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Efflorescence blooming of flowers, state of flowering
Enmity deep seated hatred; state of being an enemy
Decorous exhibiting appropriate behavior or conduct
Chorister a singer or leader of a choir
Bastion a stronghold or fortification; similar to a stronghold
Hiatus a gap or interruption in continuity; a break or pause
Ebullience zestful or spirited enthusiasm
Recrimination the act of accusing in return; opposing another charge
Tumult commotion of a great crowd; disorder
Tirade a long angry or violent speech; a diatribe
Oppressive using power unjustly; burdensome
Inscrutable difficult to understand, mysterious
Vicissitudes a change or variation; unexpected changes in life
Declivities downward slopes, as of a hill
Tacit not spoken; implied by actions or statements
Blatant totally or offensively obtrusive; very obvious
Taboo excluded or forbidden from use or mention
Sinewy lean and muscular; stringy and tough
Malevolently having an ill will or wishing harm to others; malicious
Ludicrous obviously absurd; foolish
Ineffectual insufficient to produce an effect; useless
Jeer to abuse vocally; taunt or mock
Inarticulate incomprehensible; unable to speak with clarity
Leviathan something very large; giant sea creature in the Bible
Clamor a loud outcry; great expression of discontent
Mutinously unruly; insubordinate or constituting a mutiny
Crestfallen dispirited and depressed; dejected
Impervious incapable of being penetrated or affected
Enterprise an undertaking or business organization; industrious
Glowered looked at or stared angrily or sullenly
Rebuke to criticize sharply; check or repress
Demure modest and reserved in manner or behavior
Fervor great intensity of emotion; intense heat
Corpulent excessively fat
Sauntered to walk at a leisurely pace; stroll
Compelled to force or drive; exert a strong, irresistible force on
Luminous emitting light; full of light
Myopia nearsightedness; cannot see close-up
Sniveling to sniffle; complain or whine tearfully
Quavered trembled, or spoke in a trembling voice
Parried deflected or warded off; avoided
Talisman an object with magical power
Acrid unpleasantly sharp or bitter taste or smell
Cordon a line of people or ships stationed to guard
Elephantine the size of an elephant; enormous size/strength
Epaulettes a fringed strap worn on military uniforms
Created by: korye592990
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