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Mash GA I Quiz 3 C

Mash GA I Quiz 3 questions 161 thru 247

Name the HORIZONTAL adductors of the humerus. Anterior Deltoid, Pectoralis Major
Name the hypothenar muscles. Flexor Digiti Minimi, Abductor Digiti Minimi, Oppones Digiti Minimi, palmaris brevis
Name the muscle(s) in the anterior forearm that form(s) the intermediate layer. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Name the muscle(s) in the anterior forearm that form(s) the superficial layer. Flexor Carpi Radialis, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Palmaris Longus, Pronator Teres
Name the muscles which form the rotator cuff. Supraspinous, Infraspinous, Teres Minor, Subscapularis, (SITS)
Name the pronators of the forearm. Pronator Teres & Pronator Quadratus
Name the thenar muscles which do NOT have a longus or a brevis Opponens pollicis, Adductor Pollicis
Name the thenar muscles. Flexor Pollicis Brevis, Abductor Pollicis Brevis, Adductor Pollicis, Oppenens Pollicis
Name the upward rotators of the scapula. (Be Specific) Upper Trapezius, Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior
Name two muscles which protract the scapula. Pectoralis Minor, Serratus Anterior
Nerve affected when one hits the "crazy bone of the elbow. Ulnar Nerve
Nerve that enters the forearm between the heads of the pronator teres muscle. Median Nerve
Nerve that travels immediately deep to the brachioradialis muscle. Superficial Branch of Radial Nerve
On the palmar view of the hand below, SHADE & LABEL the cutaneous area supplied by the median nerve. Be neat and accurate! thumb, first two fingers, and half of ring finger (ulnar n. supplies remaining 1 1/2 fingers)
One of the terminal branches of the internal thoracic artery; it enters the rectus sheath. Superior Epigastric Artery
Origin of anconeus lateral epicondlyle of humerus
Origin of brachialis muscle (BE SPECIFIC) Lower half of anterior shaft of humerus
Origin of lateral head of the triceps (Be specific). Posterior Humerus Above Spiral Groove
origin of lateral head of triceps posterior humerus above the spiral groove
Origin of Levator Scapulae. C1-C4 Transverse Processes
Origin of long head of the biceps brachii Supraglenoid tubercle
Origin of pectoralis minor m. anterior surface of ribs 3,4,5
Origin of serratus anterior m. lateral surface of upper 8 ribs
origin of serratus post. sup. caudal ligamentum nuchae, SP of c7-t2
Origin of serratus POSTERIOR superior. Ligamentum Nuchae - Caudal Portion; C7-T3 Vertebrae - Spinous Processes
Origin of short head of the biceps brachii. Coracoid Process of the Scapula
origin of trapezius EOP, Ligamentum Nuchae, Spinous Process of C7-T12
Question Anatomy I Test 3 Answers to Anatomy I Test 3
Rotator cuff muscle that inserts on the lower facet of the greater tubercle. Teres Minor
Smile (grin) muscle. Risorius
Specific Branch of a spinal nerve which supplies the meninges and blood vessels of the spinal cord. Meningeal (Recurrent) Branch
Specific branch of the basilar artery which help supply the very large hemispheres of the brain. Posterior Cerebral Artery
Specific MEDIALLY located vessel that contributes to the dorsal carpal rete (anastomosis on the dorsal wrist). Dorsal Carpal Branch of the Ulnar Artery
specific part of a spinal nerve to which the white ramus communicans is attached T-1-L2 or L3 spinal nerves only
specific spinal cord segments the usually form the A: sacral plexus B: supraclavicular nerves A:L4-S3 B:C3/4
spinal nerves (level) which have white rami communicantes T1-L2/3
Spinal Nerves (levels of the cord) that have gray rami communicates. All
Term used to describe paired deep veins. Venae Comitantes
Terminal part (end) of the radial artery. Deep Palmar Arch
the axillary n. carries fivers from these spinal cord segments C5,6
the basilic vein travels on the ________ aspect of the upper limb and is a tributary to the _______ medial, axillary v.
