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Downey ID terms

4/12 test

Clayton Anti-Trust Act Wilson: Trust busting - Continued Teddy's Sherman Act, ended monopolies & cartels
Rough Riders Teddy Roosevelt's Cavalry Unit Stormed San Juan Hill in the Mexican War Liberated Cuba, road to Presidency
Cuba Libre Policy of leaving Cuba free of control after the Spanish-American War. Took Philippines but left Cuba. McKinley's contradictory philosophy.
The "Maine" Ship was blown up outside Havana. Not cause was found. Used as propaganda to justify the Spanish-American War in the Yellow Press.
Emilio Aguinaldo Filipino general leader, helped liberate Philippines from Spain, then turned on U.S. for occupation. Started Filipino War, then elected prez.
Gifford Pinchot Environmentalist, organized management of Forest Services. Advocate of planned use and renewal. Worked with Teddy to establish National Park. Advocated damming Hetchhetchy, battled John Muir, was fired by Taft.
William Howard Taft Prez (1909-1913) Groomed by Teddy, started as a Progressive, then shifted to right. 16th Amendment: Income Tax. Prompted Teddy to run again in 1914, made Repubs lose.
The New Freedom Wilson: Tariff, Banking, Business reform. Clayton Anti-Trust act, Federal Reserve System, Underwood Tariff Act (lowered), Federal Trade Act/Commission.
Income Tax Amendment Taft: 16th Amendment - Gives Congress the power to levy taxes without apportioning it.
Federal Reserve Act Created Fed Reserve System: issued fed reserve notes (dollars), signed by Wilson. Shifted from gold standards.
Alice Paul Suffragette, activist, led campaign for women's suffrage , leading to 19th Amendment in 1920.
Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine: warned Euro contries to stay out of West Hemisphere, U.S. out of Euro. Justified U.S. policing/stabilization of Venezuelan debt crisis and other revolts for economic purposes.
Open Door Policy Roosevelt opening trade between China and Japan. Negotiated power settlement between Japan and Russia to preserve economic interests - Portsmouth (1905)
Dollar Diplomacy Taft preserving economic interests through diplomacy, military, and financial supervisions. Forced payment of loans to Euro countries.
Russo-Japanese War Fighting over Manchuria & Korea for ports/trade. Roosevelt helps negotiate treaty for economic interests - Portsmouth (1905)
Submarine Problem Germans using subs in WWI, but not legal - can't obey int'l rules of war (picking up survivors, warning ships). Prompted hatred of Germany & forced U.S. to favor Allies.
The "Lusitania" American passengers aboard British ship, blown up by Germans for suspected war supplies. Public opinion wants war.
Zimmerman Note Germans send note to Mexico to attack U.S. Intercepted, Mexico rejected, public wants war.
The Great Migration (1910-1970) Blacks moving from south to north to find jobs and escape discrimination. 1.6 million ppl moving from farms to cities to secure jobs, education, voting, and safety.
The Fourteen Points Wilson's speech to congress (1918) to get U.S. to enter WWI. Persuaded the public and congress to agree to a peace to end all wars.
"Peace without Victory" Wilson wanted no unconditional surrender for Germany. Wanted peace and compromise and agreement to provide for indefinite peace. Treaty of Versailles didn't do this, left Germany fucked, congress didn't ratify
Peace of Versailles 1919 treaty to end war. Blamed Germany for war, forced to pay reparations. Ignored Wilson's peace without victors.
Marcus Garvey 1920-40s started black nationalism movement and pan-africanism. Started the Universal Negro Improvement Association and inspired the Nation of Islam, Rastifarianism, and Black Power (Malcolm X)
Red Scare of 1919,1920 Response to Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917). Scare over communist rise in U.S. Communism/Anarchism was answer to poverty & big business, scare-> xenophobia.
Woman Suffrage Right of Women to vote and run for office, leading to ERA (19th amend) in 1920.
Temperance (Prohibition) Movement to outlaw alcohol. Movement led by Christian puritist mothers to remove the evils of society. 18th amend outlaws, 21st makes legal.
The First ERA Proposed in 1923 by Alice Paul, but died because women were split over the denial of legal protection of women. Finally passed ij 1972.
Warren G. Harding Conservative, make no enemies campaign, promised to return nation to normalcy after WWI. Put friends into power positions.
Calvin Coolidge Took over for Harding, restored public confidence in White House after Harding Scandals. Middle class representative.
the Harding Scandals Ohio gang: power given to close friends to exploit power for personal gain.
Welfare Capitalism System of Capitalism where employers provide employee benefits and welfare programs.
