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ChiroBoards3: Blood, Lymph, Genitourinary
Question | Answer |
Multiple round, freely moveable masses can be palpated. bilateral breast tenderness that is made worse with caffeine intake, ovulation, or menses. | Fibrocystic breast disease |
Most common benign breast tumor, usually less than 30 years old. non-tender, single lump. 75% unilateral = | Fibroadenoma |
Second most common cause of cancer death in women = | Breast cancer |
most common cancer in women over 50 = | Breast cancer |
Most common location breast cancer is found = | upper/outer quadrant |
presents with nipple retraction, bleeding, orange peel appearance, and dimpling = | Breast cancer |
"Paget's dx of the breast" aka = | Breast cancer |
Tortuous dilation of the spermatic veins = | varicocele |
"Bag of worms", feeling upon palpation that diminishes from standing to supine = (spermatic veins) = | Varicocele |
A fluid filled mass in the epididymus. Its painless, movable, pea sized lump located superior/posterior to the testes = | Spermatocele |
When a patient has spermatocele, they will not have transilumination of epidydmus = T/F? | False |
Epididymus is not a consequence of an STD = T/F ? | False |
Excess accumulation of water in the testicles. It transluminates. = | hydrocele |
To relieve the scrotal tenderness, you can lift the testes = in what condition? | epididymitis |
Most common form of cancer in males age 20-34 = | Testicular cancer |
most common cancerous nodule seen with testicular cancer? | seminoma |
Enlarged non tender, firm, smooth, with loss of median sulcus (male genitourinal disorder) = | Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia |
Boggy, soft, enlarged, tender, with urinary problems such as increased urgency = | Prostatitis |
Prostate: posterior lobe is hard, nodular, painless, and enlarged. = | Prostatic carcinoma |
Where and what route is most common for metastasis, in Prostatic carcinoma | Most common place to metastasize is to the lumbar spine via Batson's plexus |
Most prostatic metastasis's are _____________ lesions (80%) | plastic lesions |
erect penis or clitoris[1] does not return to its flaccid state, despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation, within four hours | Priapism |
foreskin cannot be fully retracted over the glans penis | Phimosis |
condition of the testes involving inflammation. It can also involve swelling and frequent infection. | Orchitis |
the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum. It is the most common birth defect regarding male genitalia | Cryptorchidism |
Instead of opening at the tip of the glans of the penis, the urethra opens anywhere along a line (the urethral groove) running from the tip along the underside (ventral aspect) of the shaft | hypospadius |
urethra running along the dorsal side of the penis, creating an abnormal opening along the penis shaft. | epispadius |
most common symptom is acute testicular pain and the most common underlying cause is a congenital malformation known as a "bell-clapper deformity" | testicular torsion |
Vascular Disease: Artery temp = | cool |
Vascular Disease: Artery skin color = | pale or blue |
Vascular Disease: Artery pulse = | weak or absent |
Vascular Disease: Artery numbness? = | present |
Vascular Disease: Is there Artery swelling? = | not usually |
Vascular Disease: Artery = Raynaud's phenomena? | Present |
Vascular Disease: Artery = Trophic changes? | Thin skin |
Vascular Disease: Artery = valve competence = ? | not applicable |
Vascular Disease: Vein =temp? | warm |
Vascular Disease: Vein = Skin color? | normal or discolored |
Vascular Disease: Vein = pulse? | normal |
Vascular Disease: Vein = numbness? | absent |
Vascular Disease: Vein =swelling? | Presen |
Vascular Disease: Vein = Raynaud's phenomena? | Absent |
Vascular Disease: Vein =trophic changes? | Stasis Dermatits |
Vascular Disease: Vein = valve incompetence? | present |
What condition can cause ulcerations of the feet and ankles and must be ddx'ed from diabetes? | Stasis dermatitis |
Pain appears while walking and disappears after rest | Intermittent claudication |
Claudication: Pattern is not predictable, relief is positional related (seated with flexion) = which type? | Neurologic Claudicaton |
What are 2 causes of neurologic claudication? | DJD and Spinal Canal Stenosis |
Claudication: Pattern is predictable, relief always occurs with rest = | Vascular Claudication |
What are 2 causes of vascular claudication? | Arteriosclerosis; Buerger's |
Claudication time test = description and (+) | patient walks at rate of 120 steps/minute for 1 minute; Positive is pain in calves. |
Bicycle test: | Patient pedals fast until painful, rest until painless. Repeat. Pain in calves is positive for vascular |
