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DAT ch 12

bio- excretion from coursesaver notes

Kidney composed of one million nephrons; outer cortex, inner medulla, and renal pelvis
ureter where urine leaves kidneys
Nephrons composed of renal corpuscle and renal tubule; reabsorbs nutrients, salts, and water
Renal corpuscle glomerulus (sieve) surrounded by Bowman’s capsule
Renal tubule proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct
Urine Formation filtration, secretion, and reabsorption
Filtration fluid that goes through glomerulus (afferent arteriole => glomerulus => efferent) to the rest of the nephron; passive process; driven by hydrostatic pressure of blood
particles that are too large to filter through glomerulus(blood and albumin) remain in circulatory system
Secretion substances such as acids, bases, and ions (K+) are secreted by both passive / active transport; secreted from peritubular capillaries
Reabsorption glucose, salts, AA, and water are reabsorbed from filtrate & return to blood; takes place namely in PROXIMAL convoluted tubule (active)
Concentration when dehydrated volume of fluid in bloodstream is low so you need to make small amounts of concentrated urine => ADH prevents water loss by making distal tubule permeable to water
when Blood Pressure is low => aldosterone increases reabsorption of Na+ by distal nephron which increases water retention (serum [Na+] increases BP)
Selective permeability of the tubules establishes osmolarity gradient in the surrounding interstitial fluid
Urine is hypertonic to the blood and contains high urea and solute concentration.
Osmolarity Gradient created by exiting / entering of solutes; increases from cortex to medulla
Counter Current Multiplier descending loop permeable to water & ascending is permeable to salts / ions; this makes the medulla very salty and facilitates water reabsorption by small intestine
Bacteria in large intestine main source of vitamin K
Created by: xeenie
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