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23 u.s.

23 U.S.

warren harding republican senator, unclear about his stance on issues, 1920 presidential nominee
Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act increase in tariff rates in 1922, one of 3 laws Harding approved
Bureau of the budget harding established, set procedures for all govt expenditures to be placed in a single budget for congress to vote one
Teapot Dome Albert Fall and Attorney General Harry Mcdaugherty accepted bribes for granting oil leases, Wyoming
Calvin Coolidge Harding's VP and successor, MA governor who broke the Boston police strike
Herbert Hoover Secretary of Commerce, selfmade millionaire, republican nominee in 1928
Alfred E Smith democrat in 1928, governor of NY, roman catholic, opponent of prohibition, appealed to immigrants
business prosperity rise of 64% in manufacturing output from increased productivity, energy technologies, and govt policies
henry Ford perfected a system for manufacturing automobiles, with an assembly line, 1914
open shop keeping jobs open to nonunion workers, most companies insisted on it
welfare capitalism voluntarily offering employees improved benefits and higher wages in order to remove the need for organizing unions
jazz age high school/ college youth expressed their rebellion against elders' culture by dancing to jazz music
consumerism:autos, radio, movies electricity enabled consumers to buy more products
charles lindhberg young aviator who in 1927 thrilled the nation and the entire world by flying nonstop across the atlantic from long island to paris
sigmund freud austrian psychiatrist who stressed the role of sexual repression in mental illness
margaret sanger advocate of birth control
modernism took a historical and critical view of certain passages of the bible believed in darwin's theory of evolution without abandoning religious faith
fundamentalism condemned modernists, believged the bible needed to be accepted literally
revivalists: billy sunday, aimee semple Mcpherson preached the fundamentalist message thru mass communication, used the radio, evangelist drew large crowds, attacking drinking, gambling, and dancing; comdemned communism and jazz music
gertrude stein writer, called new writers a lost generation
f scott fitzgerald, ernest hemingway, sinclair lewis lost generation, wrote novels
countee cullen, langston hughes, james weldon johnson, claude mckay leading harlem poets, commented on the african american heritage, expressed a range of emotions, bitterness, resentment, joy, hope
duke ellington & loius armstrong jazz musicicians & artists
t s eliot, ezra pound poet, lost generation
bessie smith African American great blues singer
frank lloyd wright architect, expanded ideas of loius sullivan
functionalism form follows function in industrial design
edward hopper & georgia o'keefe painters, new technology and urban life impacted art
paul robeson african american actor
harlem renaissance artistic achievement of talented writers, actors, artists, musicians, writers
marcus garvey charismatic immigrant, advocated individual and racial pride for african americans and developed political ideas of black nationalism
scopes trial a tennessee biology teacher was persuaded to tech darwins theory in his high school class, and he was arrested his trial was all over newspapers and the radio
clarence darrow defended john scopes, famous lawyer, clever questioning
prohibition; volstead act 1919 prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, liquors, wines, and beers, federal law inforcing prohibition
organized crime gangsters and gangs, ex one led by al capone, became big business, millions made from the sale of illegal booze, allowed them to expand their illegal activities
immigration quota 1921, 1924 severely limited immigration, laws based on natioality
sacco and vanzetti Niccolo & Bartolomeo, 1921, convicted of committing robbery and murder, poor italians, anarchists, executed
ku klux klan most extreme expression of nativism in 1920's
disarmament treaties arranged to promote peace, scaled back on expenditures
Washington conference, 1921 sec of state, charles evan hughes initiated talks of disarmament, reps came from belgium, china, great britain, italy, japan, netherlands, portugal, agreed on fiive/four/and nine power treaties
kellogg-briand treaty treaty signed by sec of state, frank, and french foreign minister aristide, peace movement, renounced the aggressive use of force to achieve national ends, permitted defensive wars, unsuccessful
war debts US lent +10 billion dollars to allies, demanded it be repayed
reparations britain & france used this kind of money to repay debts to US
dawes plan compromise accepted by all sides, established a cycleof payments between US to germany then germany to allies to help rebuild nation
Created by: emmamalo
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