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Mrs.Kent History

chapter 12 vocabulary

Imperialism the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas.
Protectorate the relation of a strong state toward a weaker state or territory that it protects and partly controls.
Anglo Saxonism The belief of Americans to spread their culture to other places.
Josiah Strong was an American Protestant clergyman, organizer,editor and author. He was one of the founders of the Social Gospel movement.
Matthew C. Perry Opened up trade in Japan.
Queen Liliuokalani the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian islands.
James G. Blaine A founder of the republican party.
Pan Americanism movement toward commercial, social, economic, military, and political cooperation among the nations of North, Central, and South.
Alfred T. Mahan one of the leading spokesmen for the age of imperialism.
Henry Cabot Lodge a conservative Republican politician
William Randolph Hearst American business magnate and leading newspaper publisher.
Joseph Pulitzer founded the most prestigious award in American journalism, the Pulitzer Prize.
Yellow Journalism is biased opinion masquerading as objective fact.
Enrique Dupuy de Lome Spanish ambassador to the United States.
Jingoism the spirit, policy,or practice of jingoes; bellicose chauvinism.
George Dewey only officer of the U.S. Navy ever to hold the rank of Admiral of the Navy
Emilio Aguinaldo First President of Philippine Republic.
Rough Riders mix of cowboys and civilians that formed a militia.
Leonard Wood was a physician who served as the Chief of Staff of the United States Army.
Foraker Act which established the governing structure for Puerto Rico.
Platt Amendment The President of the U.S. is hereby authorized to 'leave the government and control of the island of Cuba to its people'
Sphere of Influence A territorial area over which political or economic influence is wielded by one.
Open Door Policy policy advocated by the United States that all countries should have equal access to trade with the Chinese Empire.
Boxer Rebellion In 1900, a group known as the Boxers murdered thousands of foreigners, especially missionaries, in an attempt to rid China of all foreign influence.
Great White Fleet fleet of battleships sent around the world by president Roosevelt.
Hay Pauncefote Treaty Superseding the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 set out U.S. and British interests in connection to a canal through Central America.
Dollar Diplomacy new approach to foreign affairs that the Taft administration conceived.
Theodore Roosevelt 26th president of the United States.
Created by: courtney rohlfs
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