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Rapid Review

Emergency Med

class of drugs that may cause syndrome of muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, autonomic instability, and extrapyramidal symptoms antipsychotics
SE of corticosteroids acute mania, immunosuppression, thin skin, osteoporosis, easy bruising, myopathies
TX for DTx BZDs
TX for acetaminophen OD N-acetylcysteine
TX for opiod OD naloxone
TX for BZD OD flumazenil
TX for neuroleptic malignant syndrome dantrolene or bromocriptine
TX for malignant HTN nitroprusside
tx of AF rate control, rhythm conversion, anticoag
TX of SVT rate control w/ carotid massage or other vagal stimulation
cuases of drug induced SLE INH, penicillamine, hydralazine, procainamide
macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia w/ neurologic sx B12 deficiency
macrocytic, megaloblastic anemia w/out neurologic sx folate deficiency
burn pt presents w/ cherry-red flushed skin and coma. SaO2 is nl, but carboxyhemoglobin is elevated. TX? Tx CO poisoning /w 100% oxy or w/ hyperbaric O2 if severe poisoning or pregnant
blood in the urethral meatus or high-riding prostate bladder rupture or urethral injury
test to r/o urethral injury retrograde cystourethrogram
radiographic evidence or aortic disruption or dissection widened mediastinum (>8cm), loss of aortic knob, pleural cap, tracheal deviation to the right, depression of L main stem bronchus
radiographic indications for Sx in pts w/ acute abd free air under the diaphragm, extravasation of contrast, severe bowl distention, space-occupying lesion (CT), mesenteric occlusion
[mc] organism in burn-related pts pseudomonas
method of calculating fluid repletion in burn pts parkland formula
acceptable urine output in trauma pt 50 cc/hr
acceptable urine output in stable pt 30 cc/hr
cannon 'a' waves third-degree heart block
signs of neurogenic shock hTN and brady
signs in inc ICP (cushing's triad) HTN, brady, abnl resp
dec CO, dec PCWP, inc PVR hypovolemic shock
dec CO, inc PCWP, inc PVR cardiogenic shock
inc CO, dec PCWP, dec PVR septic or anaphylactic shock
tx of septic shock fluids and abx
tx of cardiogenic shock identify cause; pressors
tx of hypovolemic shock identify cuase; fluid and blood repletion
tx of anaphylactic shock diphenhydramine or epi 1:1000
supportive tx for ARDS continue CPAP
signs of air embolism pt w/ chest trauma who was previously stable suddenly dies
trauma series AP chest, AP/lat Cspine, AP pelvis
Created by: fl_sun80
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