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history-chapter 5

8th grade

labored worked
consolidation the practice of compining seperate companies
individuals persons
railroad barons powerful individuals that controlled the nation's rail traffic
cornelius vanderbilt one of the first railroad barons consolidated several companies
leland stanford founded the central pacific, which connected california and utah
what were the advantages and disadvantaes of consolidation? a-made larger companies more efficient d-drove smaller companies out of business
standard gauge the width of 4 feet 8.5 inches for the railroad tracks
george westinghouse devised air brakes that improved the system for stopping trains, which made train travel safer
eli h. janney developed janney cars which made it easeier for railroad workers to link cars
gustavus swift enabled the railroads to ship meat and other perishable goods over long distances by inventing refrigerated carts
george m. pullman develped the pullman sleeping car- a luxury railway car with seats tht converted into into beds for overnight journeys
rebates secret discounts between large railroads
pools secret agreements among railroad barons
what were some of the new technologies that improved railroad travel refrigerated carts, pullman carts, janney cars, and air brakes
transmitted sent
cyrus field managed to lay a telegraph cable across the atlantic ocean
alexander graham bell invented the telephone
describe the differences between a telegraph and a telephone telegraph-transmitted messages in morse code telephone- transmitted speech
george eastman invented the kodak camera
john thurman invented the vacuum cleaner
thomas edison invented the lightbulb
menlo park where thomas edisons workshop is in nj
lewis howard latimer developed an improved wire for the lightbul and joined thomas edisons company
granville woods invented an electrci incubator and railroad improvements such as an electromagnetic brake and an automatic circut braker
elijah mccoy invented a mechanism for o8iling machinery
mechanism mechanical device
jan e. matzeliger developed a shoe-making machine
henry ford invented an inexpensive car that would last a lifetime
model t americas first mass production car made by the ford motor company
assembly line a systme with machines and workers arranges so that each person perforns an assigned task again and again as items pass before him or her
mass production the production of large quantities of goods using machinery and often an assembly line
mail order businesses receiving and shipping orders by mail
chain stores stores with identical branches in many places
model t americas first mass production car made by the ford motor company
assembly line a systme with machines and workers arranges so that each person perforns an assigned task again and again as items pass before him or her
mass production the production of large quantities of goods using machinery and often an assembly line
mail order businesses receiving and shipping orders by mail
chain stores stores with identical branches in many places
petroleum sticky black substances used to produce heat and smoke free light
edwin l drake believed that he could find petroleum by digging a well
titusville, pa sight of where edwin drake struck oil
factors of production land labor and capital
capital money for investment
corporation company that sells shares
stock shares
shareholders people who invest in the corporation by buying stock
dividends cash payments from the corporations profits
what was the first business to form corporations railroads
john d rockefeller most famous figure of the oil industry
partners assosiates
standard oil company of ohio founded by rockefeller
horizontal integration combining competing companies into one corporation
trust group of companies managed by the same board of directors
monopoly total control of an industry by a single producer
andrew carnegie powerful in the steel industry
vertical integration acquiring companies that provided the equipment and services they needed
philantrooy the use of money to benefit the community
carnegie hall one of the worlds most famous concert halls
trend general movement
mergers the combining of companies
sherman antitrust act prohibited trusts and monopolies
sweatshops crowded and dangerous urban factories
how many hours a week did industrial workers typically work 10 to 12 hrs a day, six days a week
trade unions organization with workers from the same trade or skill
Knights of Labor trade union in philadelphia
identify recognize
**how dod rockefeller create a monopoly with the standard oil company of ohio?** rockefeller created a monopoly with the standard oil company of ohio by forming a trust of many different oil companies, and then the shareholders of the oil companies traded their stock for standard oil stock, which paid higher dividends.
**how did george westinghouse take thomas edisons work with electricity even further?** george westinghouse took thomas edisons work with electricity even further by develpoing and building transformers that could send electric power more chepaly over longer distances.
**what were the working conditions of factory workers in the late 1800s and early 1900s?** working conditions of factory workers in the late1800s and early1900s were unsafepeople worked in unsafe and unhealthy factory conditions and accidents were common in factories and mines. industrial laborers worked for 10 or 12 hrs a day six days a week.
christopher shole invented the typewriter
william burroughs inventing the adding machine
what are the two methods of making steel the bessemer process and the open hearth process
henry bessemer developed the bessemer process
steel capitol of the usa pittsburgh PA
important steel production hubs cleveland chicago detroit and birmingham
cigaars makers union pressed for higher wages, shorter hours, better working conditions and the right to collective bargaining
haymarket riot strike for antilabor-bloody war
terrence v. powderly leader of kights of labor
american federation of labor (afl) group of natioinal trade unions, represented skilled workers in various crafts
samuel gompers president of cigars makers union
collective bargaining when unions represent workers in labor discussions with management
mary harris jones spent 50 years fighting for workers rights
international ladies harment workers union (ilgwu) pushed for a safer working enviornment
strikebreakers people hired to replace a striking worker in order to break up a strike
eugene v. debs refused to end he antilabor strike and went to jail
Created by: iluvfenway
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