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history indian

4th grade

Wampanoag is an Indian tribe who helped the Pilgrim's survive
Chief Massosoit leader of the Wampanoag tribe, came to make peace with the Pilgrims
Pocahontas Indian princess who helped save the life of John Smith, later married John Rolfe
Squanto/Samoset taught pilgrims ways to survive
John Rolfe 1st successful tobacco farmer in Jamestown
2 reason Pilgrims came to New World religious freedom and a say in how governed
Powhatan leader of the indian tribe that helped Jamestown survive
wilderness a wild, empty land that has not been settled
charter an offical permit to start settlements in the America
merchants businessmen, made a plan to begin a new colony in Virginia
swamp an area where the ground is wet ans spongy
separatists wanted to seperate from the Church of England
strangers people who wanted a channce in the New World, and others went for the adventure
pilgrims seperatist and strangers were two groups of people with different beliefs yet were wanderers to the New world
treaty a written promise or agreement
London Company a group of businessmen who would pay part of the cost of sending ships of colonists to the New World. The colonists would repay the merchants by sending back furs, lumber, and perhaps , gold and silver from the New world.
Mayflower Compact signed nov.21,1620
Sir Walter Raleigh asked permerison to begin a colony but Queen Elizabeth did not alowed to go himself to the New World.
Sir Walter Raleigh sent two sea captins to find a good place for and English colony. they found Roanoke.
JOHN WHITE Roanoke Leader His daughter gave birth to the first English child born in the new world.
CHIEF MASSOSOIT Leader of the Wampanoag Indians. Made a peace treaty with the Pilgrims – promised to help each other and never fight.
CAPTAIN MILES STANDISH A soldier chosen by the Pilgrims to guide them in dealing with the Indians and in building a settlement.
WILLIAM BRADFORD After Carver died, elected Governor of the Colony for 36 years. Wrote book called Of Plymouth Plantation.
POCAHONTAS Indian princess; credited with saving John Smith’s life; friend to the English people in Jamestown. Married John Rolfe and given the name Rebecca.
CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH Saved the Jamestown colony by making everyone do a fair share of the work. “He that does not work shall not eat.”
SQUANTO An Indian who had been to England and who spoke English well. He stayed with and helped the Pilgrims.
SAMOSET A friendly Indian who helped the Pilgrims in Plymouth. And lived with the indians and taught them how to plant corn and how to hunt.
JOHN ROLFE 1st tobacco farmer in Jamestown. The Englishman who married Pocahontas.
JOHN CARVER Chosen by the Pilgrims to be their Governor.
POWHATAN Chief of the Algonquin Indian nation and father of Pocahontas.
4 reasons why King James I wanted to begin an English Colony in the New World 1. find a sea passage through America to the riches of the Indies 2. find gold, silver, and valuable minerals 3. find the people of the Lost Colony 4. teach the Indians Christianity
What happened to the settlement of Roanoke (Lost Colony)? By the time Sir Walter Raleigh was able to return 3 years later, the colonists had disappeared. The reason is unknown. All they found was the name of an Indian group carved in a tree: CROATOAN
What was the “cash” crop of Jamestown? Tobacco
Name the merchants who funded the Jamestown Colony. The London Company
Name the ship that brought the Pilgrims to the New World. Mayflower
List 2 reasons why the Pilgrims came to the New World. 1. Religious freedom 2. Wanted to be self-governed
What were the conditions like on the Mayflower? 1. Passengers lived in a space between the decks. It was cold and wet. They slept on the floor or in hammocks. No bathrooms or showers. Used containers called chamber pots for bathrooms. During stormy weather people got seasick.
Explain the Mayflower Compact. Stated that everyone would obey an elected governor and stay together to start a new settlement. Every adult male on board the ship was required to sign the compact.
Name the leader of Roanoke. John White
Name the leader of Jamestown Captain John Smith
Name the leader of Plymouth. John Carver – Governor
Explain the importance of Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims were grateful for God’s mercy during the first hard year. Thanksgiving is a special time to thank God for all He has provided us.
What is the name of the Pilgrim’s Colony? Plymouth
1st Colony - Roanoke (Lost Colony) 2nd Colony – Jamestown 3rd Colony – Plymouth (Pilgrims) ROANOKE
Name differences between the 1st settlement in North America and the permanent settlement in the New World. Roanoke (1st settlement in N. America) The men sent to start Roanoke were more interested in becoming rich (gold) and returning to England. They had no interest in living in the New World.
Name more differences between the 1st settlement in North America and the permanent settlement in the New World. The 2nd attempt to start a colony at Roanoke failed for unknown reasons. Jamestown (1st permanent settlement) Colonists had families and looked for ways to earn a living. They built stronger homes.
Name more differences between the 1st settlement in North America and the permanent settlement in the New World. The cash crop of Tobacco helped Jamestown to be a success
Created by: A lewis
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