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Dat bio

Basis of life

________ were the first forms of life heterotrophs
why autotrophs were developed heterotrophs needed nutrients at a faster rate
____ coined the term cell from a cork Robert hooke
_______ discredited spontaneous generation (living come from non living) Louis Pasteur
____ fluid mosaic (phospholip bilayer w/t protein cell membrane
cell membrane is permeable to nonpolar, small polar like water.
charged particles cross the membrane through protein channels
____ controls activity of cell nucleus
______ where rRNA synthesis occurs nucleolus
______ site of protein production ribosome
_______ synthesize steroids, lipids and membrane of cell enoplasmic reticulum
modifies content from ER and distribute to cell surface Golgi apparatus
site of respiration, powerhouse mitochondria
transport and store materials; more likely in plants than animals vacuole
_____ used during cell division and are lacked by plants centrioles
_____ maintains cell shape and contains microtubules cytoskeleton
_______ moves down gradient requires a carrier with no energy required facilitated diff
______ moves against grad requires energy and a carrier active transport
role of enzymes to speed up rxn lowers activation energy w/o being changed
do enzymes affect the overall G (gibbs) of a rxn no
Induce fit theory active site is flexible and conforms to fit the substrate
whats respiration convert chemical energy to useable energy
final step of resp is ____ that release energy to form _____ H acceptor ; ATP
gluc catabolism occurs stages glycolysis, cell respiration
glycolysis results and occurs in 2 pyruvate; 2atp , 2 nadh, cytoplasm
pyruvate under fermentation conditions reduce pyruvate to ethanol / lacttic acid. nad regenerated and produces on 2 atp
pyruvate under oxygenated conditions/ celll resp 36-38 atp, occurs in mitochondria
cell resp divided into 3 stages pyruv decarb, citric acid cycle/ kreb cycle, electron transport chain
pyruva decarb occcurs in mitoch matrix
results of pyruv decarb lose CO2 and reduce NAd tonadh
results of kreb cycle 2 C acetyl fuses with oxalocetate and releases 2CO2, (3Nadh, 1Fadh,1Atp)*2
ETC occur in the inner mitochon membrane
results of ETC Oxygen pix up H forms water and energy used to make ATP
substrate level phospho produces _____ atp 4
carbs are stored as _____ in the ____ glycogen; liver
fats stored in ________ as _____ adipose tissue; triglyceride
glycerol can be converted to ______ which can enter the Citric Acid cycle PGAL
Calvin cycle (light independent ) in photosynthesis CO2 is fixed to ribulose bisphosphate
calvin cycle occurs in stroma of chloroplast
wats the prime end product of photosynthesis PGAL
where is the light dependent stage of photosynthesis occur thylakoids
oxidative phosphorylation produce ___ atp 32
citric acid cycle + glycolysis produce _____ atp 4
stamen male organ on plant that produces monoploid spores that form into pollen grains
stigma female organ site of pollen grain deposition
style tube connects the stigma to ovay
petal protects female organs and attracts insects
spores in plants haploid
Created by: smuttz
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