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Manifest Destiny(12)

Chapter 12 Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny the idea that the United States had a special mission to extend its borders to the Pacific-also contributed to the migrations west
Marcus Whitman Brought Christianity to Native Americans
Narcissa Whitman Brought Christianity to Native Americans with her husband
Stephen Austin was responsible for settling Americans in Mexico a.k.a the "father of Texas"
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna led the Mexican forces against the rebelling Texans; Conned President Polk and led a second uprising against the U.S.
Alamo was (probably) the most famous battle between the Texans and the Mexicans at which many men battled bravely only to lose their lives as heroes
Henry Clay American senator and statesman, leader of Whig Party. Commonly referred to as the "Great Compromiser". Shaped Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850. Opposed annexation of Texas at first, then compromised position for political reasons
Oregon Trail Road traveled by pioneers to oregon
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico gave up its claim to Texas and allowed passage through the Rio Grande. Mexico ceded California (US gained California, US gained New Mexico,& US paid Mexico $15 million)
John C. Fremont military leader fought for independence for California A Californian settler in the Mexican-American war that lead a militia and quickly overthrew Mexican rule in northern California and proclaimed it to be the an independent republic under a bear-clad f
Zachary Taylor moved by Polk in 1846 toward the Mexican border which essentially initiated conflict;also led a force of 6,000 to drive Mexican from Texas and into Northern Mexico culminating in a heroic victory at Buena Vista in 1847.
James K. Polk "dark horse" President who was responsible for Santa Anna's second (attempted) takeover
Gadsden Purchase With this event the United States mainland reached its present size
Missionaries Among the first settlers of the Oregon Country after the trappers were....
Sam Houston named this man as commander in chief of the Texas army by the government of the Republic of Texas; led a revolt against Santa Anna in 1836 and declared it an independent territory; forced Santa Anna him to the Texan demands
Davy Crockett This Tennessee backwoodsman lost his life at the Alamo
Sante Fe Trail path American traders took to New Mexico after 1821
John Tyler resident of the United States from 1841- 1845, attempted to comply to Texans plea to have their state annexed but his efforts were thwarted by U.S. Congress.
Daniel Webster United States politician and orator (1782-1817), Leader of the Whig Party, originally pro-North, supported the Compromise of 1850 and subsequently lost favor from his constituency
Wesbter-Ashburton Treaty An 1842 treaty negotiated between, then, Secretary of State Daniel Webster and , then, British Ambassador Lord Alexander Ashburton. The treaty also proved to supply the U.S. with the iron-rich Mesabi range.
Mexican War (1846-1848) Conflict between Mexico and America in the mid-1800's fueled by laden American drives for Manifest Destiny.
Stephen Kearney A General dispatched during the Mexican War that overran troops in Santa Fe, the New Mexican territory, and southern California
Winfield Scott Polk appointed this general to invade central Mexico in 1847, leading to his victory at Vera Cruz and then the Capture of Mexico City in September of that year
Vera Cruz a state in Eastern Mexico, on the Gulf of Mexico
Bear Flag Republic Name of Californian republic
Battle Of Buena Vista battle between American and Mexican forces. Despite being outnumbered 14,000-to-5,000, the Americans, under Zachary Taylor, emerged victorious.
joint resolution a resolution adopted by both branches of a bicameral legislative assembly and requiring the signature of the chief executive to become law.
annexation of Texas the annexation of the Republic of Texas to the United States of America as the twenty-eighth state
Liberty Party the first antislavery political party, organized in 1839 and merged with the Free Soil party in 1848.
"dark horse" a candidate who is unexpectedly nominated at a political convention
Republic of Texas an independent state in North America, bordering the United States and Mexico, that existed from 1836 to 1846...
Battle of San Jacinto Led by General Sam Houston, in the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution the Texan Army engaged and defeated General Antonio López de Santa Anna's Mexican forces
Mormons Trail 1,300 mile (2,092 km) route that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints traveled from 1846 to 1868
Created by: Solid_Rock
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