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CMS 8th ss Ch6

Chamberlain Middle School 8th grade SS Chapter 6

Wamanoag chief who led Indian tribes in King Philip's War Metacomet
Body of civilians serving as soldiers militia
people who are killed, wounded, captured, or missing in war casualties
frontier region between the colonies' coastal setttlements and the Appalachian Mountains backcountry
Ottawa chief who led the Indian tribes against the British Pontiac
refusal to buy certain goods boycott
person whose ideas helped inspire the slogan "No taxation without representation" Samuel Adams
special search warrents that allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods writs of assistance
law intended to raise money in the colonies Sugar Act
stories and images designed to support a particular point of view propaganda
What document called for colonies to unite for the first time under a president general and grand council? Albany Plan of Union
In the 1760's Ottawa chief Pontiac and his followers rebelled by attacking British forts
The Boston Massacre took place after a British guard argued with angry colonists
Who was the prime minister who decided to tax the colonists to pay Great Britain's heavy debts from the French and Indian War? George Grenville
Women's groups that met to sew, support boycotts of British goods, and discuss politics were called the Daughters of Liberty
Which colonist presented resolutions to the House of Burgesses in May 1765, insisting that the Stamp Act was unjust? Benjamin Franklin
Which of the following placed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea? Townshend Acts
Who led the British army and the colonial militia in the Seven Years' War? Edward Braddock
What act did George Grenville propose in 1765 when the colonists failed to suggest an alternate plan for paying taxes? Stamp Act
The Proclamation of 1763 stated that colonist could not live west of The Appalachian Mountains
Groups created to share information between colonies about the British laws and discuss ways to challenge them Committees of Correspondence
Event where colonist dumped tea in the Boston harbor to protest tax was called Boston Tea Party
Led a small militia to fight the frech but was defeated at Fort Necessity George Washington
Famous colonial orator who stated " If this be treason make the most of it." Patrick Henry
Pioneers crossed the Appalachians to settle in the Ohio River Valley because there were large forests, rich soil, and abundant game in the region
While colonial delegates were writing the Albany Plan of Union, George Washington and his troops were fighting the French in the Ohio River Valley True
In the Proclamation of 1763, American Indians agreed to allow the British to establish colonial settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains False
Committees of Correspondence shared ideas and information with groups in other colonial towns about British laws and ways to challenge them True.
The Sons of Liberty believed in using peaceful means to stop tax collection False.
The Boston Tea Party encouraged colonists in other cities to destroy tea shipments and harass tea merchants True..
Created by: wjewell
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