence government. Politics can be positive by encouraging participation in government. A negative effect of politics would be special interests operating against the general welfare of the people.
Contrast the social contract theory of government with the force theory. What type of government would result from each theory? social contract stresses govt. by common consent & rulers chosen to serve people. Force theory holds that govts were formed when rulers forced the people to cooperate some common task. Dem govts - social contract, force theory supp autocracy & oligarchy.
Why might the wealthy people of a poor country support an oligarchy when faced with a communist revolution in their country? Oligarchies derive power from a wealth, military strength, &/or social position & exercise control over citizens. Wealthy people - degree of military support & govt control when faced with a movement that called for the redistribution of their wealth.
Compare who benefits from government decisions made in an autocracy with who benefits from government decisions made in a representative democracy. In an autocracy, decisions are generally made in the best interests of the leader or the leadership group. In a representative democracy, elected leaders make decisions that benefit the majority of the people.
Explain why a free market economy would more likely be found in a democracy than in a totalitarian dictatorship. a characteristic of totalitarian government is control of all aspects of social and economic life.
Are the rights and will of minorities better protected in a representative democracy, an autocracy, or an oligarchy? Explain. democracy, in which the people elect representatives to serve their interests, protects minorities better than governments where power is in the hands of only a few. Some students may point out that oligarchies protect the minority group that holds power.
This term means a state has supreme and absolute authority within its territorial boundaries. sovereignty
This is the institution through which the state maintains social order. government
a theory of the origin of the state. divine right theory, social contract theory, evolutionary theory
American colonies declared their independence based on John Locke's political writings.
Abraham Lincoln said that one of the important purposes of government is to provide essential services.
This plan provides the rules for government. constitution
This statement in the Constitution sets forth the goals and purposes to be served by the government. Preamble
Defining the extent and limits of government power and rights of citizens is the purpose of constitutional law.
You are taking part in this when you ask people to vote for school levies. politics
The United States is an example of an industrialized nation.
Totalitarian dictatorship is a form of this type of government. autocracy
As in a dictatorship, these governments usually suppress political opposition. oligarchies
The United States has this form of government. representative democracy
In which form of government do individuals have the most freedom? democracy
needed for democracy to prosper. a social consensus, a civil society, “free” enterprise
Adam Smith provided a philosophy for this type of economic system. ”free” market
In this type of economy, the government owns the basic means of production. socialist
Critics claim that this type of economic system hinders economic growth. socialist
The United States has this type of economic system. mixed-market economy
Karl Marx believed that under this economic system one class would evolve. communism
In the most stable states, the population shares a general political and social ____________________. consensus
Population ____________________ has caused political power in the United States to shift from inner cities to suburban areas. mobility
The United States has extended its boundaries through war, purchase, and ____________________. negotiations
____________________ means the willingness of citizens to obey the government. Legitimacy
____________________ is often the cause of conflict between the poor and rich in society. Scarcity
____________________ has an unwritten constitution based on laws, court decisions, and customs. Great Britain
The Twenty-second Amendment limits the president to ____________________ elected terms. two
Within a few years of ratifying the Constitution, ____________________ began to play key roles in elections. political parties
____________________ nations have advanced technology that provides a more comfortable life than developing nations do. Industrialized
____________________ corporations are huge companies with offices and factories in many countries. Multinational
Japan’s government is a(n) ____________________. constitutional monarchy
Laws in a representative democracy are enacted by a(n) ____________________ of the lawmakers in the legislature. majority
Rival __________________ give voters a choice among candidates and simplify issues. political parties
____________________ gives people an opportunity to control their economic decisions and therefore to make political decisions. ”Free” enterprise
____________________ is the study of human efforts to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources. Economics
In a free enterprise economy, sellers ____________________ with one another to produce goods and services. compete
A(n) ____________________ economy combines free enterprise and government decisions in the marketplace. mixed-market
Sweden operates under a form of ____________________. democratic socialism
Karl Marx interpreted history as a ____________________ between workers and owners. class struggle
one of the first students of government Aristotle
a political community state
an independent state or country nation
social contract Thomas Hobbes
task of government national security
national government has key powers unitary system
loose union of independent states confederacy
divides power federal system
limited government constitutional government
nations depending on one another interdependence
ruled by one person autocracy
ruled by a few persons oligarchy
ruled by many persons democracy
Democrats and Republicans political parties
network of voluntary associations civil society
”free” enterprise system capitalism*
a hands-off economy laissez-faire
bourgeoisie capitalists
proletariat workers
command economy communism
Created by: jchavez
Popular American Government sets




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