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Civics Review

i used my study guide to make this .

what are the three qualifications for senate ? 30yrs old, 9yr citizen, resident
what are the qualifications for house of representatives ? 25yrs old , 7yr citizen . 17yr resident
what is a filibuster ? method of delaying a bill by making a lengthy speech
what are the roles of the president ? commander in chief
why do federal judges have life time appointments ? to protect them from political control
what is the significance of plessy vs. ferguson ? established separate but equal
what is the significance of brown vs. board of education ? established can be separate but never equal
what is the significance of miranda vs. arizona ? does process must be read and understood before questioning the suspect
what is the signifiance of maubury vs. madison ? established the judicial review
who's job is t to conduct elestions and regulate education ? state
who's job is it to coin money and establish post offices ? federal
what is the job of the executive branch ? enforce laws
what is the job of the legislative branch ? makes laws
what is the job of the judicial brand ? interprets laws
who chooses the president if there is no majority in the electoral college ? house of representatives
what is Gerry mending ? the process of drawing district lines to favor one political parties over one another
how is representation decided in the house && senate ? by population
how many members are in the senate ? 100
how many members are of the representatives ? 435
in which system of govt. are the executive and legislative branch separate and coequal ? presidential
how many members are of the congress ? 35
what is the 4th amendment ? protects you from illegal searches
what does the 5th amendment say ? you have the right to remain silent
what does seperation of church and state mean ? govt. can't determine your religion
what are the six principles of the constitution ? 1) checks && balances 2)separation of powers 3)judicial review 4)federalism 5)limited govt. 6)power to pop. sovereignty
what is reserved powers ? state powers
what is delated powers ? federal powers
what were the three amendments that where passed as a result of the civil war ? 13th , 14th , 15th ,
what was the great compromise ? combination of new jersey and Virgina plan
what was the new jeresy plan and who did it benefit ? small state plan and the smaller states
what was the Virgina plan and who did it benefit ? big state plan and bigger states
what does the 1st amendment say ? Religion Assembly Press Petition Speech
whatd eos the 2nd amendment say ? bare arm
what does the 3rd amenment say ? right to refuse soldiers during peace
what does the 6th amendment say ? right to speedy trial
what does the 7th amendment say ? right to a jury trial in civil cases
what does the 8th amendment say ? right to have protection agnist crual and unusal function
what does the 9th amendment say ? that people have more rights then or listed in the constitution
what does the 10th amendment say ? all power is not delegated to the federal govt. are reserved for the state, or people .
what does the 14th amendment say ? gave the blacks the right to vote
what does the 19th amendment say ? gave the woman the right to vote
what did the 26th amendment say ? lowered the voting age from 21 to 18
what is judicial review ? supreme court ability to determine if the law or action is constitutional
Created by: CierraD
Popular American Government sets




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