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Micro lab #2

What are the genes located on the pGLO plasmid Beta Lactamase Green flourescent protein ara C regulator protein
Incubation on ice slows fluid cell membranes
Transformation solution - CaCl2 neutralize charges on bacteria to allow plasmid to enter
Heat shock @ 42C increases permiability of cell membrane
Incubation with LB broth allows beta lactamase expression
Structure of T even bacteriophage 1.head 2. tail 3. Nucleic acid 4. capsid 5. collar 6. sheath 7. tail fiber 8. spikes 9. baseplate
benefits of phage therapy kills specific target baceria
disadvantages of phage therapy unknown side effects
selective media will only grow specific bacteria
differential media changes color of colonies making them easier to identify
Staphylococcus aureus MSA yellow fermentation on MSA
Staphylococcus epidermidis MSA growth, non fermentation on MSA
S. aureus blood agar beta - takes color out of blood agar completely
S. epidermidis blood agar gamma - no effect on blood agar
S. aureus coagulase test positive coagulase test
S. epidermidis coagulase test negative coagulase test
MacConkeys agar is differential organisms that ferment lactose turn red on this agar
MacConkeys agar is selective because only gram negative organisms will grow on this agar
MacConkeys grows this fermenting organism E. Coli because it ferments lactose turning pink
MacConkeys grows this non-fermenting organism P. fluorescens
sterilization removing all microbes through heat
disinfection destruction of non endospore forming pathogens on surfaces by chemicals, UV, boiling
antisepsis disinfection of living tissue by use of antiseptic
sanitation lower microbe level to safe level by washing or disinfectant
autoclave sterilization by steam under pressure 15 psi 120C
pasteurization heating at 72C for short time to lower bacteria
dry heat flaming or oven heat for 2 hours @ 170C
filtration air/fluid passed through filter to remove microbes.
germicide kills microorganisms minus endospores
bacteriostasis inhibits growth and multiplication of bacteria
Pure Green silver & citric acid
lysol benzalkonium chloride
clorox bleach Sodium hypochlorite
409 Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride
Blood agar differential media certain bacteria produce hemolysins that act on the red cells
alpha on blood agar green around colony
beta on blood agar clear,takes all red color out of agar
gamma on blood agar no effect on agar
Gr. A Streptococci bacitracin sensitivity test any inhibition zone with "A" disc
Strepticocci pneumonia optochin test P disc inhibition
Alpha hemolytic Strepticoci pneumonia optochin test no inhibition, negative
normal flora nose staphylococcus epidermidis
normal flora throat Alpha hemolytic strepticocci
broad spectrum antibiotic works against both gram - and gram + bacteria. SXT is an example.
bacteriocidal kill growing microbes directly
bacteriostatic stop microbes from growing
Modes of action Penicillin Modes of action Inhibits cell wall synthesis
Mode of action neomycin Mode of action Inhibits protein synthesis
Mode of action nalidixic acid Mode of action Inhibits nucleic acid synthesis
Mode of action sulfamethoxazole Mode of action inhibits metabolism
Sensitive antibiotic inhibits or kills growth
Resistant antibiotic does not inhibit growth
Intermediate not resistant, but not sensitive. Can be used when a sensitive is not an option.
Created by: jhlcc
Popular Bacteriology sets




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