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buddhism vocab
wc quiz
Question | Answer |
Anatta | one of the 3ME – doctrine denying a permanent self |
Anicca | one of the 3ME – doctrine that all existent things are constantly changing |
Arhat | one who has become enlightened – ideal for Theravada Buddhism |
Buddha | Siddhartha Gautama and all others who have by their own insight attained perfect enlightenment |
Dharma | teachings of Buddha and one of the three Jewels of Buddhism |
Dukkha | first of the 4 Noble truths – basic Buddhist insight that suffering is part of the human condition |
Five precepts | basic moral requirements that are binding for all Buddhists |
Four noble truths | central teachings – to live is to suffer, suffering is caused by desire, cessation of suffering can be achieved, the solution is the Noble Eightfold Path |
Karma | moral law od cause and effect of actions – determines the nature of one’s rebirth |
Middle way | basic Buddhist teaching that rejects both the pleasures of sensual indulgence and the self-denial of asceticism – focusing instead on a practical approach to spiritual attainment |
Nirvana | ultimate goal of all Buddhists – extinction of desire and any sense of individual selfhood |
Noble eightfold path | 4th of the 3NT - defines basic practices of Buddhism that lead to Nirvana |
Pali | ancient language of India – more commonly understood – used in writings of the earliest Buddhist texts – most important for Theravada Buddhism |
Samsara | wheel of rebirth |
Sangha | Buddhist community of monks and nuns – one of the 3 Jewels of Buddhism |
Tanha | 2nd of the 4NT – selfish desire which causes dukkha |
Theravada | prevalent form of Buddhism in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand – focuses n the earliest texts and emphasizes monastic lifestyle |
Three marks of existence | characteristics that summarize the changing nature of reality: anatta (no-self), anicca (impermanence) and dukkha (suffering) |