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Biochemistry 2 E3,4

Biochemistry 2 Palmer Exam 3 Vitamins

essential organic compounds required in very small amounts that are involved in fundamental functions of the body vitamins
what is the active form of thiamine thiamin pyrophosphate
what is the function of thiamine oxidative decarboxylation
what is the active forms of riboflavin -flavin adenine dinucleotide(FAD) -flavin mononucleotide(FMN)
what is the function of riboflavin reversible electron acceptor/donor
what is the active forms of niacin -nicatinomide adenine dinucleotide(NAD) -nicatinomide adenine dinucleotide(NADP)
what is the function of niacin reversible electron acceptor/donor
NADPH is created by pentose phosphate pathway
what is NADPH utilized for -reductive biosynthesis -free radical elimination -detoxification -respiratory bursts
what is the active form of biotin biocytin(biotinyllysine)
what is the function of biotin coenzyme in carboxylation reactions
what is the active form of pantothenic acid coenzyme A
what is the function of pantothenic acid acyl or acetyl transfer reactions
what is the active form of folic acid tetrahydrofolic acid (THF)
what is the function of folic acid one carbon transfers
what is the enzyme for tetrahydrofolate dihydrofolate reductase
what does tetrahydrofolate get its one carbon piece from -histidine -glycine -serine
tetrahydrofolate transfers the carbons in the process of creating what -amino acids -purines -thymidine(pyrimidines)
what is the active form of cobalamin methylcobalamin
what is the function of cobalamin one carbon transfers (methionine synthesis)
methylcobalamin give methyl group to make what methionine
what is the active forms of vitamin B6 -PMP -PLP -PNP
what is the function of vitamin B6 transamination
B6 participates in many metabolic reactions of amino acids, what is it called when it transfers an amino group like ALT or AST transamination
what is the reduced and oxidated active form of vitamin C reduced=ascorbic acid oxidized=dehydroascorbic acid
what is the function of vitamin C reversible electron acceptor/donor
process by which electronically excited molecules are inactivated quenching
process by which antioxidant's reducing power is restored regeneration
vitamin c may reduce 1)hydroxyl radical 2)hydroperoxyl radical 3)superoxide radical 4)alkoxyl radical 5)peroxyl radical
vitamin c regenerates 1)vit. E 2)glutathione 3)urate 4)ROS 5)RNS
G6P dehydrogenase can regenerate what 1)vit. e 2)glutathione 3)urate 4)ROS 5)RNS
what enzyme makes NADPH G6P dehydrogenase
what is the active form of vitamin E -tocopherols -tocotrienols
what is the function of vitamin E reversible electron acceptor/donor
what vitamin has the ability to -accept and donate electrons -quench free radicals -regenerate other antioxidants vitamin E
what is the active form of vitamin A B-carotene
what are the functions of vitamin A 1)maintain vision 2)maintain reproductive function 3)promote growth 4)health and differentiation of epithelial tissue 5)antioxidant
what are the active forms of vitamin K -menadione -phylloquinone -menaquinone-7
what is the functions of vitamin K -role in blood clotting -coenzyme(caboxylation of glutamate)
what vitamin works with vitamin K carboxylase vitamin K
Created by: ellerjason12
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