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Ancient India

Harappan civilization Indus River Valley, the civilization grew with agrigulture and irigation. Named after Harappa, Pakistan. The achivements of Harappan civilization were very advanced. Developed India's first writing system. Ended by early 1700BC.
Ayran Civilization The language these people read texta were composed was Sanskirt.The society had caste system which was a division within people into groups based on person's birth, wealth, and occupation.
Varnas & caste system Brahmins- priests, Kshatrioyas- rulers and warriors, Vaisyas-farmers, creftworkers, traders, Sudras- laborers and non-ayrans. Buddhism did not accept the caste system.
Samsara the cycle of life, birth, death, and rebirth depended on your karma
Janism people who opposed with Hinduism. based on teachings of a man named Mahavira. NONVIOLENCE!
Buddhism & Siddhartha Siddhartha Gautama had wheels on his hands. He had questioned what human life is and went to go look for the answer. He meditated and fasted under a tree to clear out his mind. And human life is suffering. He was now called Buddha-the enlightened one.
Buddhism 2 He taught Buddhism to many people. One of the teachings was the Four Noble Truths.Included nirvana.Buddhism spread many places with the help of missionaries. First in India and second beyond India. 4 sights he saw-old age, sick man, funeral, holy man
Mauryan Empire 4 rulers- Chandragupta Maurya, Asoka, Chandragupta 1, and Chandragupta 2
Ghandi was murdered by a hindu extremist who was unhappy with political movements of Ghandi.
Om sound of the deepest meditation
Hindu's God belief Believe in Gods with shape, without shape, in statue form, within people.
Meditaion Mind CLEAR!!! Ex: a glass of water with dirt particles. As it sits, the particles sink down and the top water becomes clear representing the mind that has cleared.
Dharma one's role or duty
Hindu Dont eat meat all life is sacred
Right Livelihood do jobs that does not lead to harming others.
Right SElf-awareness aware of your thoughts. How you think of treating others.
Right Thought try your best
Right Meditation clear your mind
Right Speech NO GOSSIP
Buddha did not support the caste system because he believed all people were able to find enlightment
Theravad Buddhism older division, follow Buddha's teachings exactly as he had stated them. One must become a monk in order to reach enlightment- Sri Lanka
Mahayana Buddhism other people teachings blended into Buddhism for a living
Buddhism simple to understand
Astronomy planets and stars in Hindu's religion
India's medical care Inoculation injecting a person with a small dose of a virus so they can go against deseases. Also, fixing broken bones, removing tonsils, reconstruct broken noses, reattaching earlobes
ZERO India's invented an important number ZERO that helped all the Mathematics
Creating alloys skill within Metallurgy
Bhagavad Gita The famous of all the Hindu sacred texts and the most widely read. 700 verses divided into 18 chapters. Story of Krisha the God Giving
Ghandi tried to end caste system
Chandregupta 1 the first emperor of the Gupta Society
Art of Mauryan and Gupta influenced by religion(Hindu teachings)
Himalays northen India, highest mountain in the world
Nirvana truth in life, end of suffering. END OF SAMSARA FOR BUDDHISM. enlightment
Brahmin the universal divine spirit. Hindu Believe
Eightfold path three groups- wisdom, behavior, mind
Salt March a march within Ghandi that urged Indians to make their own salt and ended with the marchers being badly beaten by the British military
Diwali celebrated within candles and lights. only lasts 5 days. Also have temporary ink on their feet or hands HENNA.
Buddhism three universal truths anitya-nothing lasts forever, Duhka-suffereing, Anatma-no soul
Hindu temples change became more complex with huge towers.
Created by: naoaizawa
Popular History sets




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