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BU WVC 220

History III Part 1

Anarchism I Wanted to eliminate the state entirely, not just capture control of it. Believed revolutionary terrorism(assassination of a head of state) would trigger world revolution that would end all authority.
Anarchism II Leading authorities - Prince Peter Kroptkin, Mikhail Bakunin, Pierre Joseph Proudhon Assassinated leaders - Tsar Alex II, French President Carnot, Italian King Humbert, American President McKinley
Battle of Waterloo June 18, 1815 Napoleon defeated (by Duke of Wellington and Prussian Field Marshal Gebhard von Bulcher) in Belgium
Battle of Trafalgar October 21, 1805 defeated by Admiral Horatio Nelson
Bourgeoisie middle class
capitalism economic system that became dominant during demise of feudalism, particularly during 19th and 20th centuries. was the main means of industrialization throughout much of the world
Communist Manifesto 1848. Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. presents analytic approach to the class struggle and the problems of capitalism
Conservatism I in general, rejected basic assumptions of Enlightenment and French Revolution (natural rights, equality, goodness of man, perpetual progress, etc.)
Conservatism II rejected belief that people are by nature good. Instead, they are by nature wicked. Their evil is held in check by tried and tested institutions, beliefs, and traditions.
Conservatism III Rejected individualism because it fragmented society by destroying its organic unity. Accepted a natural hierarchical society. Constitutional monarchy was ideal, supported by established church such as one that existed in Great Britain.
Continental System also known as (Continental Blockade), was foreign policy of Napoleon I of France in his struggle against UK during Napoleonic Wars. Began November 21, 1806 and ended April 11, 1814.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen defines the individual and collective rights of all the estates of the realm as a Universal. Fundamental document of the French Revolution. Influenced by doctrine of "natural right", the rights of man are held to be universal
Dialectic materialism type of Marxism, synthesizing Hegel's dialectics(thesis, antithesis, synthesis)
Directory a body of 5 directors that held executive power in France after the Convention and before the Consulate. November 1795 to November 1799, known as Directory Era
Encyclopedia by Denis Diderot and Jean d'Alembert. published between 1751 and 1777, with 33 volumes total.
Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke, 1690. describes mind as a blank slate(Tabula Rasa) which gets filled through life experiences. One of principal sources of empiricism in modern philosophy, influenced many (including David Hume, and George Berkeley)
First, Second, and Third Estates 1)Clergy 2)Nobility 3)Commoners medieval ranking of importance in society
Foundations of the Nineteenth Century by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, 1899. talks about various racist and (particularly Volkish [meaning "ethnic or diverse"]) antisemitic theories on how the Aryan race was superior to others.
French National Assembly
Created by: irshclgr
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