Stoop test: | Walking causes pain, stooping or flexion relieves it. Positive is pain in legs = neurogenic claudication. |
Buerger's, aka = | Thromboangitis Obliterans |
Presents with intermittent claudication, non-healing ulcers, and gangrene. Associated with 20-40 y.o males who smoke excess tobacco = | Buerger's/ Thromboangitis Obliterans |
Seen in patients over 15 years old and dx is associated with Buerger's, Collagen dx, and scleroderma = | Raynaud's |
The phenomena is brought on by cold, stress, or emotion = | Raynaud's |
Use what ortho test for Raynaud's? | Allen's test |
presents in pt's over 20, with competent valves, dilated tortuous channels = | varicose veins |
Perthe's, aka Tourniquet test is for what? | varicose veins |
Explain Perthe's/Tourniquet test = | Place a tourniquet around the upper thigh of the pt. and instruct them to exercise the leg for 60 seconds while noting prominence of variscocities. |
What is a positive on Perthe's test = | Variscosities distend and patient experiences pain |
Presents with tenderness, edema, and pain in the lower extremities | DVT |
positive Homan's test with this leg condition = | DVT |
What test is this? = patient is supine with leg extended while examiner raises the leg off the table 45 degrees, dorsiflexes the foot, and squeezes the calf. (+) is pain in calve = | Homan's test |
symptoms of an embolism = | difficulty breathing, chest pain on inspiration, and palpitations |
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, aka = | Complex regional pain syndrome |
Small superficial dilated blood vessels; commonly seen on face, around nose, cheeks, and chin = | Telengectasia |
Pinpoint hemorrhage due to local trauma | petechia |
petechia can be due to this vitamin depravation = | Vitamin C |
Hematology: RBC = definition | absolute number of circulating rbc's per unit of volume of blood |
Hematology: RBC = normal value = | 4-6 mill/cm cubed |
Hematology: RBC increased = (primary and secondary causes) | Primary: Polycythemia Vera; Secondary: High Altitude |
Hematology: RBC decreased = | Anemia |
Hematology: Hb = definition = | direct measure of WEIGHT of hemoglobin/unit volume of blood |
Hematology: Hb = normal value = | 15% (gm) |
Hematology: Hb increased = (2) | Dehydration or Polycythemia Vera |
Hematology: Hb decreased = | anemia |
Hematology: Hct definition = | Packed Cell Volume = Ratio of the volume of RBC's to that of the whole blood. |
Hematology: Hct normal value = | 42 +/- 5 percent |
Hematology: Hct increased = (2) | Dehydration or Polycythemia Vera |
Hematology: Hct decreased = | anemia |
Hematology: MCV def = | measures size of rbc |
Hematology: MCV normal value= | 90 |
Hematology: MCV increased= | macrocytic anemia |
Hematology: MCV decreased= | microcytic anemia |
Hematology: MCH def = | measures weight of hb in average circulating RBC |
Hematology: MCH normal value = | 30 |
Hematology: MCH increased | macrocytic anemia |
Hematology: MCH decreased | microcytic anemia |
Hematology: MCHC def= | Average. concentration of Hb in a given volume of packed cells |
Hematology: MCHC normal value = | 33 |
Hematology: MCHC increased = | macrocytic anemia |
Hematology: MCHC decreased = | microcytic anemia |
Hematology: Platelets normal value | 200,000-350,000 |
Hematology: Platelets increased (3) | Polycythemia, Trauma, Blood Loss |
Hematology: Platelets decreased (3) | Anemia, Extensive burns, thrombocytopenia |
Hematology: WBC normal value | 5,000-10,000 |
Hematology: WBC increased = | Acute inflammation/infection, Leukemia (if over 50,000) |
Hematology: WBC decreased = | Overwhelming/chronic infection, Viral conditions |
Hematology: Neutrophil normal percent | 60 |
Hematology: Lymphocyte normal percent | 30 |
Hematology: Monocyte normal percent | 8 |
Hematology: Eosinophile normal percent | 2 |
Hematology: Basophile normal percent | 0 |
Neurtrophilia due to | Bacterial infection (increase in) |
Lymphocytosis due to | Virus |
Monocytosis due to | Chronic infection |
Eosinophilia due to | Allergies, parasites |
Basophilia due to | Heparin production/histamine release |
What tests are positive in excessive hemolytic anemia = | Coomb's test, increased indirect bilirubin, increased reticulocytes |
presents with nucleated RBC's. Caused by Hgb S = which type of anemia? | sickle cell anemia |
Thalassemia, aka's = (2) | Cooley's Anemia; Mediterranean Anemia |
presents with microcytic, target cells. | Thalassemia |
caused by an Rh+ father and an Rh- mother | Erythroblastosis Fetalis |
Which anemia presents as macrocytic, normochromic? | Megaloblastic anemia |
What test tests for pernicious anemia? | Shilling test |
what can megaloblastic anemia progress to? | posterolateral sclerosis on the spinal cord (aka, combined systems disease) |
