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<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Title Page from Nova Reperta</span><br />Johannes Stradanus<br />1600<br />Antwerp, Flanders<br /> Michelangelo influenced figures Snake biting itself = regeneration The New world/Old world are represented <br />Availability of the female nude figure - other, native of the Americas - Printing press, things related to alchemy, ink (producing dyes/woods)<br />
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Amerigo Vespucci Awakens a Sleeping America</span><br />Johannes Stradanus<br />1600<br />Antwerp, Flanders Availability of the female nude figure - other, native of the Americas Based on Vespucci's <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Writings of the New World</span> from his travels Cannibalism represented in background
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Bolivar on Horseback</span><br />Arayo Gomez<br />1857<br />Chile (no artist bio, find Bolivar bio)<br /> * Know their politics<br>- Bolivar resigns his job (doesn't get kicked out, murdered)
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Napoleon Crossing the Alps</span><br />David<br />1801<br />France * Know their politics
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Portrait of Bolivar (pencil drawing)</span><br />Jose' Maria Espinosa<br />1828-9ish<br />Colombia Studied with Pablo Antonio García<br />History painter and portraitist<br />His disciples include José Manuel Groot and Luis García Hevia<br />Went to war and recorded it in caricatures Drawn from life
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Bolivar: Portrait of the Liberator</span><br />Jose' Maria Espinosa<br />1864<br />Colombia Portraits continue posthumously <br />Pose in drawing was used to create this painting<br /><br />Studied with Pablo Antonio García<br />History painter and portraitist<br />His disciples include José Manuel Groot and Luis García Hevia<br />Went to war an
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Portrait of Simon Bolivar in Lima</span><br />Jose Gil Castro<br />1835<br />Peru Known as “El Mulato Gil”<br />Expert in engineering and map making<br />Bolivar's favorite portrait - "The Liberator"<br>- Military regalia<br>- Congress of Angostura, summoned by Simón Bolívar, in Angostura during the wars of Independence of Colombia and Venezuela
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Portrait Liberator Augustin de Iturbide</span><br />Anonymous<br />1822<br />Mexico 1821 Emperor<br />Designed Mexican flag<br />"Plan of Equality" - Elaborate background, Mexican, hated<br>- Tried to take Bolivar's title as "The Liberator"<br />- Shown as a gentleman
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Portrait of Policarpa Salavarrieta</span><br />Epifanio Garay Caicedo<br />19th century<br />Colombia? Seamstress tried for treason/executed for being a spy; infiltrated as a maid Images created to raise nationalism Academic style vs. naive style (execution)
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Policarpa Salavarrieta Goes to Her Execution</span><br />Anonymous<br />19th Century<br />Colombia? Seamstress tried for treason/executed for being a spy; infiltrated as a maid Images created to raise nationalism Academic style vs. naive style (execution)
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Riding to Bogotá with the Liberation Army</span><br />Francisco de Paulo Alvarez<br />19th century<br />Colombia Last battle of freedom from Spain History painting w/ landscape in the background Battle of Boyacá
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Allegory of the Departure of Dom Pedro II for Europe after the Declaration of the Republic</span><br />Anonymous<br />1890<br />Brazil? Represents the Republic of Brazil, indepence of New World<br />From monarchy to republic Hierarchy of scale<br />Phrygian cap Comissioned as a history painting, academic setting - Flag of Brazil<br>- Personification of Brazil as a new Republic<br>- Contains constitution of the new Republic<br>
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Virgin of the Hill with Charles V</span><br />Anonymous<br />1740<br />Peru?<br />Oil on canvas Syncretism - mixture of old/new religions<br /> Pachamama + Virgin Mary = one new symbol Silver mines of modern day Bolivia - silver sphere<br />Pachamama = the Andean earth and creation Charles V, Pachamama, indigenous population (Incas), trinity above
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Simon Bolivar</span><br />A. Leclerc<br />1819<br />French? Images of Bolivar, the Great Liberator To be replicated for the people *** - Propaganda to teach people what he looked like, his intentions<br />- Wanted to unify LAA - New Colombia
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Here is Your Liberator</span><br />Dubois<br />19th century<br />French? Image of Simon Bolivar, the Great Liberator *** *** - Propaganda to teach people what he looked like, his intentions<br />- Wanted to unify LAA - New Colombia
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Simon Bolivar, Liberator and Father of the Nation</span><br />Pedro Jose Figueroa<br />1819<br />Colombia Female = allegorical representation of "Gran Colombia" Bolivar = father of nation - protector of Gran Colombia Figueroa = 10 portraits of Bolívar<br />Done quickly - Naive style<br />- Includes "caiman" alligator native to LAA
