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Chapter 14

totalitarianism theory of government in which a single party or leader controls the economic, social,and cultural lives of its people
Joseph Stalin took Lenin's place in 1924 as head of the Communist Party. He wanted to turn the Soviet Union into an industrial power and form state run collective farms. He purged his party of traitorsthe Great Terror.Fear and propaganda kept him in power
Benito Mussolini Founded the Fascist Party , who favored nationalism.He outlawed political parties,took over the press,created a secret police,organized youth groups to indoctrinate the young, and suppressed strikes.
Adolf Hitler He blamed the Jews for Germany's bad economy and criticized communists in Mein Kampf. He led the Nazi Party and planned on world domination
Anti-Semitic prejudice and discrimination against Jewish people
Spanish Civil War Nationalist forces led by General Francisco Franco rebelled against the democratic Republican governemnt of Spain
appeasement mpolicy of granting concessions in order to keep peace
Anschluss union of Germany and Austria in 1933
Munich Pact agreement made between Germany, Italy, Great Brutain, and France in 1938 that sacrificed the Sudenetenland to preserve peace
blitzkrieg "lightning war" that emphacized the use of speed and firepower to penetrate deep into the enemy's territory
Axis Powers group of countries led by Germany, Italy,and Japan that fought the Allies in WWII
Allies group of countries led by Britain, France, the US, and the Soviet Union that fought the Axis Powers in WWII
Winston Churchill Great Gritain's prime minister.cautioned Parliament "wars are not won by evacuations." He believed the US should join the war because it threatened their democracy and they were a world power.
Neutrality Act of 1939 act that allowed nations at war to buy goods and arms in the US if they paid cash and carried the merchandise on their own ships
Tripartite Pact agreement that created an alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan during WWII
Lend-Lease Act act passed in 1941 that allwoed President Roosevelt to sell or lend war supplies to any country whose defense he considered vital to the safety of the US
Atlantic Charter a joint declaration made in Aug.1941 by Britain and the USduring WWII, that endorsed national self-determination and an international system of general security
Hideki Tojo became the Japanese prime minister in 1941,known as "the Razor." He focused on military expansion and to keep the US neautral
Pearl Harbor American military attacked by the Japanese on Dec.7,1941
WAC US Army group established during WWII so that women could serve in noncombat roles
Douglas MacArthur commander of US army forces in Asia who struggled to hold the US positions in the Philipines with little support.
Bataan Death March during WWII, the forced march of American and Filipino prisoners of war under brutal conditions by the Japanese military
Battle of Coral Sea WWII battle that took place between Japanese and American aircraft carriers
Created by: Fofisguzman
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