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Ch.9 and 10 Vocab.

Ch 9 and 10 Key Terms and People Flashcards

Eurasia The large landmass that includes both Asia and Europe.
Topography Refers to the shape and elevation of land in a region.
Middle Ages A period that lasted from about 500 to about 1500.
Medieval Another name for the Middle Ages.
Patrick A Christian missionary who traveled to Northern Europe, Britain, and Ireland teaching Christianity to the people.
Monks Religious men who lived apart from society in isolated communities.
Monasteries Community of Monks
Benedict An Italian monk who created a set of rules called the Benedictine Rules.
Charlemagne A brilliant warrior and strong leader who was the leader of the Franks in the late 700's.
Knights Warriors who fought on horseback.
Vassal A knight who promised to support a lord in exchange for land.
Feudalism Historians call this system of promises that governed the relationship between lord and vassals.
William the Conqueror In 1066, William and his knights sailed into England and Defeated the English King. After winning the battle, William declared himself the new king of England.
Manor The large estate owned by knight or lord.
Serfs Workers who were tied to the land on which they lived.
Eleanor of Aquitaine A noblewoman who had great political power.
Chivalry Europeans code of honor behavior for knights.
Haiku Short, three-line poems of 17 syllables that describe nature scenes.
Excommunicate Cast out from the church.
Pope Gregory VII A pope who came to power in 1073 in Rome.
Emperor Henry IV A emperor who was disapproved by Pope Henry VII.
Crusades The long series of wars between Christians and Muslims in Southwest Asia.
Holy Land Where Jesus had lived and died.
Pope Urban II The pope of a Roman Catholic Church.
King Richard I The only king who stayed in the Holy Land.
Saladin King Richard's main opponent in the Third Crusade and the leader of the Muslim forces.
Clergy Church Officials.
Religious Order A group of people who dedicated their lives to religion and follow common rules.
Francis of Assisi The Dominicans and Franciscans were named after him.
Friars People who belonged to religious orders but lived and worked among the general public
Thomas Aquinas A Dominican philosopher and a teacher at the University of Paris.
Natural Law A law that governed how people would operate.
Magna Carta This documents listing rights that the king could not ignore.
Parliament The lawmaking body that governs England today.
Hundred Years' War The long conflict between England and France.
Joan of Arc A teenage peasant girl who rallied the French troops.
Black Death A deadly plague that swept through Europe between 1347 and 1351.
Created by: 603769
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