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Oral Cavity

GA2 oral cavity

What are the boundaries of the oral cavity? Roof: Palate Floor: Tongue Lateral wall: Cheeks Anterior wall: Lips
How does the oral cavity communicate anteriorly and posterior? Ant: to the outside through the opening of the mouth (oral fissure) Post: to the oral pharynx through the oropharyngeal isthmus
Vestibule space between lips teeth and mouth
Oral Cavity Proper entire mouth cavity (stick out tongue and includes teeth)
Frenulum of upper lip: a median fold if mucous membrane connecting the internal surface of upper lip to outer surface of upper gingivum
Frenulum of lower lip median fold of mucous membrane connecting the internal surface of lower lip to outer surface of lower gingvum
Frenulum linguae (of tongue) a median fold of mucous membrane connecting the inferior surface of the tongue to the floor
Sublingual fold a fold of mucous membrane over the sublingual salivary gland
Sublingual Papilla (caruncle) a papillae on each side frenulum of tongue for submandibular duct
Duct of parotid gland opposite upper second molar tooth
Where are the sensory supply to lips & cheeks derived from? Maxillary (V2) Mandibular (V3) divisions of trigeminal nerve (C.N. 5)
What branches innervate the cheeks? infraorbital n. (V2) Zygomaticofacial n. (V2) Buccal n. (V3)
What branches innervate the lips? infraorbital n. (V2) for upper lip mental n. (V3) for lower lip
When a person receives a root canal what part of the tooth gets removed? Pulp cavity
Layer of teeth crown of tooth covered by enamel which is covered by dentine
How many permanent teeth 32
Name the type of permanent teeth, number and function Incisors (4) cutting, Canines (2) tearing, Premolars (4) grinding, Molars (6)
How many deciduous teeth 20
Name the type of deciduous teeth, number and function Incisors (4) cutting, Canines (2) tearing, Molars (4)
What is the arterial supply to the teeth? Superior & Inferior alveolar arteries (branch of maxillary artery)
Where do lymphatic vessels mainly drain into from the teeth? submandibular lymph nodes
What is the nerve innervation to the teeth and what branch are they coming from? Superior alveolar nerves- V2 Inferior alveolar nerves- V3
The anterior 2/3 of the hard palate is formed by what? palatine process of maxillary bone and the horizontal plates of the palatine bone
Where is the incisive fossa? a depression that is found posterior to the central incisors where incisive canals open
What passes through the incisive fossa? nasopalatine nerves
Where is the greater palatine foramen located? medial to the third molar tooth
What passes through the greater palatine foramen? the greater palatine nerves and vessels emerge from this foramen
What passes through the lesser palatine foramen lesser palatine nerve
Which palate has no bony skeleton but has an aponeurotic part and has a posterior muscular part? Soft palate
The soft palate is has a curved free margin from which hangs the ? uvula
Laterally, the soft palate is continuous with the wall of the pharynx and is joined to the tongue and pharynx by the ? and ? arches palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal
What is space between the oral cavity and the pharynx? fauces
What are the boundaries for the fauces? Superior: soft palate Inferior: root of the tongue Lateral: faucial pillars (arches)
What is the isthmus of the fauces? the constricted aperture between the cavity of the mouth and the pharynx
Tensor veli palatini muscle originate? scaphoid fossa of medial pterygoid plate, sphenoid bone & pharyngotympanic tube of cartilage
Tensor veli palatini Insertion? palatine aponeurosis
Tensor veli palatini nerve? medial pterygoid nerve (branch of V3)
Tensor veli palatini action? tenses soft palate & opens auditory tube during swallowing & yawning
Levator veli palatini origin? pharyngotympanic tube cartilage & petrous portion of the temporal bone
Levator palatini nerve? pharyhgeal branch of vagus nerve via pharyngeal plexus
Levator veli palatini action? elevates soft palate during swallowing & yawning
Palatoglossus origin? palatine aponeurosis
Palatoglossus insertion? side of tongue
Palatoglossus action? elevates posterior tongue & draws soft palate onto tongue
Palatopharyngeus origin? hard palate & palatine aponeurosis
Palatopharyngeus insertion? lateral wall of pharynx
Palatopharyngeus action? tenses soft palate & pulls walls of pharynx superiorly, anteriorly & medially during swallowing
Musculus uvulae origin? posterior nasal spine & palatine aponeurosis
Musculus uvulae insertion? Mucosa of uvula
Musculus uvulae action? shortens uvula & pulls it superiorly
What is the arterial supply of the soft palate? and what is is a brach of? greater palatine (descending palatine artery) lesser palatine (smaller branch of descending palatine; anastomoses with the ascending palatine branch of facial artery)
What is the venous drainage of the soft palate? palatine veins drains into the pterygoid venous plexus
What is the nerve innervation to the soft palate? Greater palatine (supplies gingiva, mucous membrane & glands of most of the hard palate) Lesser palatine-(supply the soft palate) Nasopalatine (supplies the mucous membrane
What organ is a mobile muscular organ that can assume a variety of shapes and positions? tongue
What two cavities is the tongue on? oral cavity an partly in the oropharynx
What are the functions of the tongue? swallowing, articulation, mastication
What are the primary salivary glands? parotid, submandibular, sublingual
Where are the accessory salivary glands? scattered over the palate, lips, cheeks, tonsils, and tongue
Created by: atruelove
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