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SI, Autism, MR

PEds 3rd Exam prep

What are the near senses? Vestibular, Proprioception, Tactile
What are some suspected causes of SI? Toxins, hereditary, birth trauma, environmental deprivation, other d/o
Signs of SI dysfuction Normal IQ, Uneven development, poor balance, clumsy, low tone, sensory reactive, poor fine motor, behavior problems, ADHD, Autism
How is SI evaluated? SIPT (Sensory Integration Praxis Test), Clinical obserations, TIP (touch inventory for preschoolers), TIE (touch inventory for Elementary school-aged children) Postrotary Nystagmus, Parent & teacher interview
Sensory Modulation disorders Sensory registration problems - seems oblivious to pain, cold; Sensation seeking - needs intense stimulation; Over responsiveness - tactile defensive, gravitational insecurity
Strategies from How Does Your Engine Run? change level of alertness through self by mouth, move, tactile, look, listen
What is habituation? ability to tune out familiar input to focus on what is important (subconscious)
Do older children need as much sensory input as younger? NO - as children grow they become more integrated and need less sensory nourishment
Signs of a vestibular disorder the child will have proprioceptive problems like difficulty with head movements, midline jerk, poor equilibrium/balance, visual scan/track problems, low muscle tone, RL confusion, confused hand preference
Signs of dyspraxia- motor planning disorder clumsiness, difficulty sequencing moves, body transitions are hard, physical skills take longer to master, do better if shown, too much/too little force
Signs of sensory discrimination/perception problems poor tactile perception, difficulty interpreting touch info, may use vision to compensate, poor stereognosis, automatic tasks take lots of energy/tire out child, fine motor below age level
Sensory modulation disorder signs over-sensitivity or responsiveness to certain sensory inputs, gravitational insecurity, sensation seeking, don't register cold, hot, pain
How common are sensory processing problems? as much as 10% of general population
OT tx for SI fit chores with sensory needs, routine - sensory nourishment scheduled, teach child to take responsibility for sensory needs
What is the fastest growing developmental disorder? Autism - increasing by 10-17% each year
What is the ratio of males to females with autism? 4:1
Which disorder that is categorized as a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) should every child be screened for? Autism
Developmental disorder with disturbances in social interactions; disturbances in communication; disturbances in behavior; disturbances in sensory & perceptual processing Autism
Causes of autism toxins, intestinal inflammation, genetic -
What is autism often mistaken for? OCD, ADHD, MR
What is ABA? Applied Behavior Analysis - intense behavior modification approach that uses immediate small rewards
What do autistic children need? structure
What is "errorless teaching"? a component of ABA or VB - request child do something (motor/verbal), guide hand to it and reward them
How can you teach an autistic or aspergers child about social interaction? use of Social Stories to illustrate social problem solving - unsuccessful/successful behavior
Suggestions for working with autistic children give them time to decompress; calm approach, beware of touch; try to channel self-stim into socially acceptable behavior; keep verbal requests simple & direct; break tasks into discrete steps, limit background, sensory input
Asperger's syndrome Sever, sustained impairment of social interaction, repetitive patterns of behavior, obsessive interests, halting speech, no delays in language or cognitive delay
OT Tx for autism Teach group social skills, problem solving, diversity interests, don't set too many rules - or you will reinforce rule-bound tendency, educate, be consistent,
How is MR determined? a score of 68 & below on Stanford Binet IQ test or 70 and below in Weschler Intelligence Scale for children
What is borderline MR? IQ of 70-80
IQ of 50-70 is capable of what? Mild MR - considered educable up to 6th grade, can live alone w/S, must follow routine, perceptual skills not good, can be inappropriate
Moderate MR IQ of 36-50 (can be educated up to 2nd grade), need consistent routine, sheltered workshop, poor hygience, group home, learn basic survival skills
Severe MR IQ of 21-35, may learn a form of communication, needs P & V cues for self care, constant S, group home, often multiple orthopedic & medical problems
Profound MR I! of 20 & below
What % of pop is MR? ~3%
Created by: sherryama
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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