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Spinal Anatomy

Emphasis: Muscles of the Spine with its supporting structures

The 1st cervical nerve is found in the suboccipital triangle. true
Which is not a border of the suboccipital triangle? Inferior Oblique Superior Oblique Rectus Capitis Posterior Major Semispinalis Capitis semispinalis capitis
How many attachment points does the muscle have? 2
Tendon attaches to the bone. true
Muscle has an insertion and a(n) origin
Origin and insertion is determined by release. false, contraction
When the muscle contracts, the insertion point is brought closer to the origin point. true
Innervation is the nerve supply
Innervation can be described by the name of the nerve by the: cord level feeding into the muscle
Which is not an extrinsic back muscle? Lats Traps Levator scap Splenius capitis none of the above Splenius capitis
Triangles form from muscle borders true
Which is not an origin of the Trapezius? EOP Ligamentum Nuchae Mastoid process SP of C7 SP of T1-T12 Mastoid Process
The supraspinous ligament is found in the It's found from C7 or T1 transverse process to S1
The middle or medial fibers of the trapezius insert on the scapula spine, acromion process
The trapezius inserts on all of the following except: SP of C7
Which action of the trapezius is most prominent? shrugging shoulders
WOTF attaches the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity? Sacrotuberous ligament
The 11th cranial nerve is also known as the __. spinal accessory nerve, C.N. XI
The C.N. XI innervates the __ and __. trapezius, sternocleidomastoid
All of the following are true of cranial nerve XI except: #20 It originates in the pons
How many possible nerves go through the jugular foramen? 4
The portion of the 11th cranial nerve that passes into the jugular process is called the cranial portion
The trapezius has an origin of the spinous process of __ and __. C7, T1-T12
Lumbar aponeurosis is also known as lumbodorsal fascia
The lumbar aponeurosis is the __ of the __ muscle origin, latissimus dorsi
What is not an origin of the latissimus dorsi? xx
Fascia is not connective tissue false, it is
Sacral tubercles are not proximal attachments for muscles. true
The humerus at the bicipital groove is also known as intertubercular groove
The __ turns the head to the right or left. SCM
The axillary nerve innervates the deltoid. true
What are we referring to when we refer to the transversospinal portion? muscles of the deep layer of the back
The insertion of the longissimus capitis is the mastoid process of the temporal bone
WOTF is innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve? Deltoid Trapezius Splenius capitis Rhomboid major Rhomboid major
What is the insertion point for the latissimus dorsi humerus at the intertubercular groove
What is the action of the latissimus dorsi? medial rotation of the humerus, adduction of humerus, extension of humerus
The triangle of petite is also known as the lumbar triangle
The lateral part of the lumbar triangle is bordered by __. external oblique
What is the innervation of the latissimus dorsi? by the thoracodorsal nerve fibers C6, C7, and C8
The latissimus dorsi is very active when climbing. true
Triangle of ausculation is the triangle of petite false
The inferior border of the triangle of ausculation os made of the latissimus dorsi
The __ is medial border of the triangle of ausculation. trapezius
WOTF is not a border of the triangle of ausculation? superior border
The correct shape of the triangle of ausculation is an inverted triangle. false, its not really inverted
The superior aspect of the latissimus dorsi is made of the __ of the triangle of ausculation inferior border
The iliac crest makes up the __ of the lumbar triangle. inferior border
The latissimus dorsi is a border of the triangle of ausculation and the lumbar triangle. true
The lateral border of the triangle of petite is the external abdominal oblique
The external abdominal oblique is the lateral border of the triangle of petite. true
How many layers of muscle are there in the back? 5
Rhomboid major's origin is located at the spinous processes of T2-T5
The rhomboid minor insertion is inferior to the rhomboid major insertion. false, superior
The rhomboid major and the rhomboid minor have WOTF in common? same innervation, same action
The insertion is the vertebral border of the scapula. What muscles are we referring to? Rhomboideus major
The rhomboid major and minor do not perform which action? elevate scapula, raise shoulder
The action of the rhomboid minor is to adduct the scapula and bring toward midline
The dorsal scapular nerve is the innervation for the rhomboid major
WOTF muscles is not innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve? Latissimus dorsi
WOTF is a deep extrinsic muscle of the back? Rhomboid major
The deepest muscle of the transversospinal group is the __. semispinalis
Spinal nerves have just sensory components. false, motor also
Spinal nerves are mixed nerves. true
The dorsal and ventral root will come out of the cord __ and __. posteriorly, anteriorly
The superficial layer of the intrinsic back muscles consists of all of the following except: Erector spinae
Erector spinae has a significant part in extension of the vertebral column. true
The term "splenius" means literally bandage
What is an origin of the rhomboideus minor muscle? SP of C7, C1 and Ligamentum Nuchae
What is the origin of the Levator Anguli scapularis? TP of C1-C4
Innervation of the levator scapulae is by the dorsal scapular nerve. true
Which is not true of the levator scapula? The muscle fibers are almost anatomically horizontal.
The internal and external intercostals are innervated by the intercostal nerve. true
Reciprocal origin and insertion means that both ends move or can move
The long thoracic nerve innervates the serratus anterior
The action of the levator scapular includes elevates scapula, rotation of the scapula
The end of the spinal cord is at what vertebral level? L1-L2
The intermediate layer of the intrinsic back muscles is not composed of WOTF? Trapezius
