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Chapter 14 SMO

Comanche lifestyle and reputation in Texas reintroduced horses, buffalo for food/clothing, raided TX to Yucatan
1821 Mexico won independence from Spain
Mexico is north of the ___ River Rio Grande; immigration promoted to this bad land
Grant was given to ___ to emigrate from US to ___ Stephen Austin; Mexico north of Rio Grande
Stephen Austin's agreement with US to go to Mexico (4 terms) 1. learn Spanish, 2. to be loyal to Mexican government, 3. become Catholic, 4. don't bring slaves
Father Muldoon made fake Catholic religion to get around terms
1836: General Santa Anna defeated Texans at the Alamo (San Antonio), killed JIm Bowie and Davy Crockett
1836: Sam Houston; significance defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto; able to last 13 days for people to come into America
Texas rallying cry and GTT Remember the Alamo! Gone to Texas
Davy Crockett Congressman, killed over 100
Why Jackson didn't show interest for supporting Texas annexation: 1. wanted to avoid war with Mexico, 2. annexation might eradicate Missouri Compromise because TX was a slave state, 3. create sectional strife
Election of 1844 candidates' parties Whigs, Liberty Party, Democrats
Election of 1844: Whig candidate and platform Henry Clay: favored Texas annexation only if Mexico approved, vague about TX, American System
Election of 1844: Liberty Party candidate and platform James G. Birney: does not want Texas, wants to contain slavery where it is
Election of 1844: Democratic candidate and platform James K. Polk: occupation of Oregon and annexation of Texas (winner Young Hickory)
Election of 1844 weird candidate Joseph Smith
If Clay won the Election of 1844 Mexican-American War would not occur, CA would be Mexico
How John Tyler annexed Texas Congress joint-resolution, last act as president
Texas slave/free status in 18__ slave, 1845
Iowa slave/free status in 18__ free, 1846
Texas wanted the border to be ____ River but Mexico wanted it as ____ River Rio Grande, Nueces
John C Fremont and Bear Flag Revolt played Texas game announcing CA's independence from Mexico
Why did Polk send Slidell to Mexico? Mexico's response? He wanted the Rio Grande Texas border, CA, and NM for 30 million+ dollars. Rejected.
US declared war on Mexico in 1846
Why did Polk replace Zachary Taylor with Winfield Scott? Taylor was a Republican threat
Scott captured Mexico City
Henry David Thoreau and Civil Disobedience Thoreau went to jail instead of paying war taxes. Justifies someone's duty to oppose immoral government
Treaty that ended Mexican War Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1848
Who negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Why didn't he go back to Polk? Nicholas Trist: Scott told him to negotiate and get Texas
What would've happened if Nicholas Trist went to Polk? we would have Mexico, Yucatan Peninsula, Central America
Gadsden Purchase arranged by whom and wtf is it Jefferson Davis: $10mil purchase of NM and Arizona
Polk's accomplishments and objectives (4) 1. 1842 tariff reduction, 2. restoration of Independent Treasury, 3. no federal funding for internal improvements, 4. made Rio Grande Texas border and Oregon Territory
Wilmot Proviso: what is it wants to abolish slavery in all territories acquired from Mexico
Wilmot Proviso's impact on two-party system Southern whigs joined Southern democrats to vote against it
Who came up with "whitemanism" and what is it William Lloyd Garrison: racist effort to make territories white
Common Property Doctrine slaves are property, not human beings
What is popular sovereignty Territorial residents, not Congress, will decide if they want slavery or not
Election of 1848: parties democrat, free soil, whigs
Election of 1848: democrat candidate and platform Democrat: Lewis Cass; manifest destiny supporter
Election of 1848: free soil candidate and platform Martin Van Buren; spoiler for democrat party
Election of 1848: whig candidate and platform Zachary Taylor: opposed Wilmot Proviso and slavery expansion
Election of 1848 outcome Zachary Taylor and VP Millard Fillmore
What happened at Sutter's Mill 1848 James Marshall found small flakes of gold
San Francisco during gold rush major American city and gave people instant beginnings
California became a union state in 1850
Claim-jumping is thieves stealing people's gold claims by killing or chasing them away
rendezvous system made by William Henry Ashley where trappers bring yearly fur
Jedidiah Smith first American to enter CA over Sierra Nevada mountains
Zebulon Pike led expedition to Rocky Mountains in CO
Donner Party wagon to Oregon and stuck in Nevada, ate each other
Created by: jchanto
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