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AHS History QB

history quiz bowl questions

Name the state the battle of Fort Donelson took place in TN
What state did the battle of Cold Harbor take place? VA
What state did the battle of Fort Sumter take place SC
What state did the battle of Antietam take place MA
What state did the battle of 1st Bull Run take place VA
What state did the battle of Vicksburg take place MS
What state did the battle of Shiloh take place? TN
What state did the battle of Chancellorsville take place? VA
What state did the battle of Chickamauga take place? GA
What state did the battle of Spotsylvania take place? VA
What state did the battle of Chalk Bluff take place? AR
Political party official tasked to get party members to vote on legislation whip
The amount by which available funds exceed spending during a fiscal year surplus
Branch of government that hears and settles disputes judicial
Mechanism by which the President of the United States is elected electoral college
Cooperation between members of the two major political parties bipartianship
the redrawing of a political district to favor a particular party gerrymandering
court order demanding that an individual in custody be brought into court habeas corpus
rewarding jobs in government to one's political allies after an election patronage
the process of ending debate in the U.S. Senate cloture
Term for one who is not a citizen of the country in which he is living alien
four-word standard that is used to justify limitations on speech that could harm others clear and present danger
present day name of - British Honduras Belize
present day name of - Gaul France
present day name of - Persia Iran
present day name of - Ceylon Sri Lanka
present day name of - Indochina Vietnam
present day name of - Siam Thailand
present day name of - Abyssinia Ethiopia
present day name of - Gold Coast Ghana
present day name of - Rhodesia Zimbabwe
present day name of - East Pakistan Bangladesh
present day name of - Burma Myanmar
What vice pres was indicted for murder while in office? Aaron Burr
What is the minimum age requirement for the US VP 35
Who was the first VP to die in office? George Clinton
Which VP won the Nobel Prize while he was VP Charles Dawes
Besides Calhoun, which VP resigned the office Spiro Agnew
What president had two VPs die during his administration? James Madison
According to the constitution, the VP is the presiding officer of what? Senate
Besides Calhoun, who served as vice president for two different presidents? George Clinton
Who is the only VP who went on to serve two full terms as president? Thomas Jefferson
What VP later became the Secretary of War for the Confederacy? John Breckinridge
Who is the first VP to assume presidency in 1841? John Tyler
1968, Sirhan, Sirhan shot who? Robert Kennedy
1881 Charles Guiteau shot who? James Garfield
1901 Leon Czolgosz William McKinley
1914 Gavrilo Princip Archduke Franz Ferdidand
This city serves as the capital and legislative center for Iceland Reykjavik
Reykjavik is the home of what, Iceland's parliament and the world's oldest, established in 930 Althing
What body of water separates Iceland and Greenland Denmark Strait
At what international competition does the Icelandic Hockey Team strike fear in the hearts of mostly Mighty Ducks Team USA, according to Disney, at least? Junior Goodwill Games
Who was Abraham Lincoln's VP? Hannibal Hamlin
What president did John Nance Garner serve as VP under? Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Who was Zachary Taylor's VP? Millard Fillmore
What president did Walter Mondale serve as VP under? James Earl Carter
Who was Thomas Jefferson's VP? Aaron Burr
What president did Richard Nixon serve as VP under? Dwight David Eisenhower
Who was James Madison's VP? Edbridge Gerry
What president did John Tyler serve as VP under? William Henry Harrison
Who was Richard Nixon's VP? Spiro Agnew
What president did Adlai Stevenson serve as VP under? Grover Cleveland
This city serves as the capital and legislative center for the island. Reykjavik
Reykjavik is the home of what, Iceland's parliament and the world's oldest, established in 930. Althing
What body of water separates Iceland from Greenland? Denmark Strait
At what international competition does the Icelandic Hockey team strike fear in the hearts of a mostly Might Ducks Team USA, according to Disney, at least? Junior Goodwill Games
The lake that extends the farthest west Superior
The second largest of the lakes Huron
The lake that extends the farthest south Erie