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">The Martyr Olaya</span><br />Jose Gil de Castro<br />1823<br />Peru Spy, fisherman; accused of treason; local hero (took letters and swam - spy)<br />Becomes one of mots sig martyrs for race for independence (tortured) More colonial Spanish style - dandelero w/ inscription and cartoosh Made for nationality, propaganda
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Torture of Cuahte'moc</span><br />Leandro Izaguirre<br />1893<br />Mexico Studied at San Carlos under Rebull, de Pina, and Velasco Inspired by David's Death of Socrates Photography = influence<br />Native subject, non-native architecture Cuauhte'moc = Aztec ruler of Tenochtitlan from 1520 to 1521
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Friar Bartolome de las Casas</span><br />Felix Parra<br />1875<br />Mexico Student/professor at San Carlos Dominican friar that advocated before Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) - native's rights Egyptian architecture - faux-indigenous<br /><br />16th century events, 19th century figure<br />Paternal image, Catholic church propoganda
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Miranda in La Carraca</span><br />Arturo Michelena<br />1896<br />Venezuela Painted posthumously; 100 year anniversary Forerunner of Simón Bolívar Venezualan revolutionary leader; died in prison a traitor<br><br />Realism (big R), loose brush work; academic
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">The Guitar Player</span><br />Jose Ferraz de Almeida Junior<br />1899<br />Brazil Costumbrismo - customs, dress, culture Stabbed while painting at easel Student of LeCevrel, Meireles, Cabanel<br />Monumentalizing the peasant, loose brushwork, Realism
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">The Indian Potter</span><br />Francisco Laso<br />1855<br />Peru Costumbrismo - customs, dress, culture Whitening of the peasant "Mochica” pottery (Inca)<br />Representation of people of Peru; not portrait
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Dusk</span><br />Juan Manuel Blanes<br />n.d.<br />Uruguay Used Farnese Hercules as model Taught self to draw and worked as typographer Part of a series<br />-Titles = atmospheric/ambient aspects; not place/time<br />- Realism, monumentalizing of the peasant, monochromatic, subjugation of landscape to figure, sculptural figures, lower horizon line Gaucho
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">The Huntress of the Andes</span><br />Felipe Santiago Gutie'rrez<br />1891<br />Mexico Founder and director of the first Academy of Art in Colombia<br />Studied at San Carlos and Rome - Brings to Colombia his learned style<br />National identity in confines of European Academic art<br /> - LAA academic style<br>- Blended into the landscape, not sexualized/muse<br>- Not the "other" - using a white model
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">The Wave</span><br />William-Adolphe Bouguereau<br />1896<br />France sexualized/muse<br>- European academic style
<img src="" /> "Chimborazo seen from the Tapia Plateau" From<span style="font-style:italic;">Voyage of Humboldt and Bonpland...</span><br />Alexander von Humboldt<br />1810<br />Germany Venezuela - 1799 w/ botanist Aimé Bonpland<br />Went to Philadelphia and met Jefferson and Peale<br />30 volumes: <span style="font-style:italic;">Relation historique de voyage aux régions équinoxiales de nonveau continent</span> - Travel, new plant life, no one has seen it<br />- More scientific than Rugendas<br />- Pictorial atlas - volume of scientific knowledge<br />- Chimborazo = symbol for birthplace of Mexican/Aztec culture (valley of Mexico)
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">View in the Environs of Lima</span><br />Johan Moritz Rugendas<br />1843<br />Germany Family of artists, trained with father<br />Barbizon school<br />Published Voyage pittoresque au Brésil (1827-35) in 100 lithographs<br />Became court painter to Maximilian II in Bavaria<br /><br />Attended Munich Academy and studied with Lorenz von Quagl - Travel, new plant life, no one has seen it<br />- in Peru; more romantic than Humboldt
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Valley of Mexico</span><br />Jose Maria Velasco<br />1875<br />Mexico Attended San Carlos Academy, studied with Eugenio Landesio<br />Appointed professor of perspective in Academy in 1868 and 1875 Landscape professor<br />Publishes Flora de los Alrededores de Mexico<br /><br /> - Birthplace of Aztec Empire<br>- Cactus and eagle symbology<br>- Causeways reminiscent of pilgrimage through native lands of Aztec (Techiuacan??? = center)<br>- Raises horizon line, natural light<br>- Landesio = teacher
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">The Valley of Mexico</span><br />Eugenio Landesio<br />1855 c<br />Italy Student/teacher connection<br />Brought the classical landscape formula to Mexico<br />Trained in Rome
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">View of the Valley of Mexico from the Hill of Santa Isabel</span><br />Jose Maria Velasco<br />1877<br />Mexico Attended San Carlos Academy, studied with Eugenio Landesio<br />Appointed professor of perspective in Academy in 1868 and 1875 Landscape professor<br />Publishes Flora de los Alrededores de Mexico<br /><br />- His development - in beginning does use figur Birthplace of Aztec Empire<br>- Cactus and eagle symbology<br>- Raises horizon line, natural light<br>- Landesio = teacher
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Eagle and Cactus</span><br />Anonymous<br />1834<br />Mexican??