The cephalic vein travels on the ________(medial, anterior, lateral) aspect of the upper limb and is a tributary to __________. Lateral, axillary vein
the cervical plexus communicates with which cranial nerves vagus, hypoglossal, ansa cervicalis
the common peroneal/fibularis n. arises from the _________ division of the _________ plexus posterior, sacral
The common peroneal/fibularis nerve arises from the __________ (be very specific) of the sacral plexus. Superficial Fibular and Deep Fibular Branches
the direct branches of the tyrocervical trunk inf. thyroid, transverse cervical and suprascapular
The iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves are branches of the ____________ plexus and carry _____________ cord segment(s). Lumbar, L1
The kissing muscle Orbicularis Oris muscle
The lower subscapular nerve arises from the _____________ (NO SEGMENTS!)(BE VERY SPECIFIC!) of the brachial plexus. Posterior Cord
The median nerve runs immediately deep to this muscle during most of its course through the forearm. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle
The musculocutaneous nerve carries fibers from the spinal cord segments C5-C7
The musculocutaneous nerve pierces the _________ muscle, then runs between the biceps and brachialis. Coracobrachialis
The musculotaneous nerve runs primarily on the anterior surface of this muscle. Brachialis
The obturator nerves arises from the ___________ division of __________ plexus. Anterior; Lumbar
The radial nerve carries fibers from these spinal segments. C5-T1
The superficial branch of the radial nerve mainy runs deep to this muscle. Brachioradialis
The tendons of __________ pass through the tendons of ____________ . Flexor Digitorum Profundus; Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
The thoracodorsal nerve arises from the ________of the brachial plexus. Posterior Cord
The tibial nerve arises from the ___________ of the sacral plexus and carries fibers from cord segments _____________. Anterior Division; L4-S3
The upper subscapular nerve arises from the ________ (be very specific) of the brachial plexus. Posterior Cord
This nerve passes between the deep & superficial heads of pronator teres. Median Nerve
three letter classification given to the neurons located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord GSE
two ligaments that connect the clavicle with the scapula conoid ligament and trapezoid ligament
two muscles that protract the scapula serratus ant. and pectoralis minor
Two muscles which can act to rotate the radius so that the palm faces anteriorly. supinator, biceps brachii
vessel that traverses the triangular space scapular circumflex a.
Vessel which forms an anastomosis with the superficial palmar arch. Superficial Palmar Branch of the Radial Artery
Vessel which supplies the 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces and semispinalis cervicis and capitis. Costocervical Trunk
Vessel which supplies the anterior thumb. Princep Pollicis
Vessels give rise to DORSAL metacarpal arteries? Dorsal Carpal Branch of Ulnar Artery, Anterior Interosseous Artery, Dorsal Carpal Branch of Radial Artery
vessles that give rise to the dorsal metacarpal arteries anterior interosseous a., dorsal carpal branches of the ulnar and radial a.
What do gray rami communicantes carry? (Be specific as possible) Incoming Post-Ganglionic Sympathetic Fibers
What do white rami communicantes carry? BE SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE! Outgoing pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers, Incoming visceral afferent fibers
What does the ansa cervivalis innervate? BE SPECIFIC! Sternohoid, Omohyoid - Inferior Belly, Sternothyroid (SOS)
What forms the greater occipital nerve? BE SPECIFIC AND COMPLETE! Mostly C2 some C3
What forms the suboccipital nerve? Dorsal Rami at C1
What innervates the superior belly of the omohyoid? (Do not give the spinal cord segments involved) Superior root of ansa cervicalis or desendens hypoglossi
What is the action of the extensor digitorum? Be VERY Specific! Extends the 4 Fingers at MP Joints, Assists extension of wrist
What muscular paralysis results from injury to the axillary nerve. Deltoid, Teres Minor
what nerve could possibly be injured because of a severe hit to the mid upper arm. How could you check for damage? Radial N. Could check for sensation on skin of the posterior portion of the arm and forearm. Also check for weakness of post. arm muscles
What specific joints are extended by extensor indicis. DIP and PIP -extention of index finger at MP and IP Joints
What vessels give rise to the DORSAL metacarpal arteries. Anterior Interosseous a., Dorsal Carpal Branch of the Ulnar and Radial aa.
which of the following is false: A: The dorsal interossei abduct B: the lumbricals flex the MP jionts and extend the interphalangeal C:the tendon of flex pollicus longus passes through carpal canal D:add. pollicus is innv. by the median n. D is false
Which one of the following statements if TRUE? the superficial transverse metacarpal ligament fills in gaps between longitudinal bands of palmar aponeurosis
Which ONE of the following statements is FALSE? d. the adductor pollicis is innervated by the median nerve (it's actually the ulnar n.)
Which ONE of the following statements is False? (question from last flash card) b. lumbricals extend the MP and interphalangeal joints
Which one of the following statements is FALSE? a. extensor pollicis longus forms the posterior border of the snuff box b. lumbricals extend the MP and interphalangeal joints c.the palmar aponeurosis is proximally attached to the flexor retinaculum and tendon of palmaris longus d.all interossei are innervated by the ulnar nerve e.the dorsal interossei abduct the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th digits
Created by: AnatomyMash
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