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JRA The Revolution

Chapter 6 Battles of the American Revolution

A blacksmith known for his fierce temper who lead the Green Mountain Boys to take Fort Ticonderoga. Ethan Allen
A band of Vermonters lead by Ethan Allen to take Fort Ticonderoga. Green Mountain Boys
A British fort located at the tip of Lake Champlain. Fort Ticonderoga
An army set up by the Second Continental Congress in case the colonists went to war with Britain. Continental Army
The leader of the Continental Army. George Washington
The man in the Second Continental Congress who proposed that George Washington should be the commander of the Continental army. John Adams
A petition to King George III that stated the colonists would be loyal to the king if he helped end the conflict by repealing the Intolerable Acts. Olive Branch Petition
The author of the Olive Branch Petition. John Dickinson
The idea that an olive branch represents. Peace
Colonists who opposed British rule and believed that the taxes imposed were unjust. Patriots
A patriotic farmer who wouldn't let the British take his farm. Reuben Stebbins
Colonists who remained loyal to King George III and to England. Loyalists
Another name for Loyalists. Tories
The colonial colonel that led colonial troops to Bunker Hill to fire upon the British in Boston. Colonel William Prescott
The hill where the colonial army planned to fire upon Boston. Bunker Hill
The hill that had a much better view of Boston. Breed's Hill
The British general who led the British troops at the Battle of Bunker Hill. General William Howe
The quote the Patriot commanders told their officers because of the lack of gunpowder. "Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes!"
The first major battle of the American Revolution that actually took place at Breed's Hill, and the British were victorious. Battle of Bunker Hill
The place where George Washington went to fire upon Boston Harbor with the cannons from Fort Ticonderoga. Dorchester Height
The place where Howe and his troops retreated to from Boston when he saw the cannons at Dorchester Heights. Halifax, Canada
People who flee their homes to seek refuge from war, persecution, or other hardships. Refugees
The shutting off of a port to keep people or supplies from moving in or out. Blockade
Troops for hire, such as Hessians. Mercenaries
The colonial general who seized Montreal in 1775 and was killed in the Battle of Quebec. General Richard Montgomery
The colonial officer who traveled through bad weather in Maine to Quebec, was injured in the Battle of Quebec, and stayed outside Quebec until more British troops arrived in May of 1776. Benedict Arnold
The battle that took place in a blinding snowstorm on December 31, 1775, and the British were victorious. Battle of Quebec
A pamphlet that was published in January of 1776 that said colonists did not owe loyalty to King George III and they did not owe England anything. Common Sense
The author of Common Sense who urged colonists to declare independence. Thomas Paine
The Virginian man of the Continental Congress who said, "These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States" in June of 1776. Richard Henry Lee
A person who betrays his or her country. Traitor
Five important men in the committee that would create the Declaration of Independence. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman
The author of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson
The document accepted on July 4, 1776 that officially established the fact that the 13 colonies were now the United States of America. Declaration of Independence
The president of the Continental Congress who signed his signature first, very boldly in large and clear letters so King George III would know that he wanted independence. John Hancock
The number of main parts in the Declaration of Independence. Four
The first part of the Declaration of Independence that introduced what would be said in the document. Preamble
The second part of the Declaration of Independence that involved rights that belong to all people from birth. Natural rights
The third part of the Declaration of Independence that stated all the wrong things King George III did to the colonies. British Wrongs
The last section of the Declaration of Independence that concluded with the idea of independence in the colonies. Declaring Independence
The battle fought in New York in August where the colonists retreated to New Jersey and the British were victorious. Battle of Long Island
A young Connecticut officer who was sent by George Washington to find information about Howe's forces, was captured by the British, and said," I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Nathan Hale
Another pamphlet created by Thomas Paine that urged Americans to support the Continental Army, and George Washington read it to his troops. The Crisis
The river George Washington crossed on Christmas night. Delaware River
The battle on December 26 where the Hessians were taken by surprise, and the Americans were victorious. Battle of Trenton
The British general who planned to retake Trenton, but was fooled by Washington. General Charles Cornwallis
The battle where Washington sneaked behind the British troop after leaving Trenton. Battle of Princeton