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Codex Mendoza</span><br />Anonymous<br />1541-42 c<br />Aztec/Spanish<br />Manuscript
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">El Citlaltepetl</span><br />Jose Maria Velasco<br />1879<br />Mexico Paints as if looking through a telescope (not natural) Train in 1837 = major economic development in Mexico at time Salon of 1879/1880 "Impressions of an Afficianado" Milano; resulting images influenced? - Integration of industry into power of his landacpes<br>- Tries to perfect the Valley of Mexico, which epitomizes his culture<br>
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">View of the Valley of Mexico</span><br />Daniel Thomase Egerton<br />1837<br />England
<img src="" /> <span style="font-style:italic;">Gust of Wind at the Summit, Iztaccihuatl</span><br />Daniel Thomas Egerton<br />n.d.<br />England Founding member of the Society of British Artists Sublime - awe + terror<br /> Costumbrismo + topography<br />More mountain vs. sky (against traditional landscape format) - Loraine, Poussin, Carracci - Example of the sublime (awe + terror) in natural landscapes
<img src="" /> Anonymous<br />"Calavera Unmasking the Truth"<br />El Calavera<br />1847 2 February<br />Mexico? El Calavera was found in 1847 - Satirical, political, and literary periodical with visual content These skeletons in modern dress are a precedent for Posada's calaveras later on Artist kept anonymous to escape persecution - fermenting disunion, inciting a revolution, etc. 1847 2 February<br />Ilen Stavans - Posada, Lampooner - Drawing it out and eventually printing it<br>- Manilla = invented calaveras; Posada popularized them<br>- Satirical, later an honor<br>- Anonymous in beginning to avoid arrest
<img src="" /> Anonymous<br />"Calavera Unmasking the Truth"<br />El Calavera<br />1847 26 March<br />Mexico? Appeared on the cover of <span style="font-style:italic;">La Calavera, </span>which was found in 1847 These skeletons in modern dress are a precedent for Posada's calaveras later on Artist kept anonymous to escape persecution - fermenting disunion, inciting a revolution, etc. 1847 26 March<br />Ilen Stavans - Posada, Lampooner - Drawing it out and eventually printing it<br>- Manilla = invented calaveras; Posada popularized them<br>- Satirical, later an honor<br>- Anonymous in beginning to avoid arrest
<img src="" /> José Guadalupe Posada<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla</span><br />c. 1899<br />Mexico Creole priest born in Guanajuato who initiated the Mexican Revolution against Spain This image marked the 89th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution Took up the banner of the Virgin of Guadalupe, a Maryian icon declared in 1999 "the Empress of Latin America" 1899 c. Priest responsible for the Mexican revolution
<img src="" /> Diego Rivera<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Zapatista Landscape (The Guerilla)</span><br />1915<br />Mexico Based of a portrait of revolutionary figure Emiliano Zapata who wrote "Manifesto of the Mexicans"<br /> Epitomy of his career and Mexican-ness (hat, gun, etc.), even though murals are more famous This image combines synthetic cubism, analytic cubism, and Seurat's pointellism; "faux bois" technique = fake wood 1915 Pointellism, sarape, riffle, hat, supposed to be Zapata
<img src="" /> Detroit Institute of Arts Diego Rivera<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Detroit Industry South Wall </span>Fresco<br />1932<br />Mexico Studied at San Carlos Academy under Parra, Velasco and Rebull Mixture of Aztec traditions and industrialization, with a robotic figure on the R that resembles Coatlicue "Coatlicue" = Aztec earth goddess that both creates and destroys; emphasizes Rivera's national pride 1932 Top = races, middle = elements, bottom = man/machine
<img src="" /> Diego Rivera<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Flower Day</span><br />1925<br />Indigenismo "Indigenismo" - fascinated with the Indian or Mestizo way of life, since 1921 in Yucatan<br />“the official attitude of praising and fostering native values” Lillies are given on Easter because they represent resurrection and are Christlike - syncretism Female figures inspired by Aztec Chalchihuitlicue sculptures (goddess of water and childbirth)<br /><img src="paste4e1ypy.jpg" /> 1925<br /> faces, and positioning of the hands; can just say goddess of the earth<br />Jean Charlot, "Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785-1915" - Indigenismo<br>- Hands influenced by Meso American sculpture<br>- Flowers sold in Holy Week (Easter)<br>
