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7th Grade History

Final Exam

1. p.11 What is "going to the bench"? Doing business at a bank.
2. p.15 What is the Latin meaning for the word "friar"? Brother
3. p.18 Which architecture style used flying buttresses? Gothic
4. p.10 What type of economy was used during the early Middle Ages? Barter
5. p.13 What was the French meaning for "journeyman"? A day's work
6. p.15 What was Black Death? A plague that killed 1/4 to 1/2 of Europe's population.
7. p.13 What is an apprentice? A person who lived and worked with a master to learn his trade.
8. p.13 What is a journeyman? A craftsman who hired himself out for short periods of time.
9. p.5 Who inherited a nobleman's land? The firstborn son.
10. p.18 Which architectural style was warm and bright? Gothic
11. p.27 What was the goal of Renaissance education? To make the student a well-rounded person, educated and interested in many fields.
12. p.35 What was the first book printed by Gutenberg? The Bible
13. p.27 What is "vernacular"? The name for a native language spoken by the people of an area.
14. p.33 What is the Vatican? The home of the pope.
15. p.41 What type of sculptures did Renaissance artists prefer? Free standing
16. p.29 Who was the greatest English writer of the Renaissance? Shakespeare
17. p.28 What was the most famous work of Geoffrey Chaucer? Canterbury Tales
18. p.40 Who painted the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel? Michelangelo
19. p.35 Who invented the movable-type printing press? Gutenberg
20. p.40 What painting was Leonardo da Vinci's most well-known? Mona Lisa
21. p.50 What was the subject of the Ninety-five Theses? Indulgences
22. p.62 Into what language did Martin Luther translate the Bible? German
23. p.49 What is an indulgence? Replacements for Roman Catholic penance.
24. p.55 Who was the leader of the Reformed Protestants in Scotland? John Knox
25. p.69 Who wrote the Messiah? George Frederick Handel
26. p.63 What did William Harvey discover? The circulation of blood
27. p.50 Who wrote the Ninety-five Theses? Martin Luther
28. p.62 Who used a telescope to observe and study the stars? Galileo
29. p.56 What were Reformed Protestants in France called? Huguenots
30. p.99 Why did the Russians call the Mongols the "Golden Horde"? Because their greased yurts shone in the sun.
31. p.82 What was the most important character quality to Genghis Khan? Loyalty
32. p.82 What was Genghis Khan's main goal in life? To conquer the world.
33. p.82 What is the Great Yasa? Genghis Khan's law code
34. p.88 What were the Mongol tents made of? Felt
35. p.95 What were shamans? Priests of the traditional Mongol religion.
36. p.82 Whose name meant "Universal Ruler"? Genghis Khan
37. p.95 Who was Tengri? The Supreme God of the Mongols
38. p.100 Which Mongol leader had a handicap? Tamerlane
39. p.89 What two things could Mongol women do just as well as men? Handle a bow and ride horses.
40. p.114 What does the word "Ethiopia" mean? Burnt face
41. p.120 What are nomads? People who change locations to survive.
42. p.119 What were the Lalibela churches made of? Solid rock
43. p.124 What is the language of Swahili a mixture of? Arabic, Persian, Portuguese, Hindi, and Bantu.
44. p.112 What is animism? The belief that spirits live in rocks, trees, rivers, mountains, or the air.
45. p.107 What is a tribe? Two or more clans that live together and share a common language, beliefs, and customs.
46. p.109 What are griots? African storytellers
47. p.114 Who was Frumentius? A former slave who became a bishop of the Ethiopian church.
48. p.119 What was special about the Church of St. George? It was built inside a hill.
49. p.110 Why aren't most rivers in East and West Africa navigable? Because of the rapids and waterfalls.
50. p.134 What are trade winds? Belts of consistent winds that greatly aided early explorers to the New World.
51. p.130 What is Cathay? The name Europeans gave to China.
52. p.139 Who did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain commission? Christopher Columbus
53. p.142 What does the word "pacific" mean? Peace
54. p.141 What are skraelings? The name Vikings gave the Native Americans.