The lake on which Chicago sits Michigan
Time period in which there is massive employment and dramatic loss of Gross National Product with falling prices Depression
Time period, usually lasting at least two quarters, that there is a slight decline in the Gross National Product with higher unemployment and lower production. Recession
Type of economy that has government-controlled industry and services. Command economy
Type of economy that has both free enterprise and government regulation. Mixed economy
Fort Donelson Tennessee
Cold Harbor Virginia
Fort Sumter South Carolina
Antietam Maryland
1st Bull Run Virginia
Vicksburg Mississippi
Shiloh Tennessee
Chancellorsville Virginia
Chickamauga Georgia
Spotsylvania Virginia
Chalk Bluff Arkansas
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Antiedam in the American Civil War? Robert E. Lee
What Confederate general commanded the battle of chickamagua in the American Civil War? Braxton Bragg
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Shenandoah in the American Civil War? Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Shiloh in the American Civil War? Albert Sidney Johnston
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Fort Sumptor in the American Civil War? P.G.T. Beauregard
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Murfreesbro in the American Civil War? Braxton Bragg
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Fredericksburg in the American Civil War? Robert E. Lee
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Chattanooga in the American Civil War? Braxton Bragg
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Fort Donelson in the American Civil War? Simon Bolivar Buckner
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Peninsular campaign, Virginia in the American Civil War? Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
What Confederate general commanded the battle of Vicksburg in the American Civil War? John C. Pemberton
What was the name of King Arthur's wife? Guinevere
What was the name of King Arthur's son? Galahad
Where was King Arthur's court located? Camelot
What was the name of Arthur's sword? Excalibur
Middle names- John Q. Adams Quincy
Middle names- Ronald W. Reagan Wilson
Middle names- William H. Taft Howard
Middle names- Franklin D. Roosevelt Delano
Middle names- Chester A. Arthur Alan
Middle names- Richard M. Nixon Milhous
Middle names- Warren G. Harding Gamaliel
Middle names- John F. Kennedy Fitzgerald
Middle names- Lyndon B. Johnson Baines
Middle names- Herbert C. Hoover Clark
Middle names- James K. Polk Knox
Federal income tax 16th ammendment
Cruel and unusual punishment 8th ammendment
Women's suffrage 19th ammendment
Presidential term limit 22nd ammendment
Abolition of slavery 13th ammendment
Right to bear arms 2nd ammendment
Direct election of senators 17th ammendment
Repeal of prohibition 21st ammendment
Due process of law 5th ammendment
Prohibition of poll taxes 24th ammendment
Right to trial by jury 7th ammendment
Name the Explorer of the: Pacific Ocean Balboa
Name the Explorer of: Florida Ponce de Leon
Name the Explorer of the: Amazon River Fransisco de Orellana
Name the Explorer of the: Mississippi River near Memphis Hernando de Soto
Moses encountered the Burning Bush Exodus
Saul is converted on the road to Damascus Acts
The walls of Jericho fall Joshua
The writing on the wall foretold the downfall of Belchazzar. Daniel
Name the President during: War of 1812 James Madison
Name the President during: Gulf of Tonkin incident Lyndon B. Johnson
Name the President during: Haymarket Riot Grover Cleveland
Name the President during: Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln
Who was the Muses mother? Mnemosyne
Muse of Epics Calliope
Muse of Comedy Thalia
Muse of Lyrics Erato
Muse of Music Euterpe
Muse of Hymns Polyhymnia
Muse of History Clio
Muse of Astronomy Urania
Muse of Dance Terpsichore
Muse of Tragedy Melpomene
This area near Helicon, was a favorite place of the Muses Boeotia
What is the term used ot describe a direct popular vote on a proposed law or policy? Referendum
What is the term for the minumum number of memebers of a committee or legislative body that must by persent before any activity can commence? Quorum
As secreatary of state from '53 to '59, he developed the policy of massive retaliation with regard to nuclear war? John Foster Dulles
The elephant became the symbol for the Republican Party after a series of cartoons by what person? Thomas Nast
Created by: armorelqb
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