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Chapter 7 Clinical

Surgical Asepsis - Terms

Aerobe An organism that is able to live and grow ONLY in the PRECENSE of OXYGEN
Anaerobe An organism that is able to survive and grow ONLY in the WITHOUT OXYGEN
Aseptic Technique AKA: Sterile Technique - Maintaining a pathogen free or pathogen-controlled enviroment to prevent the spread of illness and disease.
Bactericidal Capable of killing or destorying bacteria
Bloodborne Pathogens Pathogens carried in the blood stream
BSI Body Substance Isolation Procedure, Equipment and supplies used to prevent the transmission of cummunicable disease by preventing direct contact with all body substance
Carrier A person who has the capacity to transmit a disease and is usually unaware of infection
CDC Centers of Disease Control Studies and monitors disease and disease prevention and works to protect public health and safety
Cilia Hairlike processes projecting from the epithelial cells
Contamination Making a sterile field unclean or having pathogens placed in it
Dermis Middle layers of the skin
Disinfection Method of decontamination that destroys or inhibits pathogenic microorganisms but does not kill spores and some viruses
Epidermis Outer Most layer of the skin
Epithelial Pertaining to the epithelium (cells covering the external and internal surface of the body)
Follicle Small hallow or cavity with secretory functions
Formites Non living objects that may transmit infectious material
Homestasis Interactions between the body systems that maintains optimum body functions
Immunity Ability to resist disease
Incubation A period of time between exposure to infection and the appearance of symptoms
Infection Invaision of the body by a pathogenic microorganism
Integumentary Pertaining to the skin, hair and nails
Keratinocyte Any skin cells that produce keratin, the hard protein material found in the skin, hair and nails
Medical Asepsis Practice of removing or reducing the number of pathogens and the transmission of disease. AKA - Clean Technique
Microorganisims Organisim that can be viewed under a microscope,but not by the naked eye
Non Pathogen Harmless organism that does not cause disease
Nosocomial Infection Infection resulting from the hospitalization of a patient
PPE - Personal Protection Equipment Protective clothing and equipment such as gloves, gowns and muscles that are worn to prevent conatimination
Phagocytosis Engulging and destruction of microorganisim or foreign matter by phagocytic cells
Standard precaustions Precaustions that replace body substance isolation and universal precaustions in instutional health care
Sterile Free from pathogens and all microorganisms
Subcutaneous Tissue Deepest layer of the skin
Transmission-Based Precautions Care based on symptoms of disease and transmission method of the pathogens, such as contact, droplet, air
Universal Precautions The CDC's orginal guideline for preventing the transmission of AIDs and other blood borne disease.
ELISA Enzyme - Linked immunosorbent assay
Created by: 1027949294
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