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Chapter 4 Basic Code

Chapter in ICD-9-CM volume 1 which contains sections in TB, bacterial diseases, HIV, Viral disease, STD's, Mycoses and helminthiases. Chapter 1, infectious and Parasitic diseases (001-139)
When coding infectious and parasitic diseases, the entire health record must be reviewed to identify what about the disease? body site, severity of the disease, specific organism, etiology of infection, signs or symptoms.
In chapter 1 of ICD-9-CM these two categories are typically assigned as an additional diagnosis to describe the causative organism in disease that are classified elsewhere. 041, Bacterial infection in conditions classifiable elsewhere & unspecified site.; And 079, viral and chlamydial infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site.
Term that means that MRSA or MSSA is present on or in the body without causing a current illness. Colonization
What are the codes for MSSA and MRSA? 041.11, methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureas; and methicillin resistant Staphylococus aureaus (MRSA) 041.12
To code a positive colonization status for a patient with MRSA or MSSA what codes should you use? V02.52, Carrier or suspected carrier, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus; or V02.53, Carrier or suspected carrier, Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus.
Category 038 found in chapter 1, infectious and parasitic diseases. It results from the entry of pathogens into the bloodstream. Symptoms include spiking fever, chills, and skin eruptions in the form of petechiae or purpura. Septicemia
Frequently present in cases of bacterial infections. It is diagnosed in a patient when the white cell count is normal but there is an excess of immature white blood cells or band cells. Bandemia
A systemic disease associated with the presence of pathological organisms or toxins in the blood, which may include bacteria, fungi, viruses, or other organisms. Septicemia
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome caused by an infection. 995.91, Sepsis
Sepsis with associated acute organ dysfunction. Sepsis with hypotention, septic shock. 995.92 Severe sepsis
When the term sepsis, severe sepsis, or SIRS is used with an underlying infection other than septicemia, for example, pneumonia or UTI a code from what category should be assigned first followed by 995.91, Sepsis. 038- Bacterial septicemia
HIV is coded 042. What is Asymptomatic HIV coded in which the pt has never had an HIV-related illness. V08
An exception to the general ICD guidelines that state that diagnoses identified as "Suspected" or "possible" should be coded as if they have been established. If this occurs in this case the chart should be sent back to the physician for clarity. HIV
When coding 042, HIV disease it is always sequenced 1st as the primary diagnosis with an additional codes to identify other diagnoses. An exception for this rule is what? During pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium , a pt admitted b/c of an HIV-related illness should receive a principal diagnosis of 647.6x.
If a pt with symptomatic HIV or AIDS is admitted for an unrelated condition such as a traumatic injury how and what order would order code be coded? 1st code unrelated illness such as appendicitis, then code 042 HIV.
Patients who are admitted for an HIV-related illness should be assigned a minimum of how many codes? minimum of 2 codes. 042, HIV and the illness such as Acute lymphadenitis.
Use this code for patients without any documentation of symptoms and is reported as being HIV positive. Do not use this code if the term AIDS is used or if the patient is treated for any HIV-related illness. V08, Asymtomatic HIV
The second phase in a patient with HIV-1 is called acute primary infection and includes a phase of flu-like symptoms that include what? fever, lymphadenopathy, skin rash, and malaise.
The 4th phase in a patient with HIV-1 includes what types of symptoms? immpune suppression, such as persistent low-grade fever, night sweats, continuous or intermittent diarrhea, lymphadenopathy, unintended weight loss, oral lesions, fatigue, rashes, cognitive slowing, and peripheral neuropathy.
The 5th phase of HIV shifts to AIDS and usually occurs 2-3 years after the 4th phase. What are the symptoms of AIDS? Severe opportunistic infections, tumors in any body system, and neulogical manifestations.
Patients requesting testing for HIV should be assigned what code? V73.89, Sceening for other specified viral disease. In addition code, V69.8, other problems related to lifesyle, may be assigned.
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