<img src="" /> Diego Rivera<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Flower Seller with Lilies</span><br />1943<br />Indigenismo "Indigenismo" - focuses on the indigenous populations and culture of the Americas - costumbrismo aspects of braids and ponchos <br />“the official attitude of praising and fostering native values”<br /> Lillies are given on Easter because they represent resurrection and are Christlike - syncretism Female figures inspired by Aztec Chalchihuitlicue sculptures (goddess of water and childbirth)<br /><img src="paste4e1ypy.jpg" /> 1943<br />Jean Charlot, "Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785-1915"<br />- Flower seller has become anonymous<br />- Still folded feet; look like they're praying, religious conotation - Indigenismo<br>- Anonymous peasant<br>- Flowers sold in Holy Week (Easter)<br>
<img src="" /> José Sabogal<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">The Indian Mayor of Chincheros: Varayoc</span><br />1925<br />Peru Studied at the National School of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires 6 month stay in Cuzco prompted his indigenism, despite his Spanish descent Founder and long-time leader of the "Peruvian School" of painting 1925<br />Travel and Reportage in Post-Independence Latin American Art<br />Jean Charlot, "Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785-1915" Avant-garde<br>- background = detailed<br>- Monumental peasant<br>- Costumbrismo<br>- Indigenismo (facial features)
<img src="" /> Franscisco Laso<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">The Indian Potter</span><br />1855<br />Peru Costumbrismo - customs, dress, culture AND indigenismo - fosters the culture of the Native population<br /> 1st academic artist in Peru to turn attention to local inhabitants "Moche" pottery - Inca pots, meant to hold liquid, made by Inca people and meant to be portraits 1855<br />Travel and Reportage in Post-Independence Latin American Art<br />Jean Charlot, "Mexican Art and the Academy of San Carlos, 1785-1915" academic<br>- background = in studio<br>- Whitening of peasant, mochica pot<br>- Monumental peasant<br>- Costumbrismo
<img src="" /> Antonio Berni<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Juanito Laguna Goes to the City</span><br />1963<br />Argentina<br /> His father, Napoleón Berni, was an immigrant tailor from Italy Studied Pre-Colombian art in the 1940s on journey through Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia By the 60s he made his figures the subjects of assemblages with random found objects/trash 1963<br />- Social painting commun issues of poverty<br />- Going to see his father to give him lunch Example of found objects - actual trash<br>- Also Ramona Montiel (prostitute) - made up characters
<img src="" /> Raquel Forner<br><span style="font-style:italic;">Drama</span><br>1942<br>Argentina Global misery, apoc and events<br>Women victims during the war<br>Reps humanity in general when she presents herself<br>Sometimes Xn icon – female christ, martyr<br>Skeleton – 7 face demon – whore of babylon 7 headed beast<br>Destc of civil<br>Vaitas<br>N Self portrait, hand, calavera being in there; surrealism<br>
<img src="" /> Juan O’Gorman<br />Self-Portrait<br />1950<br />Mexico<br /> Works are said to be auto-biographical w/o being too personal<br /> Doesn’t necessarily fulfill aspects of surrealism (pure)<br />-Not dreamlike, but is strange/out of place<br /> Deals w/ aspect of private/public persona, how we view him<br Architecture before did works<br />Portraits in portraits<br />
<img src="" /> Julio Castellanos<br><span style="font-style:italic;">The Angel Kidnappers</span><br>1943<br>Mexico Classify as surrealism<br> Folk legends vs. other worldly experiences or psychic phenom<br> Myth where angels steal babies from cribs at night while parents are sleeping – infant death syndrome<br> Used to explain the high inf Based on a folk tale to explain infant death syndrome