55. p.145 What is seppuku? A ceremony in which a samurai would kill himself.
56. p.142 Who sent Sir Francis Drake out to explore? Queen Elizabeth of England
57. p.136 What did Bartolomeu Dias do without realizing it? Rounded the tip of Africa.
58. p.142 What is Ferdinand Magellan famous for? He and his crew were the first to sail around the world.
59. p.149 What were Mayan pyramids used for? For temples
60. p.171 What are Mestizos? People with Indian and Spanish parents.
61. p.163 Who replaced the donatorios in Brazil? Governor-generals
62. p.162 Who are the creoles? People of pure Spanish or Portuguese descent born in the Americas.
63. p.164 What does the title "viceroy" mean? In place of the king
64. p.173 Where is coffee, a South American product, originally from? Arabia
65. p. 180, 182 Why was Simon Bolivar known as "the Liberator"? Because he helped several South American countries achieve independence.
66. p.177 Who was Antonio Lisboa? A famous Brazilian artist who was afflicted with leprosy.
67. p.178 What are hacendados? South American country estate owners who were like the lords of Medieval manors.
68. p.181 Who are gauchos? Like American cowboys, these South Americans are symbols of rugged independence.
69. p.170 Did the Spanish government ever officially approve of enslaving the native South Americans? No.
70. p.194-195 From what 3 countries did most of the earlier settlers to the New World come? England, Spain, and France
72. p.188 Where in North America did most of the French settle? Canada
73. p.200 What was the only clue to the disappearance of the "Lost Colony"? The word "Croatoan" carved in a tree.
74. p.194 What is important about the city of St. Augustine? It is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the United States.
75. p.197 What was the favorite fur used for hats in the North American settlements? Beaver
76. p.200 Who funded the first attempted English colony in the New World? Sir Walter Raleigh
77. p.201 Which governor helped Jamestown to improve after the "starving time"? Sir Thomas Dale
78. p.201 Who married Pocahontas, helping Jamestown's relationship with the Indians? John Rolfe
79. p.201 Who helped bring discipline to Jamestown, even though he had to leave after being hurt in a gunpowder accident? John Smith
80. p.190 Where did most black slaves brought to the New World go? Sugar plantations in the Caribbean and to South America
81. p.246 Who is credited with opening the first Sunday school in 1780? Robert Raikes
82. p.228 What is a czar? The Russian title for emporer.
83. p.240 Who were the Methodists? John Wesley's followers
84. p.224 What was the name of Louis XIV's palace? Versailles
85. p.244 Who is usually credited with inventing the steam engine? James Watt
86. p.225 Who was the strongets absolute ruler of his time? Louis XIV
87. p.228 Which Russian ruler conquered land from Sweden and built St. Petersburg? Peter the Great
88. p.247 Who ruled France as a dictator following the French Revolution? Napolean
89. p.238 Who was Voltaire? A French philosopher.
90. p.233 Who stated the laws of gravity and motion? Sir Isaac Newton
91. p.229 What is the English legislature body called? Parliament
93. p.272 When is Australia Day celebrated? The day that the First Fleet arrived in Sydney Cove.
94. p.270 What does Aborigine mean? From the beginning
95. p.268 What is the Great Barrier Reef? It is a 1250 mile series of coral reefs off the coast of Australia.
96. p.267 What food did Captain Cook use to fight scurvy? Sauerkraut
97. p.263 What was the name the Dutch gave to the land they claimed in Australia? New Holland
98. p.266 Who was the first white man to make peaceful contact with the Maoris of New Zealand? James Cook
99. p.286 Who did Admiral Peary beat to the North Pole? Roald Amundsen
100. p.282 Who thought that the first Polynesians came from South America, not Asia? Thor Heyerdahl
101. p.274 Who attempted to cross Australia's Blue Mountains? Gregory Blaxland
102. p.271 How did the Aborigines treat the early settlers? They treated them well.
Created by: LiseBrinkley
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