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Domestic Pol. Study

Domestic Policy Study Stacks

1. Domestic Policy Domestic policy influences government because it is concerned with issues that directly impact the American voters. Usually, policy is set by public interest, natural disasters, or major events.
2. LBJ's "War on Crime" LBJ issued a war on crime after a fear from street crimes had increased. Wanted speedy adoption of crime, and said it was the gov't duty to protect citizens.
3. Gun Control Became national issue after shooting of Ronald Reagan. Clinton singed bill requiring background checks before purchase of guns, and gained support for ban of some assault weapons
4. Federal Spending on Crime Initiatives (officers, prisons) President Clinton won support for new spending on crime initiatives including hiring new police officers, building new prisons, and "boot camps" for juvenile offenders.
5. Harsher Punishments (federal crimes) Clinton listed federal crimes punishable by the death penalty and the "three strikes laws," saying certain sentences if convicted of a third felony.
6. Three Strikes Law Instituted certain sentences if convicted of a certain felony. Required courts to issue life sentence if convicted of a third serious federal crime.
7. "War on Drugs" US took stance against drugs. Deported non-citizens who had drug offenses, imposed collateral consequences such as refusal of benefits not applicable to other crimes. Follows "three strikes law."
8. Brown v. Board (1954) Supreme Court case that ruled segregation was against the Constitution. Integrated schools through the Supreme Court decision.After this, education focused on allowing equal access to educational opportunities.
9. State Government's Role Leads a large role in education. Relies on federal government mainly for funds for districts, and issues standardized tests and the standards that schools must meet.
10. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) Federal funds were provided to public school districts with low-income populations. Increased role of federal government in what was previously in the state control.
11. Department of Education Created by Congress in order to coordinate education policy
12. School Vouchers Would allow parents to choose the schools their children attend at public expense.
13. No Child Left Behind Signed by President Bush, it required states to administer proficiency tests in public schools to monitor progress, and coupled it with federal funds given to the districts.
14. Renewable Resources Traditionally the focus of government policy towards the environment, and conservation and study of alternative resources of fuel.
15. Global Warming Addressed by newer legislation concerned with air pollution and lowering the impact on the atmosphere.
16. Toxic Waste Disposal (Superfund) Established in 1980 to clean up toxic waste sites, and currently it provides tracking of hazardous chemicals and disposal of toxic waste
17. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Created in the 1970s to enforce environmental legislation, also pushes new legislation that reduces the impact on the environment and attempts to control pollution/toxic substances.
18. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Part of the Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, it requires companies to issue how actions will impact the environemnt, positive or negative,and provides alternative ways something it can be done.
19. Clean Air Act (1970) Instituted to control air pollution of moving and stationary sources (including cars). Set standards for pollution, and required companies to implement the new standards and meet them.
20. Water Pollution Control Act (1962) Designed to clean up lakes and rivers. The Environmental Impact Statements was a part of this legislation.
21. Endangered Species Act (1973) Provided government protection for animals listed as endangered, enfored by EPA.
24. Medicare Provides healthcare for the elderly, but is very costly, and people view it as non-important
25. Medicaid Provides medical coverage to the poor, and is very costly, and the public does not think it is a critical program
26. Veterans Administration (VA) Created to consolidate Veterans affairs. Created VA hospitals, which provided health care to veterans and also as medical school.Became Department of Veterans Affairs.Criticized for high mortality rates.Went through changes to increase quality/efficiency.
27. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Created to regulate public health through monitoring food, drugs, dairy, vaccines, medical devices, and cosmetics.
28. Clinton's Health-Care Proposals Reform addressed cost and access.But plan would have widespread taxes, including a tax on cigarettes, which angered tobacco industry. Labeled as government takeover, expensive and killed jobs. Died in Congress.
29. Obama-care Focused on providing access to everyone and containing costs. Wanted to end discrimination against people with preexisting conditions and dropped coverage. Resistance came from proposals to create cheap alternative, fearful of government takeover and debt
30. Social Welfare Origins (New Deal) Began during Great Depression, FDR, because citizens wanted government help against economic lows and poverty.
31. Social Security Act First step in fight against poverty. First to advocate for the elderly, poverty, and unemployment.
32. LBJ's Great Society Continued war on poverty by creating Medicare, school aid, and job training to prevent poverty. Housing programs and urban renewal was important goals. Criticized for expanding gov't, raising taxes, and expand scope of gov't.
33. Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Created by Social Security Act, that provided financial assistance to children of single parents or whose families had low or no income. Criticized for offering incentives to women to have children, and disincentives for women to join the workforce.
34. Temporary Assistant for Needy Families (TANF) Replaced AFDC and provided cash assistance to poor American families with dependent children, with temporary financial assistance while aiming to get people off that assistance,through employment. Said to increase dependence on gov't.
Created by: phickert1
Popular American Government sets




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