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Wilderness Road Opened Kentucky to settlement.
Land of Ordinance of 1785 Western lands divided into townships.
Northwest Territory Land that would become Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and part of Minnesota.
Northwest Ordinance Pattern for orderly growth of U.S.
Land Ordinance and Northwest Ordinance Allowed America to expand and include new territories in orderly way.
Articles of Confederation 1.Created national government. 2.Could not levy (collect taxes)
U.S. Constitution causes 1.Shays' Rebellion. 2.Articles of Confederation weaknesses. 3.Desire for stronger national government.
Philadelphia, PA Where Constitutional Convention was held.
Declaration of Indenpendence When a Government fails to protect the rights of the citizens, people should be able to change it.
Shays' Rebellion Farmers in debt that fight in massachusetts.
Great Compromise Conflict resolved between Virginia Plan and New Jersey.
Three Fifths (3/5) Compromise How slaves would be counted for representation.
Anti-Federalists George Mason-against the constitution.
James Madison Father of Constitution, he helped write Virginia Plan and contributed to Federalists papers.
Federalism Power is shared between central government and the states.
1787 Year U.S. drafts new constitution.
Bill of Rights Men at Constitutional Convention refused to accept Constitution without it.
Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan Both have three branches of government.
Quartering Act Provide housing and supplies for British soldiers.
Treaty of Paris of 1783 Britain recognizes American colonies as free and have rights to lands east of Mississippi River.
Created by: c0806224
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