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1st Chapt. History

Arrival of Birtish in Sri Lanka & Consolidation of Power

Dutch arrived in S.L 1602
Year on which British captured the maritime areas from Dutch 1796
Year on which British captured the whole of S.L 1815
When S.L gained independence 04th of Feb 1948
Portuguese arrived in S.L 1505
Company established by the British English East India Trading Company
Year on which British arrived in India for the first time 1600
Reasons for the British to focus their attention on S.L * Importance of Natural Location of S.L * Importance of Trade
3 Points to show the importance of Natural Location of S.L * Center of Sea routes. * Easy to handle naval & State affairs. * Anchor a large no. of ships during NE monsoon.
3 points to show the importance of trade * S.L cinnamon was given prominance in Europe. * Dutch & Portuguese gained profit by trading spices * S.l possessed most of the sought after commodities.
Spices available in S.L Cinnamon, Pepper, Clove, Nutmeg, Cardamom
Items available in S.L Gems, Ivory, Pearls
S.L becoming a part of British Empire in 2 stages * Maritime areas from dutch in 1796 * K.K in 1815
French Revolution 1789
Government formed after the Republic of France invaded Holland Batavian Republic
Ruler of Holland Prince William
What was Kew letter Letter written by William to the dutch governor stating to hand over the maritime areas to British
Where was Kew letter written In Kew palace
Dutch governor at the time Kew letter was written Van Angelbeck
3 stages of British ruling the maritime provinces Madras Presidency (1796-1798), Dual Control System (1798-1802), Crown (British) Colony (1802)
Year when riots broke out against EEITC when Madras presidency prevailed 1797
Reasons for the 1797 revolt pg 4-5
The committee headed to find reasons for the 1797 revolt The de Meuron Commitee
The leader of The de Meuron Commitee Colonel de Meuron
Suggestions by the de Meuron Committee *Abolish auctioning the right to collect taxes, newly imposed taxes & paying taxes in cash (and allow to pay tax in kind)*Select local offices to colect tax instead of Aumildars
What is Dual Control System Joint administration by the British government and EEITC
When was Dual COntrol system introduced 1798-1802
Who took control of the civil war affairs during Dual Control System British government
Controller of revenue & trade affairs in Dual Control System EEITC
Governor appointed during Dual Control System Frederick North
2 sets of officials in dual control system Officers of the Company & officers of the Governor (under North's command)
Why was dual control system abandoned *Officers of EEITC functioned in dishonest manner*Britsh governor officers unaware of local systems & customs.
Year from which maritime areas came under British Crown Colony 1802-1815
5 Reforms introduced by Frederick North Establishment of, Supreme Court,Court of Appeal for civil cases, Survey, Public works & Postal departments, hospitals, vaccination for small pox, Abolishing of rajakariya system
Appointing of Thomas Maitland as the governor 1805
5 Steps taken by Maitland to establish British power Pg 7
Created by: HopelessDreams
Popular History sets




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