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Ch. 16-18 Review

Seneca Falls Convention 1848 gathering in support of women's rights
Declaration of Sentiments document produced at the Seneca Falls Convention; it re-wrote the Declaration of Independence to say that "all men AND WOMEN are created equal"
Elizabeth Cady Stanton main organizer of the Seneca Falls Convention for women's rights
Lowell system Textile factories in Massachusetts employed unmarried women as workers in the 1820's -1830's
republican motherhood a belief after the American Revolution that women had the special responsibility to educate their children in the ideals of liberty
cult of domesticity an idea that took hold once the Industrial Revolution separate home and work; women were naturally pure and submissive, and created a moral home environment that was a refuge from the world of work
Frederick Douglass ex-slave who became a leading abolitionist lecturer and wrote a powerful autobiography
William Lloyd Garrison abolitionist who published The Liberator; he favored immediate freedom for slaves and no compensation to owners. His radical brand of abolitionism helped split the movement.
American Colonization Society (ACS) early, moderate anti-slavery group that favored gradual freeing of slaves and return of freed slaves to Africa
Nat Turner leader of violent slave rebellion in 1831
"positive good" argument position taken by some southerners (ex. John Calhoun) that slavery was a beneficial system for blacks, an inferior race who needed paternal white care
cotton gin 1793 invention by Eli Whitney that made cotton more profitable; increased the trend of the South being a one-dimensional cash-crop economy
split in American Anti-Slavery Society Radicals like Garrison believed that the Society should fully embrace women's rights; others saw it as a distraction from abolition of slavery
What was social structure of the white population in the Old South? Group 1(5%) PLANTERS: wealth plantation owners who owned most of the slaves. Group 2 (60%) YEOMAN FARMERS: independent farmers who owned few if any slaves. Group 3 (35%) POOR WHITES: unskilled laborers who owned no land or slaves
Created by: cmoody9
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