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chapter 5 nolan

in 1763 radical whigs launched a campaign to reform parliament by abolishing tiny districts that were controlled by welathy aristocrats and merchants. these distrcits were known as : rotten boroughs
among british political leaders, the only one who openly supported a proposal made by benjamin franklin for american representatino in parliament was : william
The major transformation of the British empire following the Great War for Empire can best be characterized as : a centralization of the empire in the hands of imperial officials.
american merchants resented the Sugar Act, even though it reduced the tariff on French molasses, because merchants smuggled French molasses and had never paid the duty.
Why did the Radical Whigs criticize the reorganization of the empire ? they claimed that a large, expensive government placed the nation at the mercy of banks and financiers
pittIn 1765, delegates from nine American colonies gatherd to protest British taxes on the colonies in a meeting called the : stamp act congress.
every November 5th, the british celebrate guy fawkes day to commemorate the : failure of catholic rebels to overthrow the british government in 1605.
in an effort to criticize the crown as part of their resistance to the stamp act, one colonist tried to revive antimonarchial sentiment associated with the puritan revolution in england by sending a protest letter to a boston newspaper under the name of : oliver cromwelll
the stamp act was repealed in 1766 for all of the following reasons except european conflicts sparked an economic boom, negating the need for great britian to raise tax revenues in the colonies.
colonials opponents of the stamp act drew which of the following political traditions from the radical whig tradition in english politics ? an abiding denunciation of political corruption.
the one major colonial city that refused to join in on the boycott of british goods after passage of the townshend duties was : philadelphia.
why was the restraining act so threatening to colonists ? it declared american government institutions to be completely dependent on the will of parliment.
. how did the boycott movement following the townshend act change the political culture of America ? united thousands of Americans in a common political movement.
The British responded to American challenges to their taxation efforts more harshly in 1768 than they did only two years before for all of the following reasons except : colonial mobs called openly for independence .
Benjamin Franklin's idea for recognizing the British empire following Lord North's compromise involved : colonial independence from Parliamentary contol while remaining loyal to the king.
When colonists objected to taxation without representation,debate developed over nature of representation & the question of whether Americans were or should be represented in Parliament. By 1775, the colonists had resolved the question by asserting that : colonial representation in Parliament was impractial,given colonies distance from Britian &distinct local interests,& so colonial assemblies alone should have power to tax colonies,thereby denouncing Parliaments claim to supremacy over colonial assemblies
The one regino of colonial America that held out for a political compromise with great britian after the enactment of the coercive acts was : the middle colonies.
The onset of war between Great Britian and the mainland colonies began with a skirmish between British troops and American colonials at : lexington
General Gage marched into the countryside around Boston on April 18, 1775, in order to: capture colonial leaders and seize supplies in Concord.
Colonists were alarmed by the Quebec act because it : extended the boundaries of Quebec into the Ohio River Valley, thereby restricting land expansion by coastal colonies and sections of Virginia, and gave legal recognition to Roman Catholicism.
The Great War for Empire : led to a fundamental change in the relationship between Britian and its American colonies.
The British ministry shrewdly drafted the Sugar Act of 1764 with the intention of : allowing colonial trade with the west indies and imposing a lower but more strictly enforced duty on french molasses.
All of the following were motvies for a larger British miliatary presence in the American colonies after 1763 except : removing Native Americans from land west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What was the primary American complaint against being tried in vice-admiralty courts ? Trial before the courts robbed Americans of their rights to be tried before a local common-law court.
What constitutional principle was Grenville asserting with the Stamp Act ? Parliament could bypass colonial assemblies and impose an internal tax on the colonies.
Stamp Act Congress met in order to : humbly petition the king for repeal of the Stamp Act.
Urban mobs and organized groups like the sons of Liberty were primarily made up of : small merchants, artisans, shopkeepers, and some farmers as well as some apprentices, workers, day laborers, and sailors who wanted to participate in politics.
Educated colonists drew on three intellectual traditions to justify their opposition to British policies. These included all of the following except : accommidationism.
The purpose of the Declaratory Act of 1766 was to: affirm Parliament's power over the colonies.
. Evangelical Protestants stirred by the religios passions of the Great Awakening joined mobs opposing the Stamp act becase they: resented the arrogance of British military officers and the corruption of royal bureaucrats.
The primary purpose of the Townshend Act of 1767 was to : free royal officials from financial dependence on the American legislatures.
in letters from a farmer in pennslyvania (1768), john dickinson argued that : Parliament could not tax the colonies without their consent in order to raise revenue.
How did the boycott movement affect womens lives ? they acquired a celebrated public role for increasing domestic production of homespun cloth
Which of the following was not a reason the british sought compromise in the late 1760's? Benjamin Franklin proposed a looser form of empire.
What did the compromise over the Townshend duties demonstrate about the relationship between Parliament and the colonies? some americans would have to be subdued by force if parliament continued to exercise sovereignity
the coercive acts included all of the following except : A. the new tea tax that raised the tariff on tea
. the only mainland british colony not represented at the first continental congress was : georgia.
loyalists had a strong following among all of the following groups except : quakers and germans in pennsylvania
. although the tea act made british tea less expensive, colonists objected to the act because they : A. oppsed the remaining duty on imported tea.
20. if the coercive acts were not repeals, the continental congress threatened : C. economic retaliation of ninimportation and nonconsumption of british goods.
Created by: brieannamartin
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