<img src="" /> Antonio Ruiz<br><span style="font-style:italic;">The Dream of Malinche</span><br>1939<br>Mexico<br> Surrealism in LAA = thought provoking<br> Combining reality w/ allegory/mythology<br>Dealt w/ diff types of subjects<br> Paintings done in small scale<br> Appear naive to us (seems to be presenting it from untrained pov; but was well Malinche is the lover of Cortez<br>
<img src="" /> Frida Kahlo<br><span style="font-style:italic;">The Two Fridas</span><br>1939<br>Mexico What makes it surreal is having double portraits of her<br>In response to her divorce from Rivera (remarries him the following year)<br>L Frida in techuana dress (spelling).... And R......<br>END CLASS<br>R is the tijuana version of herself who Diego love Know your Frida – bio<br>Question of whether she is surrealist – Magic Realsim
<img src="" /> Frida Kahlo<br><span style="font-style:italic;">My Birth</span><br>1932<br>Mexico Participated 1940 national surrealism exhibition in Mexico City<br>Breton - surrealist but she didn’t know it (developed independently from them)<br>Both of these works are presented as miraculous interventions<br>L – panel at bottom where you would have
<img src="" /> Frida Kahlo<br><span style="font-style:italic;">The Suicide of Dorothy Hale</span><br>1939<br>Mexico Participated 1940 national surrealism exhibition in Mexico City<br>Breton - surrealist but she didn’t know it (developed independently from them)<br>Both of these works are presented as miraculous interventions<br>L – panel at bottom where you would have Continuous narrative R<br>R mimics an exvoto called “retablo” like w/ Goya and his doctor<br> usually to give thanks<br>Not well received<br>
<img src="" /> Remedios Varo<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Exploration of the Source of the Orinoco RIver</span><br />1959<br />Spain Different kind of surrealism from those exiled (or is exiled0 Does a lot with female occupations<br />Self port/referential?<br />Remin of the fountain of life Xn iconography<br /> altar<br /><br />- Golden/silvery tones, assoc with Bosch<br />- Bo - Her figures look like her - heart shaped face, pointed nose, pursed lips<br />- Interested in alchemy, music, and celestial imagery (other worldly)<br />
<img src="" /> Leonora Carrington<br />Self-Portrait<br />1937<br />Britiain - Both work in Mexico, exiled artist<br /> working in surrealism that is from Europe<br />- Both self referential<br /> R – multiple self portraits<br />- Both reference escape<br />- Iconography - based on shrot stories we ID hyena that wen Horse outside is another self portrait outside as free
<img src="" /> Pedro Figari<br><span style="font-style:italic;">Candombe</span><br>1920s<br>Uruguay Subject matter - ...<br>Thick applic of paint, aspects of fracture in his works<br>Infl by impress but also Bonard in his use of color<br>Subject matter - makes up scenes of Condombe (other scenes terteuis? = gathering in LAA wher eyou have convos and dri Candombe – gets info from reading and interviews<br> don’t happen anymore
<img src="" /> Armando Reverón<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Cinco Figuras</span><br />1939<br />Venezuala Dolls<br> Exaggerated sexual features- point of being grotesque<br>Cardboard, paper, wires, thread, skeletons etc.<br>Basic study of the female nude Dolls – not real people<br />Lives in a hut in the middle of nowhere and his woman<br /> primative life<br />Know a little bio – ties belt to his body to control his gentials
<img src="" /> Tarsila do Amaral<br><span style="font-style:italic;">Abaporu</span><br>1928<br>Brazil - 1st painting of the period<br>- Abapuru<br>- Makes it for ___'s birthday<br>- Stylized; connection with the earth (large feet)<br> - Abapuru = "man eats"<br>- ___re wrote a manifesto; when paints figure it is class as Anthropophagite<b Painting given as a gift for ___’s birthday<br>Has to do with movement known as “anthropophagite”<br> literary movement along with artistic<br>Equated with Lam = most representative paintings in LAArt
<img src="" /> Joaqui'n Torres-Garcia<br>Composicion Universal<br>1933<br>Uruguay Luis Fernandes – assoc w/, also intersted in Masonic?<br>Divided further (grids), colors aren’t as bold/bright – gray/white/red/yellow mixed into each other<br> becomes int in using milk cans, architectural elements from antiquity, and “hierarchy o 3 levels – idea (triangle), emotional (heart), material (fish)<br>Sun is significant b/c connects to the Inca<br>Looking at artist interested in the Free Masons
