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Trapezio metacarpal joint Test patient lays thumb of involved hand across palm form a first and squeeze contact snuff box lod is distal along longitudinal axis of first metacarpal
Separated distal radius and ulna test patient squeezes pinky and thumb on involved side correction 1 lateral distal radius lod is medial 2 medial aspect of distal ulna lod is lateral
I/m ulla & posterior carpals Test patients flex wrist on involved hand look for reactivity in position 1 anterior proximal ulla lod superior/away 2 posterior distal route of carpals lod anterior
p/s radius & anterior lunate Test make first on involved hand fix1 head of radius lod is anterior/inferior 2 anterior lunate lod posterior
Inferior proximal clavicle Test dr stress test inferior on proximal clavicle look 4 reactivity position 1 fix supine inferior aspect proximal clavicle lod s/m
Lateral clavicle test dr stress test clavicle lateral look 4 position 1 fix distal clavicle medial to ac joint lod is anterior
Posterior distal clavical Test dr stress test distal clavicle posterior check position 1 fix posterior aspect of ac joint lod anterior
Anterior distal clavicle dr stress distal clavicle anterior check position 1patient supine anterior aspect of distal clavicle medial to ac joint lod posterior
Superior distal clavicle Patient shrugs shoulder of involved side to ear check position 1 fix superior aspect of distal clavicle medial to ac joint lod inferior
I/m coracoid test dr stress coracoid process inferior and medial check position 1 fix patient supine lod s/l 45 angle
A/c joint separation subluxation test patient hand on hip of involved side push into table check position 1 fix supine superior aspect of distal clavicle lod is lateral support acromiom 2 lateral aspect of acromium process lod is medial support clavicle
Superior proximal clavicle test instruct patient to place palm on back of neck and push elbow into the table check pos 1 fix patient supine face turned ipsilateral fix proximal clavicle lod is I/L
Superior scapula test patient places palm of hand on back of neck check pos 1 fix contact the s/m aspect of spine of the scapula lod is inferior
T2/t3 facet syndrome Test patient makes swimming motion check position 1 fix t2 top lod is a/s 2 contact t3 tvp lod is a/i
T2 rib involvement Test patient sticks arm out like am airplane with palm up check pos 1 fix contact body of t2 rib 1/2inch lateral to tvp (on side tested) lod is L/i along the shady of the rib
Posterior humerus Test instruct patient to hang arm over side of table check position 1 fix contact posterior aspect of proximal humerus @insertion of infraspinatus tendon lod is anterior
internal humerus test instruct the patient to lock elbow and now turn the palm in the other direction and turn it further palm faces away from the body check position 1 Fix contact posterior aspect head of humerus lod is a/m
external humerus test instruct the patient to lock elbow and turn palm over to touch the table check position 1 fix contact lateral aspect of greater tubercle lod is a/m
a/i humerus test instruct the patient to extedn lift arm and palm toward the ceiling end of active rom check position 1 fix contact anterior aspect of proximal humerus at the intertubercular groove lod is p/s
inferior or dropped metatarsal heads test dr push metatarsal heads inferior while curling the toes dorsally check position 1 fix contact inferior aspect of metatarsal heads Lod is superior
a/s tarsal navicular test dr tissue pull a/s over the tarsal navicular check positon 1 fix contact superior aspect of navicular lod is p/i
inf 1st metatarsal and inf 1st cuneiform test dr plantar flex and everts the foot check position 1 fix 1 contact inferior or plantar aspect of 1st metatarsal base lod is superior 2nd contact inferior border of 1st cuneifrom lod is s/l
a/l talus test dr plantar flexes and inverts the foot check position 1 fix contact neck of talus in sinus tarsi lod is p/m
medial calcaneus test dr tap lateral border in a lateral to medial direction check position 1 fix contact medial aspect of calcaneus lod is lateral
superior calcaneus test dr plantar flexes the foot which will stress test calcaneus superior check position 1 fix contact posterior aspect of calcaneus (insertion of achilles tendon) lod is inferior
posterior dital fibula test dr stress test lateral malleolus posterior check position 1 fix contact posterior aspect of lateral malleolus lod is anterior
