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Spinal Anatomy

gives rise to all neurons and supporting cells ectoderm
forms axial skeleton notochord
forms neural plate ectoderm
forms neural groove which houses spinal cord and brain vesicles neural plate
"MOANER" neural plate
forms the lining of the digestive tube & its associated structures endodern epithelium
glands of buccal cavity, pharyngeal pouches & pharynx foregut
duodenum, jejunum, appendix, part of transverse colon midgut
part of transverse, sigmoid & descending colon, rectum, & upper anal canel hindgut
urinary bladder, vagina, urethra, prostate & urethral glands allantois
forms sclerotome, myotome, dermatome somite cells
between interatrial septum, becomes fossa ovalis foramen ovale
bypasses lung pulmonary veins & left ventricle, becomes ligamentum arteriosum ductus arteriosus
bypasses sinusoids of fetal liver, becomes ligamentum venosum ductus venosus
becomes ligamentum teres umbilical vein
becomes medial umbilical ligaments umbilical arteries
telencephalon, diencephalon prosencephalon
metencephalon, myelencephalon rhombencephalon
separates lateral ventricles septum pellicidum
1&2 to 3rd ventricle foramen of monroe
cerebral acqueduct of sylvius mesencephalon
caudate and putamen striatum
putamen and globus pallidus lentiform nucleus
fastigial, globus, emboliform, dentate cerebellar nuclei (medial to lateral, small to large)
140 ml CSF
inside out (pia, arachnoid, dura) meninges
choroid plexus, ependymal cells produce CSF
resorbs CSF arachnoid granulations
crude sensation and integrations (relay center) thalamus
conscious interpretation and movement cortex
main pathway between thalamus and cortex through internal capsule and corona radiata
primary sensory cortex postcentral gyrus
primary motor cortex precentral gyrus
precise & skilled voluntary movement corticospinal
influence unskilled voluntary movements and reflex activity reticulospinal
reflex postural movement and visual stimuli tectospinal
facilitates flexors and inhibits extensors rubrospinal
facilitates extensors and inhibits flexors for BALANCE vestibulospinal
pain and temperature, Tract of Lissauer, Substance P, Syringomyelia Lateral Spinothalamic
crude light touch, Tract of Lissauer Anterior Spinothalamic
discriminative touch (2 point), vibration and conscious proprioception Dorsal Columns (Cuneatus and Gracilis)
Unconscious proprioception, Clarks column, Posterior Inferior Peduncle "PI" Posterior Spinocerebellar
Unconscious proprioception, Clarks column, Anterior Superior Peduncle "AS" Anterior Spinocerebellar
spino visual reflexes, movements of eyes and head toward stimulus Spinotectal
Levels of consciousness, if damaged coma present Spinoreticular
Cutaneous & proprioceptive information spino-olivary
C2,C3 - sensory to posterolateral neck Lesser Occipital
C2,C3 - sensory to ear and parotid gland Greater Auricular
C2,C3 - sensory to anterior and lateral neck transverse cervical
C3,C4 - sensory to shoulder and anterior chest Supraclavicular
C1-C4 - motor - geniohyoid & infrahyoid muscles of neck ansa cervicalis
C1-C5 - motor - neck & scalenes, levator, trapezius, SCM segmental branches
C3,C4,C5 - motor - diaphragm phrenic
L2-L4 - sensory (thigh, leg, foot, hip, knee joints) motor (ant thigh, psoas, pectineus, iliacus) femoral
L2-L4 - sensory (medial thigh & hip joint) motor (adductors, gracilis, obturator externus) obturator
L2,L3 - sensory (lateral thigh, branches to peritoneum lateral femoral cutaneous
L1 - sensory (lower abdomen, lower back & hip, anterolateral abdominal wall & pubic region) iliohypogastric
L1 - sensory (external genitalia, thigh & abdominals) ilioinguinal
L1,L2 - sensory (scrotum, labia, thigh & cremasterics) genitofemoral
L4,L5, S1-S3 - motor (tibial & common peroneal sciatic nerve
L4-S3 - sensory (posterior leg & foot) motor (all muscles back of thigh, leg & foot) tibial
L4-S2 - sensory (anterior leg & dorsum foot) motor (peroneals, tibialis ant, extension of toe) common peroneal (fibular)
L4,L5,S1 - motor (glut med, min, TFL) superior gluteal
L5-S2 - motor (glut max) inferior gluteal
S1-S3 - sensory (buttock, thigh, popliteal, calf & heel posterior femoral cutaneous
S2-S4 - sensory (muscles of perineum) motor (external anal sphincter) pudendal
Any nerve that innervates a muscle producing movement at a joint, also innervates the joint and skin too Hilton's law
Lateral cord musculocutaneous, median
posterior cord axillary, radial
medial cord median, ulnar
compresses the brachial plexus anterior and middle scalenes, SCM, pec major
toe drag common peroneal, deep peroneal, sciatic
wrist drop radial n.
juntion of sphenoid, temporal, frontal & parietal bones) pterion
cylindrical, largest, least in number, bitter receptor, 8-12, v-form, ant to sulcus terminalus circumvallate
mushroom shaped, most numerous taste receptors fungiform
thread-like, sensitive to touch (no taste) filiform
embryonic thyroid diverticulum (depression in dorsum of tongue) foramen caecum
anterior 2/3 of tongue (sweet, sour, salty) CN VII
posterior 1/3 of tongue (bitter) CN IX
epiglottis & larynx CN X
develops from ectoderm retina
amacrine, bipolar, ganglion, horizontal, rods and cones retinal cells
center of macula lutea, provides greatest acuity, only cones fovea centralis
blind spot, where optic nerve and vessels attach to eye optic disc
controls lens shape ciliary muscle
angular acceleration and deceleration semicircular canals
linear acceleration utricle and saccule
cribiform plate and crista galli ethmoid
hard palate, palatine, and orbital processes maxillary
sella turcica, foramen ovale, rotundum, lacerum, spinosum sphenoid
sphenoid, frontal, zygomatic, palatine, ethmoid, lacrimal, maxillary orbit
between occipital and parietal lambdoidal suture
true ribs 1-7
false ribs 8-12
vertebrochondral ribs 8-10
manubrium, jugular notch sternum (gladiolus)
manubrium and sternum meet (2nd rib attachment) angle of louis
serratus anterior 1-8 ribs
level of hyoid bone C3
level of cornus of thyroid C4
level of body of thyroid C5
level of cricoid cartilage C6
level of carotid cartilage C6
pedicle, facets, body, disc boundaries of IVF
ends at L1/L2 spinal cord
joints of lushka C2-C6
lowest level of vertebral a through foramen C6
cervical, thoracic coronal plane
lumbar sagittal plane
Created by: danielledc2b
Popular Chiropractic sets




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