<img src="" /> Alejandro Otero<br><span style="font-style:italic;">Delta Solar Statue</span> - Air and Space Museum, D.C.<br>1977<br>Venezuela<br> Donated by gov of Venez to US<br> gift to celebrate the bicentennial of US independence<br>Typical of his style – architectural sculpture (sculpture in a large scale)<br> works with cubes<br>Pyramid – ideas, the sun, Inca sun, connects to al Aspect of pyramid again, idea of the sun<br>Temple to technology<br>Venezuala gave as gift to US<br> individual units, reflecting pool, and they shift – technically kinetic sculpture in relation to architecture<br><br>
<img src="" /> Jesu's Rafael Soto<br /><span style="font-style:italic;">Pene'trable BBL Bleu</span><br />1969 refabricated 1999<br />Venezuela Nylon – sense of it enveloping you, engulfing you, changing your perception of the visual/tactile<br />Entered by spectators<br />Talks of it about a “forest” you would walk into of elements/matierals<br />Wanted them to evoke a “gentle tropical rain”<br Penetrables<br />Gets the idea for these – box w/ plexiglass with lines in it, and wants to go into the box to makes these with nylon – frame<br />Installation of kinetic sculpture<br />Penetrable – who comes up with the idea first = Elio Teseca??? Oitici
<img src="" /><img src="" /> He'lio Oiticica<br><span style="font-style:italic;">Tropica'lia</span><br>1967<br>Brazil Meant to mimic a shanty town<br>alienation<br>contemporary tv and shanty town contradicting each other<br>Theories that go against Frued<br>Cartesan - Marlot Ponty where we stress the role of the body in perception<br> if we can touch/feel/smell th Invents penetrable<br>NeoConcrete<br>Tropicalia<br>This piece invents Tripicalismo<br>Polysensoral (not just visual)<br>Supposed to look like a shanty town – high art where you walk in a shanty town in Brazil<br> replicating a sense of his culture<
<img src="" /> Carlos Cruz Diez<br>Chromointerference Oval A1<br>2008<br>Venezuela Combo color, line, light and diff elements so it moves<br> appears to move/merge in terms of optics<br>Seurat – cones/rods and how they work (early on)<br>Post-Impressionist thought<br> how color/perception/emotion are dealt with<br>Percepti Op-Art and kinetic<br>Focus on connection between color and emotion*
<img src="" /> Fernando Botero Angulo <br><span style="font-style:italic;">After Velazquez</span><br>1978??? 1988???<br>Colombia Appropriates previous works<br> dialogue with art history<br>Language of fat figures – think of (Metti – string figures)<br>Funny, satirical, etc. some people think<br>Mirror – what Valaz was playing with with Baroque, decorativeness of dress<br>In Says of fat figures – they’re just figures<br>Always in dialog witht he past<br>Infanta is Princess of Spain during reign of Philip the 4th<br>“most colombian of colombian painters”<br>People interpret them as satirical – is it his intention?<br> v
<img src="" /> Claudio Bravo<br><span style="font-style:italic;">Vanitas</span><br>1981<br>Chile Dialogue with the past<br>Cota’n – vegetables<br>Zurbara’n<br>This is actually the clothes that they wear in morrocco - coincidence<br> habits = djellaval? <br>Remin of Spanish baroque paintings<br>Calls vanitas on purpose<br>Realistic<br> Spansih, baroque, Zurbaran = influences<br>Lives in Tangiers/Morrocco<br>Painting
<img src="" /> Pepo'n Osorio<br><span style="font-style:italic;">En la Barberia no se Llora</span><br>1994<br>Puerto Rico 1994<br>Set up in a real building, rented it out and set up an entire installation – so originally it is part of the community<br>1st experience of getting a haircut<br> traumatizing experience – father said couldn’t cry<br>Talk about them as “chuc Need to see the video<br> summary – goes to get haircut, can’t deal with kinky hair, boys don’t cry in the barbershop<br>Actual place that used to be a barber shop – degree in social work<br> 2 screens on the outside, see men crying<br>Machi
Created by: takeshertime
Popular History sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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