lateral fibula test dr stress test with a tissue pull laterally at the proximal 1/3 of the fibula check position 1 fix contact proximal 1/3 of the fibula on the lateral aspect lod is medial
p/s proximal fibula test dr stress test proximal head of fibula posterior and superior check position 1 fix contact posterior aspect of fibula head lod is ai 45 degrees to long axis of fibula
lateral patella test dr lightly stress test patella lateral check position 1 fix contact lateral border of patella lod is medial
inferior patella test dr lightly stress test patella inferior check position 1 fix flex knee to 45 contact inferiro border of patella lod is superior
internal rotation of proximal tibia test dr grasp gastrocs and rotate proximal tibia internal refrence point is the anterior tibial tuberosity fix contact medial to anterior tibial tuberosity lod is medial to LATERAL(external)
external rotation of proximal tibia test dr grasp gastrocs and rotate roximal tibia externally check position 1 fix contact lateral to anterior tibial tuberosity lod is lateral to medial
posterior proximal tibia test dr lift proximal tibia posterior check position 1 AVOID THE POPLITEAL FOSSA DURING ADJUSTMENT fix 1. contact posterior aspect of medial tibial condyle lod is anterior 2 contact posterior aspect of lateral tibial condyl lod is anterior
anterior proximal tibia test dr place your open palm on the gastrocs and stress test proximal tibia anterior check position 1 fix flex knee to 90 and contact 1/2 inch below anterior tibial tuberosity adjust through dr's finger lod is posterior
piriformis test dr flex knee to 90 bring lower leg across the midline externally rotating the hip ask the patient to push lower leg( medial) against your hand then relax check position 1 fix 1/2 inch lateral to the sacral border lod is a/i/l into * tolong
psoas muscle imbalance test dr lift both of the patients feet a few inches off the table and ask patient to press knees into table fix pt supine contact belly of psoas muscle on side indicated by s/l rule lod is p/i/l
lateral proximal femur dr grasp tissue over greater trochanter and pull straight laterally check position 1 fix contact lateral trochanter lod is medial superior into angle of neck of the femur
inferior femur test dr stress test greater trochanter inferior check position 1 fix contact inferior aspect of greater trochanter lod is superior
superior femur test dr stress test greater trochanter superior check position 1 fix contact superior aspect of greater trochanter lod is inferior
external femur rotation (or p/s hip) test dr flex kneww to 90 bring the lower leg across the midline externall rotating the hip check position 1 contact posterior aspect of greater trochanter lod anterior and inferior
internal femur rotation (a/i hip) test dr flex knee to 90 bring the lower leg way from midline internally rotating the hip check position 1 fix contact anterior aspect of greater trochanter lod is posterior and superior
bilateral lateral ischial tuberosities test dr stress test laterally on both ischial tuberosities simultaneously check position 1 fix contact lateral aspect of each ischial tuberosity lod is medial on both ischial tuberosities
bilateral lateral iliums test dr stress test laterally on both psis simultaneously check position 1 fix contact lateral aspect of each psis lod is medial on both psis
e/x ilium or p/s sacrum test dr lift and extend opd thigh off the table(pd lengthens in pos. 2=ex ilium contact lat. border of psis on opd side lod medial) (pd shortens in pos.2= p.s sacrum contact base of sacrum on opd side lod is a/i)
in ilium or a/i sacrum dr lefts pd thigh off the table (if pd lengthens in pos. 2= in ilium fix medial border of psis on pd side lod is lateral) (pd shortens in pos. 2= a/i sacrum fix contact under sacrotuberous ligament on pd side lod is p/s/l
sup or inf coccyx test dr stress test base of coccyx push lightly with stroking motion a/s check pos. 1 fix base of coccyx with thumb activator on thumb lod is i/a) dr stress test base of coccyx push lightly with motion a/i check pos.1 fix base of coccyx with A.o.T lod s/a
lateral coccyx test intruct patient to squeeze buttockstight than relax compare pos.1 to pos.2 fix cotact sacro coccyx ligament lateralto teh base of coccyx on side indicated by s/l rule lod s/l/slight p