The British general who came up with the idea of having three armies capture Albany and control the Hudson River to cut off American supplies from NE. General John Burgoyne
The British general who captured Philadelphia and retired in comfortable quarters there. General Howe
The British general who tried to take Fort Stanwix but was driven back by Benedict Arnold and his army. General Barry St. Leger
The British general who was slowed down by heavy baggage carts, trees blocking the route, and dammed streams. General Burgoyne
The battle where British troops were sent to Vermont to get supplies, but the Americans were victorious. Battle of Bennington
The battle that ended on October 17, 1777 when Burgoyne surrendered his entire army to the Americans, so the Americans were victorious. Battle of Saratoga
Nations that work together to achieve some common goal. Allies
This American man was sent to Paris to convince King Louis XVI to aid the Americans. Benjamin Franklin
A young French noble who brought trained troops to the United States, fought at the Battle of Brandywine, and became one of Washington's closest friends. Marquis de Lafayette
A Prussian man who had served in the Prussian army and trained the Continental army to march and drill. Friedrich von Steuben
A Polish engineer who built forts and other defenses. Thaddeus Kosciusko
A Polish officer who trained cavalry. Casimir Pulaski
Troops on horseback. Cavalry
The place where Washington and the Continental Army suffered in the winter of 1777-1778. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
A Seneca chief who thought the Americans were weak. Flying Crow
Another world for uninvolved. Neutral
The four Indian tribes that the British gained from in the South. Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, and Chichasaws
The Mohawk leader who led the Iroquois to raid frontier settlements. Joseph Brant
An American man who planned a surprise attack on Vincennes and won by spreading out through the woods to make it seem like there were more troops. George Rogers Clark
The governor of Spanish Louisiana who secretly supplied the Americans with supplies and later captured forts along the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. Bernardo de Gálvez
The battle in North Carolina that is called the Lexington and Concord of the South, and the Americans were victorious. Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge
The new British commander-in-chief who went to the Southern colonies to gain more support from the Loyalists there. Sir Henry Clinton
The most daring American captain who sailed on the Bonhomme Richard toward the Separis and defeated the British in hand-to-hand combat. John Paul Jones
An American woman who was known for making cannons and guns for the Continental army. Handy Betsy the Blacksmith
An American woman who cared for the wounded, washed clothes, and cooked. Martha Washington
An American woman who was believed to have created the first American flag with stars and stripes. Betsy Ross
An American woman whose real name was Mary Ludwig Hays, and she got her nickname because she carried water to the soldiers. Molly Pitcher
One of the black minutemen who went on to fight at Bunker Hill. Peter Salem
An American man who said, "The colonists are by the law of nature free born, as indeed all men are, white or black." James Otis
An American officer who fought at the Battle of King's Mountain. Thomas Young
The battle where a mountain was captured on October 7, 1780, and the Americans were victorious. Battle of King's Mountain
An American general who lead the Continental Army in the South and fought only at areas that put the British at a disadvantage. Nathanael Greene
An American general who fought at the Battle of Cowpens in January of 1781 and used a strategy where a first line of soldiers retreated, and when the enemies dashed forward, the second line took them out. Daniel Morgan
An American man who was known as "Swamp Fox" and used a guerrilla strategy against the British in the swamps to harass them. Francis Marion
Hit-and-run. Guerrilla
An American man who turned traitor and burned Richmond because he needed money and felt he didn't get credit for his victories. Benedict Arnold
A French man who lead French soldiers at the Battle of Yorktown. Comte de Rochambeau
The French sailor who was in control of the French navy at the Battle of Yorktown. Admiral de Grasse
The last battle of the American Revolution where Cornwallis surrendered on October 19, 1781 because he was trapped, so the Americans were victorious. Battle of Yorktown
A black spy under Lafayette who got information from Cornwallis and Arnold. James Armistead
The act of surrounding an enemy position in an attempt to capture it. Siege
The British prime minister who could not believe the British had lost the war and started talking peace with the Americans. Lord North
The treaty that stated that the 13 colonies were independent, the borders of American land went from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic Ocean, Florida was returned to Spain, and the Loyalists were to be payed for the loss of their property. Treaty of Paris
Another word for approved. Ratified
Created by: LOSBH47
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