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Key Legislation

Key Legislation Terms

Hatch Act, 1939 Limits political activities of civil service employees.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title II bans discrimination in public places. Title VII: • Prohibits employment discrimination on basis of sex. • Allows employers to give racial preferences. • Executive Order #11246-federal contractors adopt affirmative action programs.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 Suspended literacy tests. Empowered federal officials to register voters, ensure that citizens could vote, and count ballots. Prohibited states from changing voting procedures without federal permission.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 1967 Bans age discrimination for jobs unless age is related to job performance.
Air Quality Act, 1967 and various Clean Air Acts, 1960s-1990s Established emissions standards for cars and factories. Established minimum standards for states.
Federal Election Campaign Acts, 1971-1974 Created FEC. Required disclosure of contributions and expenditures. Provided limitations on contributions and presidential election expenditures. Provided subsidies for presidential candidates.
Title IX of Education Act of 1972 Prohibited gender discrimination in federally subsidized education programs.
War Powers Act, 1973 President could send troops overseas to dangerous area only if: • He notified Congress within 48 hours, withdrew troops within 60-90 days, and consulted with Congress if troops would be fighting. Congress can withdraw troops at any time.
Freedom of Information Act, 1974 Allows public access to nonclassifed federal documents.
Budget and Impoundment Control Act, 1974 Established congressional budget committees and CBO. Allows Congress to override temporary impoundment (deferral). Automatically voids permanent impoundment (rescission) unless both houses approve within 45 days.
Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990 Bans job discrimination against disabled if “reasonable accommodation” can be made. Requires access to facilities for handicapped.
National Voter Registration Bill (“Motor Voter Act”), 1993 Requires states to allow people to register to vote when applying for driver’s licenses applications or completing license renewal forms.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 • Requires CBO to analyze impact of unfunded mandates on states. • Requires separate congressional vote on bills that impose unfunded mandates.
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (Welfare Reform Act of 1996) • Ended federal entitlement status of welfare. • In its place, federal govt. gave block grants to states to administer welfare. • Rules: 1. Recipients must work within 2 years. 2. Recipients cannot receive benefits for more than 5 years.
Defense of Marriage Act, 1996 • States need not recognize same-sex marriages
No Child Left Behind Act, 2001 States must adopt education accountability standards States must annually test students Sanctions against schools that fail to meet adequate yearly progress
USA Patriot Act, 2001 Strengthens the federal government’s power to conduct surveillance, perform searches, and detain individuals in order to combat terrorism.
McCain-Feingold Bill (Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2002) • Raised hard money limits to $2000 • Banned soft money contributions to national political parties
Health Care Reform Bill of 2010 (“Affordable Health Care for America Act”) • Coverage provided for preexisting conditions. • Fines people who do not buy health insurance. • Provides subsidies for those with low incomes to help pay for health insurance. • Large employers must provide health care insurance to employees.
Created by: mrcoia
Popular American Government sets




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