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DAT ch 10

bio- muscle and locomotion from coursesaver notes

Cartilage type of connective tissue that is softer and more flexible than bone; ear, nose, joints; formed from mesenchyme tissue - chondrocytes - produce collagen, ground substance, & elastin fibers
Bone mineralized connective tissue that is hard and elastic; compact and spongy
Compact Bone dense bone that does not appear to have cavities; bone matrix is deposited in osteons with a central microscopic channel called a Haversian canal surrounded by concentric circles of bony matrix called lamellae
Spongy Bone less dense and consists of an interconnecting lattice of bony spicules; filled with red / yellow bone marrow; (yellow is full of adipose tissue)
epiphyseal plates where bone growth occurs in long bones
Osteoblasts BUILD bone; mature into osteocytes
Osteoclasts destroy bone; bone resorption
Endochondral Ossification existing cartilage is replaced by bone; LONG bones
Intramembranous Ossification messenchymal (embryonic, undifferentiated) connective tissue is transformed into and replaced by bone
Axial Skeleton skull, vertebral column, and rib cage
Appendicular Skeleton bones of the appendages and pectoral and pelvic girdles
Sutures immovable joints; hold skull together
Ligaments connect bone-to-bone
Tendons muscle-to-bone
Origin point of attachment of stationary bone
Insertion point of attachment of movable bone
Sacromere is composed of thin filaments (actin) and thick filaments (myosin)
Contraction action potential conducted along sarcolemma and T system => into muscle fiber => sarcoplasmic reticulum release Ca+ ions => contraction of sacromere
During contraction ___ bands reduce in size //___ band does not A,H & I
Strength of contraction can be increased by recruiting more muscle fibers
Simple Twitch response of a single muscle fiber to brief stimulus; latent, contraction, relax ‑Latent period – time b/w stimulation and onset of contraction; lag ‑Contraction ‑Relaxation – absolute refractory period; unresponsive to stimulus
Tetanus continuous contractions; so frequent that the muscle cannot relax; stronger than twitch
Tonus state of partial contraction
Skeletal Muscle voluntary movement; each fiber is multinucleated; striations of light/dark bands; mitochondria is very abundant
Smooth Muscle involuntary movement; myogenic; ONE central nucleus; LACK striations; ex lining of bladder, uterus, digestive tract
Cardiac Muscle striated appearance (sacromeres); myogenic; one or TWO central nucleus
Myogenic capable of contracting without stimulation from nerve cells
tropomyosin on actin - blocks the attachment site for the myosin crossbridge, thus preventing contraction
troponin attached to the protein tropomyosin and lies within the groove between actin filaments. calcium attaches to it and makes it change shape and expose active myosin binding sites on the actin filaments. This forms cross bridges and contraction of the muscle
Created by: xeenie
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