Presents as normochromic, normocytic. panhypoplasia of the bone marrow, and decrease in all blood cells. = | Aplastic anemia |
Urinalysis: color = normal | straw |
Urinalysis:color = red | blood = infection, cancer, or food dyes |
Urinalysis: color =green | biliverdin |
Urinalysis: color = blue | Diuretic therapy |
Urinalysis: color=brown | Bile pigments or blood (biliary duct obstruction, occult blood, homogentistic acid) |
Urinalysis:color=black | homogentisic Acid or Urobilin (ochronosis, hemolysis, bacteria) |
Urinalysis: Appearance=Hazy or Cloudy | Epithelial cells, WBC, RBC, crystals, sperm, microorganisms |
Urinalysis:Appearance= Milky | WBC, or Fat |
Urinalysis:PH | Normal is 4-8 (if less it is acidosis dabetics |
Urinalysis:specific gravity | normal values is 1.01-1.03 (this shows hw much water compared to solutes |
Urinalysis:specify gravity | increases with bacterial infection, diabetes mellitus and kidney abnormalities |
Urinalysis:Glucose=normal | none detected. renal threshold is >180mg% |
Urinalysis: Glucose | inceases with Diabetes melitus, shock, head injury, pancreatic disease, renal tubular disease |
Urinalysis:ketones=normal | none detected |
Urinalysis:ketones=increases | with starvation, DM, weight loss diets, inadequate carbohydrates intake |
Urinalysis:protein=normal | none detected |
Urinalysis:protein increases | with kidney disorders, toxemia of pregnacy, DM, Muliple myeloma |
Urinalysis:urobilinogen=normal | 1-1EL unit/mL |
Urinalysis: urobilinogen increases | with hemolytic disease or hepatic disease |
Urinalysis:urobilinogen decrease | with biliary obstruction |
Urinalysis:bilirubin=normal | none detected |
Urinalysis:bilirubin= increases | with hepatic dz or biliary obstruction |
Urinalysis:blood = normal | none detected |
Urinalysis:blood=increases | with tumor, trauma, kidney function, kidney stones, hypertension, bleeding disorder. |
Urinalysis:casts=hyaline | normal |
Urinalysis:casts=Epithelial | tubular damage |
Urinalysis:casts=RBC | Glomerulonephritis |
Urinalysis:casts=WBC | Pyelonephritis |
Urinalysis:casts= waxy | renal failure, nephrosis |
laboratory: Acid Phosphatase (pap) | increases: prostatic carcinoma, metastatic disease |
laboratory:Albumin/Globulin (A/G) | Reversed: Multiple Myeloma |
laboratory:Albumin | increase: dehydration |
laboratory: albumin | decrease: nephrosis |
laboratory: Alkaline Phosphate | increases: osteoblastic leison, hepatic disease, HPT |
laboratory:Amylase | Increased:Acute pancreatitis |
laboratory:Creatinine | increases:kidney disease, hypovolemic shock |
laboratory:creatinine | decreased: muscular dystrophies |
laboratory: fluorescent Treponema Antibody (FTA) | present of syphilis |
laboratory:Human Leukocyte Antigen Locus (HLA) B27 (HLA PEAR) | ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, REITER'S PA, Enteropathic |
laboratory:Human chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) | INCREASED Hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma |
laboratory:Human chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) | DECREASED: ECTOPIC pregnancy, threatened abortion |
Laboratory: Immunolectrophoresis | M-spike indicated multiple myeoma |
Laboratory:potassium | increased: addison's disease, renal failure |
Laboratory: Potassium | decreased:chronic renal disease, insulin, diuretics |
Laboratory:protein | increased:MM, Diabetic acidosis |
Laboratory:protein | decrease:liver disease, kidney syndromes |
Laboratory: RA Latex | +: RA, SLE, TB, Cancer, Sjogren's still's disease |
Laboratory: uric acid (> 45% | increased: gout, renal failure |
Special test: Aspiration | Gout, Bacterial Arthritis |
Special test:Balloon Angioplasty | obstructive atherosclerosis |
Special test: Biopsy (malig vs benign) | tumor (hodgkin's) |
Special test: EMG (Electromyography) | Muscle atrophy |
Special test: PET (Positron emission computed tomography) | Bone and soft tissue, tumor, heart, and brain |
Increased phosphorus = (3) | acromegaly, kidney dx, or hypervitaminosis D |
Decreased phosphorus = (3) | rickets, hypovitaminosis D, hyperparathyroidism |
What are CT scans used for = | trauma, infection, vascular, neoplastic, arthritic/metabolic disorders |
What are biopsy's good for? | distinguishing benign from malignant |
Laprascopy indicates = | abdominal tumor |
Mantoux test indicates= | TB (TINE test is also for TB) |
MRIs are good for indicating = | spinal tumor |
SPECT test is for = | musculoskeletal system, heart, brain, and abdomen |
PER scan is for = | bone, soft tissue, tumor, heart, and brain |
Spirometer indicates = | COPD |
Sputum culture indicates= | Strep, TB |
Stress test is done for = (3) | Atherosclerosis, angina, and MI |
Ultrasound is used for = (3) | Aneurysm, Organs, Pregnancy, and acute appendicitis |