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DAT ch 9

bio- autotrophic nutrition from coursesaver notes

Chloroplast plastid containing chlorophyll pigment and thylakoid membranes; photosynthesis ---
Thylakoid Membrane network of membranes; contains chlorophyll; stacked into columns called grana, high H+ w/i during chemiosmosis ---
Photosystem light capturing unit of the thylakoid; center is a single chlorophyll---
Photosynthesis involves reduction of CO2 to carb and release of O2 from water; net reaction is reverse of respiration---
Light Reactions convert solar energy to ATP and NADPH---
Cyclic e Flow series of redox reactions returns electrons to P700; ATP prod ---
Noncyclic KEY pathway; high-energy electrons are transferred to electron acceptor NADP+; net result is production of NADPH and ATP / photolysis of water ---
Dark Reactions use ATP and NADPH to reduce CO2 to carbs (CO2 fixed to RBP – Calvin cycle) ; product is three carbon PGAL; six turns of the cycle (6 CO2 and 6 RBP) = 12 PGAL; 12PGAL can be converted to 1 glucose + 6RBP; PGAL = prime end product (immediate food nutrient)
Leaf site of photosynthesis; several adaptations for efficiency---
Waxy Cuticle reduce transpiration and conserve water---
Casparian strip waxy band in plants that aid in water control---
Spongy Layer moist surface necessary for diffusion of gases---
Guard Cells surround stomata and control its size; open during day; contain chloroplasts thus produce glucose; high glucose content causes cell to swell and open---
Nitrifying Bacteria oxidize ammonia and nitrites to nitrates and use the energy to make glucose; plants use the nitrates to make proteins---
Palisade layer cells found within the mesophyll in leaves of dicotyledonous plants. contain chloroplasts
Created by: xeenie
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