Sacco & Vanzetti Italian immigrants accused of armed robbery. They were anarchist radicals. No proof, but killed. Showed fear of immigrants and radicalism, and the courts not protecting civil liberties. Resulted in ALCU.
Harlem Renaissance 1920s-30s: cultural movement. Blacks moving into cities, more time, more jobs, more leisure->literature, music, poetry.
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union: non-profit, protects free speech & constitutional rights. Founded in 1920 to protect anti-war protesters and radicals. Worked with NAACP.
National Origins Act (1924) 2% of residents in 1890 quota. Disadvantaged south/east euro. Western hemisphere excluded from Act. Xenophobia.
Bonus Army March WWI veterans marching on capital to get money promised in 1945 sooner. Hoover burned the camp when refused to leave.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Aid and loans to farms, businesses, banks. Part of trickle down economics->didn't work as planned. CEOs/investors get $$.
Hoovervilles Shanty towns built by homeless/jobless ppl during Depression. Named after Hoover b/c he didn't care about the common ppl.
New Deal Acts/Programs FDR (1933) Massive legislation overhaul. Mandate for action b/c landslide election. Majorities in congress gets bills thru.
Civilian Conservation Corps Public works relief program. Unskilled young men donated to national parks for conservation and manual labor jobs.
Public Works Administration Large construction projects - bridges, dams, hospitals, schools. Revive economy. Took too long to plan.
Court Packing Wants to nominate 6 new judges to flood court with progressive judges to keep New Deal Acts in play. Ineffective, fails.
Securities Exchange Act Law governing stock/bonds trading. SEC established to prevent bad business trades and another depression. Protected individual investments.
Works Progress Administration Smaller projects, unskilled labor, immediate. Revived economy, gave jobs.
War with Spain For: Monroe Doctrine, Public Opinion (Maine), Sugar interests in Cuba/Philippines. Against: McKinley wants peace, Cuba's not U.S. problem, unjustified way to gain land.
Taking Philippines For: not ready for self-gov't, will be taken over if U.S. doesn't, economic benefits. Against: morals, costly to control, passivist objection.
Wilson's policy/legislation/legacy New Freedom, fourteen points (war), League of Nations (Treaty of Versailles), mock-neutrality for economic flourishing, women's suffrage.
Taft's Betrayal of Progressivism Started under Teddy R. progressive campaign. Fired Pinchot & busted one monopoly that TR liked. Raised tariffs, imposed income tax.
Roosevelt Corollary in Dom. Repub. Added to the Monroe Doctrine to keep Russia & Germany out of West. Left West in U.S. control to keep Euro out. Used Corollary to balance budget, diminish debt, revive economy, taking care of countries for economics and shipping routes.
Panama Canal criticisms Intervened in Panamanian revolt, Social Darwinism/racism makes us control Panama/we have right. Abuse power for economic benefits.
U.S. in WWI The Lusitania, Zimmerman note,German war crimes, ->public opinion. One sided trade (based on Anglicism) forced sides.
Criticism of U.S. neutrality Not actually neutral: less trade to Germany, enforced war crimes only on Germany, didn't join early enough for better resolution, didn't explore options (embargo/no travel)
Major changes during WWI for blacks/women Women used in factories/nursing positions, more work. Allowed more freedom in dress, public behavior, jobs. More jobs for blacks, racism/segregation in army. more political alctivism.
Civil Liberties Restrictions WWI Free Speech restricted: war critics jailed/deported. Alien/Sedition Act. No german, restrict food.
Criticisms of Wilson post-WWI Didn't bring any U.S. reps with him, too idealistic, can't convince for non-unconditional surrender, didn't negotiate treaty.
Post-WWI disillusionment/Conservatism Red Scare, Cold War, booming economy but War reparations not paid, Int'l isolationism. Wary of foreign powers b/c war, avoid entaglements
Roaring '20s Up big business, int'l trade, std. of living. Consumerism, expendable income, credit buying, mass culture (tv/radio).
Problems of the 1920's economy Agriculture broken, economic racism, credit defaults, didn't understand complex economics.
Fundamentalist Controversy Cities (modernism) vs. Rural (fundamentalist). KKK: religious change, evolution, prohibition, immigration. Scopes: teacher for evolution, fired, fined but success.
Hoover & Depression Philosophy Laissez Faire economics, didn't want to interfere, wanted private volunteers, balanced budget, too little too late. Underestimated.
FDR's Depression Philosophy WPA, PWA, CCC, TVA, keyensian economics to all. Intervene as much as possible - optimism
Created by: mwright555
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