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Institutions words

Key terms

appropriation money that congress has allocated to be spent
appropriations committee congressional committee that deals with federal spendig
appellate jurisdiction authority of a court to hear an appeal from a lower court
bureaucracy departments, agencies, bureaus, and commissions in the executive branch of government
casework personal work done by a member of congress for his constituents
civil law concerns noncriminal disputes between private parties
class action lawsuit lawsuit brought on behalf of a class of people against a defendant e.g lawsuits brought by those who have suffered from smoking against tobacco companies
closed rule rules committee rule that bans amendments to a bill
cloture senate motion to end a filibuster that requires a 3/5 vote
concurring opinion written by a supreme court justice who voted with a majority, but for different reasons
conference committee works out a compromise between different house senate versions of a bill
constituents the people who are represented by elected officials
discharge petition a motion to force a bill to the House floor that has been bottled up in a committee
dissenting opinion written by a supreme court justice (or justices) who express a minority viewpoint in a case
executive agreement an agreement between the president and another head of the state that, unlike a treaty, does not require senate consent
executive order presidential rule or regulation that has the force of law
executive privilege the privilege of a president and his staff to withhold their "privileged" conversations from congress or the courts
filibuster nonstop senate debate that prevents a bill from coming to a vote
finance committee senate committee that handles tax bills
Frankling privilege allows members of congress to send mail postage free
gerrymandering redrawing district lines to favor one party at the expense of the other
hold senate maneuver that allows a a senator to stop or delay consideration of a bill or presidential appointment
impeachment house action that formally charges an official with wrongdoing. conviction requires 2/3 vote from the senate
Impoundment refusal of the president to spend money that has been appropriated by congress
injuction court order that forbids a party from performing a certain action
judicial activism philosophy that the courts should take and active role in solving problems
judicial restraint philosophy that the courts should defer to elected lawmakers in setting policy, and should instead focus on interpreting law rather than making law
judicial review power of the courts to review the constitutionality of laws or government actions
legislative oversight ongoing process of congressional monitoring of the executive branch to ensure that the latter complies with the law
legislative veto process in which congress overturned rules and regulations proposed by executive branch agencies. struck down in 1983
line item veto powers of most governors (and president Clinton for only a few years) to delete or reduce funding in a bill bu line basis
logrolling when two members of congress agree to vote for each others bill
majority opinion written to express the majority viewpoint in a supreme court case
seniority system tradition in which the senator from the majority party with the most years of service on a committee becomes the chairman of that committee
stare decisis Latin for "let the decision stand." supreme court policy of following precedent in deciding cases
sunset laws laws that automatically expire after a given time
ways and means committee house committee that handles tax bills
whistleblower an employee who exposes unethical or illegal conduct within the federal government or one of its contractors
writ if certiorari issued by the supreme court to a lower court to send up the records of a case so that it can be reviewed by the high court
writ of habeas corpus court order that the authorities show cause for why they are holding a prisoner in custody. Deters unlawful imprisoment
writ of mandamus court order directing a party to perform a certain action
Created by: Rmenendez12
Popular American Government sets




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