The origin of the serratus posticus inferior is at the SP's of T11-L2
Innervation of serratus posterior inferior muscle? The muscle is innervated by the ventral rami of 9th to 12th thoracic spinal nerves
The insertion of the __ scalene is the second rib. posterior
The most lateral muscle group of the erector spinae is the iliocostalis
Which is the origin of the rotatores Transverse processes of all vertebrae
What is the action of the serratus posticus inferior? draws down lower 4 ribs
What is the innervation of the serratus posticus inferior? ventral rami of spinal nerves T9-T12
The most medial muscle is the spinalis thoracis
What is the insertion of the serratus posticus superior? superior borders of ribs 2-4
What is the origin of the serratus posticus superior? SP's of C7-T3
The ligamentum nuchae is part of the origin of the serratus posticus superior muscle. true
What is the innervation of the serratus posticus superior? Intercostal nerves 2-5
How many pairs of thoracic spinal nerves are there in the body? 12
Which muscle raises the 1st rib during inspiration? Middle scalene
The mastoid process and the __ are the insertion of the splenius capitis. occiput
What is the action of the splenius capitis bilaterally? lateral flexion of the neck and rotation of the head
The innervation of the splenius capitis is the dorsal rami of the mid-cervical nerves. true
What is the origin of the splenius capitis? SP's of C7-T4
The scalene medius has an action of __. lateral cervical flexion, cervical rotation
The scalene medius has an origin of C2-C7 transverse processes
WOTF has an origin of the transverse processes in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine? Multifidus
The insertion of the iliocostalis lumborum is the inferior border of ribs 7-12
Which is an origin of the iliocostalis lumborum? Iliac crest
The Intertransversarii has an origin and insertion of the __ of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. transverse processes
What is an insertion of the iliocostalis dorsi/thoracic? TP of C7 and superior borders of ribs 1-6
What is the origin of the iliocostalis dorsi/thoracic? Superior borders of ribs 7-12
The iliocostalis cervicis has an origin at Superior borders of ribs 1-6
The insertion of the iliocostalis cervicis is the transverse processes of C4-C6 true
The iliocostalis cervicis has its origin at the most superior 6 ribs true
Which muscle is not part of the longissimus column? iliocostalis dorsi/thoracic
What is an action of the 3 muscles of the longissimus column? All of the above
The innervation of the longissimus column is the ventral rami of spinal nerves at their local level. false, dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Which is not a muscle of the erector spinal group? Splenius capitis
What is the action of the spinalis column? Extends vertebral column
The innervation of the spinalis column is the dorsal rami of spinal nerves at their specific vertebral level. true
WOTF is true of the levatores costarum? Assists in lateral flexion of the spine
Which is not a muscle in the spinalis column? Longissimus cervicis
Which muscle is not seperable in its origin and insertion in the deepest layer of the back? Multifidus
The __ is not part of the transversospinal portion. Splenius cervicis
Which muscle of the transversospinal group is a vertebral stabilizer during movement of the vertebral column? Multifidus
The transversospinal innervation will be the dorsal rami at their local level
The __ has the occiput as its insertion semispinalis capitis
What is not an origin of the multifidus second rib
The rectus capitis lateralis has an origin at the transverse process of atlas. true
The __, __, and __ perform head flexion. longus colli, longus capitis, rectus capitis anterior
The action of the rotatores is to assist in the extension and rotation of the vertebral column
The innervation of the multifidus is at the dorsal rami of spinal nerves at their particular vertebral level. true
The longus colli has innervation of which of the following? ventral rami of C2-C6 spinal nerves
Which place will the rotatores not be found? sacral
Paralysis of the spinal accessory nerve would prevent which of the following movements? shoulder shrug
Intertransversarii are in the __ spine. cervical, lumbar, thoracic
What is the insertion of the interspinalis? the superior portion of the spinous process above from L5-C2
The interspinalis muscle may be __ from T3/T4 to T10/T11. So they may or may not be partially developed. rudimentary (not fully developed)
The intertransversarii are in the cervical spine. true
Origin of the intertransversarii is the transverse processes of all vertebrae
The semispinalis is part of the __ portion of the back. transversospinal
WOTF does not assist in the breathing process? Rotatores
The multifidus and the intertransversarii are known as vertebral stabilizers. true
The levatores costarum has an origin of the transverse processes of T1-T11 true
What is the action of the intertransversarii? Lateral flexion, stabilization of the vertebral column
The innervation of the intertransversarii is the dorsal and ventral rami of spinal nerves
The superior attachment of the rectus capitis lateralis is the jugular process
How many muscles are there in the longissimus group? 3
Which is not a muscle of the posterior cervicals? longus colli
The inferior oblique rotates wotf vertebrae C1
How many muscles are there in the erector spinal portion of the back? 9
WOTF is not a muscle of the transversospinal portion of the back? splenius cervicis
The insertion of the longus colli is the atlas anterior tubercle
The structure that extends most inferiorly is the __ and this is an extension of __. filum terminale, pia mater
How many scalene muscles are there in the body? 3
Thoracic outlet syndrome is also known as scalenus anticus syndrome
The longus capitis extends the head. false, flexes the head
WOTF is not a muscle of the medial erector spinae group? semispinalis thoracis
Created by: chad.dorris
Popular Chiropractic sets




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