clockwise sacral rotation test dr places palm on sacrum fingers pointing superior with frim contact rotate in clockwise direction check pos. 1 fix 1. contact lateral to 2nd sacral tubercle on the right side lod is a/s 2 contact lateral to 2nd sacral tubercle on the L side lod a/i
counter clockwise sacral rotation test dr places palm on sacrum rotate in counter clockwise check pos. 1 fix lateral to 2nd sacral tubercle on the L side 2. contact lateral to 2nd sacral tubercle on the R side lod a/i
lateral sacrum position #4 test dr flex pd knee past 90 compare pos 1 to pos 2 fix contact inferior lateral aspect of s3 on the side indicated by the s/l rule lod is medial/superior
superior sacrum test dr flex both legs past 90 if pd leg lengthens in pos.3 indicates superior sacrum fix contact superior aspect of s3 lod is a/i
inferior sacrum dr flex both legs past 90 if pd leg shortens in pos. 3indicates inferior sacrum fix contact inferior aspect of s1 lod is a/s
anterior tmj test instruct patient to jut or protrude their lower jaw foward check diff. in pos.1 and 2 fix ptnt supine contact mental tubercle side indicated by s/l rule lod is post and superior towards ipsi eam
posterior tmj test instruct patient to place the tip of tongue on the back roof of mouth then relax compare pos 1 and 2 fix contact posterior aspect of ramus at the angle of mandible on side indicated by s/l rule lod is straight anterior
opd lateral tmj test patients to slide the lower jaw to opd side check pos. 1 fix patient prone face turned to opd side contact ramus lod is striaght medial
pd lateral tmj test patient slides the lower jaw to the pd side check pos.1 fix patient prone face turned to pd side contact ramus through thumb lod is straight medial
superior tmj test patient to clench or bite down compare pos 1 and 2 fix patient prone face turned to side indicated by s/l rule contact body of ramus through thumb lod is straight inferior
anterior extension tmj test patient opens mouth wide then relax compare pos.1 and 2 fix patient prone face turned to side indicated by s/l rule contact ant/inf aspect of neck of coronoid process through thumb lod is straight p/s
posteriro occiput test patient pushes face into table relax check pos. 1 and 2 fix contact side indicated by s/l rule PROTECT ARCH OF ATLASlod is straight anterior re test may be bilateral
c1 or c2 test patient tucks chin towards chest compare pos. 1 and 2 fix(pd lengthens adjust c1 pd side=contact tvp latearl most pd side lod medial) (pd shortens in pos.2 c2 on opd side= lamina-pedicle juntion on opd side lod is a/s/m
c3 test patient turns face to pd side look at pd shoulder compare pos. 1and2 fix contact c3 lamina pedicle junction on side indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m
c4 test instruct patient to turn face to pd side and look at corner of ceiling compare pos.1 and 2 fix contact c4 lamina-pedicle juntion on side indicated by s/l rule a/s/m
c5 test instruc patient to look up, in front of them check pos. 1and 2 fix contact c5 lamina pedicle junction by s/l rule lod a/s/m
c6 test instruct patient to leave face down and shrug both shoulders toward ears then relax compare pos.1 and 2 fix contact c6 lamina pedicle junction indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s/m
c7 instruct patient to face down from pd side compare pos.1 and 2 fix c7 lamine pedicle junction side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s/m
medial scapula test squeeze elbow in fix if medial ala of scapula lod is lateral 2humerus proximal 1/3 lateral aspect lod is superior 3radius proximal lod is a/i toward thumb 4lunate anterior aspect lod is posterior
lateral scapula test elbow squeeze fix ala of scapula lod is meidal 2humerus lod is inferior 3 ulna lod is superior/away 4 carpals lod is anterior avoid lunate
t1 rib test instruct patient to keep the face turned to pd side shrug up and roll both shoulders back and down compare pos. 1 and 2 test contact body of rib on side indicated by s/l rule lod is inferior
t1 test patient keeps face to pd side and shrug both shoulders toward ears then relax compare pos 1 and 2 fix contact the t1 tvp on side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s/m
