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Sal's Ch. 11 Voc.

Chapter 11 Vocabulary

People who advocate political or social revolutions. radical
The belief that restraint of one person by another is evil. anarchism
The banning of all alcoholic beverages between 1906 and 1919. prohibition
The anti-Communist panic. Red Scare
Deportation of Russian aliens in November 1919. Palmer Raids
Founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association Marcus Garvey
The women's struggle to vote. Suffrage
Albert Falls leased government oil fields to wealthy friends in exchange for bribes; This is where one was located Teapot Dome
Woodrow Wilson's policy involving cooperation and involvement with other countries. Internationalism
A way for Germany to meet its financial obligations and avoid war. The Dawes Plan
The limitation or destruction of weapons Disarmament
The U.S.'s second attempt to free itself from involvement in Europe. Kellogg-Briand Pact
Amount of hours goods each hour of labor produced. Industrial Productivity
Accumulation of money Capital
Business owned by multiple stockholders Corporation
A few major producers influence an entire industry Oligopoly
The combination of employers used to convince workers that they did not need unions. Welfare Capitalism
Created by: wc213012
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