t2 test instruct patient to keep face turned pd side and bring pd arm back down the side of the body compare pos.1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t2 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t3 test instruct patient to keep face turned to pd side and place pd forearm on the table sup and lateral to the head check pos 1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t3 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t4 test instruct the patient to keep face turned to pd side lift pd shoulder off the table than relax compare pos 1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t4tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t5 test instruct the patient to keep face turned to pd side and place the opd forearm on the table superior and lateral to head compare pos. 1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t5 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t6 test instruct the patient to turn face toward pd side and rest head on table compare pos. 1 and 2 1contact tvp of t6 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t7 test instruct patient to raise both shoulders off the table then relax compare pos. 1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t7 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t8 test instruct patient to place both forearms on the table superior and lateral to the head compare pos. 1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t8 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t9 test instruct patinet to lower opd forearm from t11 test back alongside of body active motion compare pos. 1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t9 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t11 rib test repeat test 11 isolation test and instruct patient to inhale and hold compare pos 1 and 2 fix contact body of t11 rib indicated by s/l rule lod is l/i
t11 test instruct patient to place the opd forearm on the table superior and lateral to the head compare pos.1 and 2 fix contact the t11 tvp on side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s/m
t10 test instruct patient to lower pd forearm from t12 test back alongside of body active motion by the patient compare pos. 1 and 2 fix 1contact tvp of t10 tvp indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m 2 adjst contralateral rib lod l/i
t12 rib test repeat isolation test for t12 and instruct patient to inhale and hold compare pos. 1 and 2 fix contact body of t 2 rib 1/2 inch latearl to tbp on side indicated by s/l rule lod is l/i
t12 test instruct patient to place the pd forearm on the table superior and lateral to the head compare pos.1 and 2 fix contact tvp on side indicated by s/l rule lod a/s/m
L1 test instruct patient to place the pd forearm on the table superior and latearl to the head and opd forearm remains on the low back compare pos. 1 and 2 fix contact L1 mammilary process on side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s
L2 test instruct patient to place both forearms on low bak palm up compare pos 1 and 2 fix fix contact L2 mammilary process on side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s
L3 test instruct patient to lift pd hipoff the table than relax compare pos. 1 and 2 fix fix contact L3 mammilary process on side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s
L4 test instruct patient to place opd forearm compare pos. 1 and 2 fix fix contact L4 mammilary process on side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s
L5 test instruct patient to place pd forearm on low back opd remains at the side of the body compare pos. 1 and 2 fix fix contact L5 mammilary process on side indicated by s/l rule lod is a/s
as ilium test pressure test crest of opd ilium i/m if there is improvement in pos. 1 fix 1.base of sacrum on opd side lod is a/i 2.opd crest of ilium lod is i/m 3.opd ischi tub lod is a/i
pi ilium test pressure test pd sacrotuberous ligament p/s/l check pos. 1 fix 1.pd spine of ischim lod is p/l/s 2.pd sacrotuberous ligament lod is p/l/s 3. pd iliac fossa lod is a/s
superior pube test squeeze the knees together if pd lengthens in pos. 2 fix contact pd pubic bone superior aspect lod is inferior
inferior pube test squeeze knees fix if pd leg shortens in pos. 2 contact opd pubic bone inferior aspect lod is superior
anterior pubic bone test instruct patient to push pd hip into table check pos. 1 fix fontact anterior aspect of pd pubic bone lod is posterior
anterior pubic bone opd test instruct patient to push opd into table check pos. 1 fix contact anterior aspect of opd pubic bone lod is posterior
Created by: jgarcia87
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