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7 Red SS Midterm Rev

7 Red SS Midterm Review

Puritans English dissenters who wanted to reform the church of England.
Pilgrims Separatist group that traveled to gain religious freedom.
Quakers A group of Protestant dissenters, lived in PA
Charter Written contract giving the right to establish a colony.
Navagation Acts Laws passed by the English government to ensure that England made money from its colonies.
Mercantilism Economic theory that colonies exist to benefit their mother country.
Exports Goods sent OUT of a country
Imports Goods coming IN to a country
Triangular trade Trans-atlantic exchange of slaves, rum, sugar and molasses between the New World, Africa and the West Indies.
Tariff Taxes on imported goods
Middle Passage Middle leg of the Triangular trade that brought slaves from Africa to the New World
Indentured serant Someone who works without pay in exchange for something
Tolerance Acceptance of different opinions
Persecution Mistreatment
House of Burgesses Virginia Assembly - representative government
Mayflower Compact Document that helped establish the practice of government
Parliament England's chief law-making body
Smuggle To get goods illegally
Boycott Refusal to buy goods
Petition A formal document for a request
Blockade To cut off an area from having movement of people, goods or trade
Sons of Liberty A secret society of Patriots formed to oppose British policies
Daughters of Liberty Organiziation of colonial women formed to protest British policies.
Repeal To take back or cancel.
Loyalist An American who supported the British
Patriot An American who sided with the rebels (13 colonies)
Battle at Bunker Hill First battle of the Revolutionary War - British won.
Battle at Trenton Washington planned a surprise attack on Christmas day. He and his troops crossed the Deleware River
Battle at Saratoga TURNING POINT of the war. France decided to become an ally to the Patriots and they gained momentum
Winter at Valley Forgue Continental Army spent a cold, hopeless winter in 1777-1778.
Battle of Yorktown Last battle of the Revolutionary War. Britain surrendered after General Cornwallis was surrounded.
Benedict Arnold An American general who betrayed the British - a TRAITOR
Thomas Paine Wrote Common Sense
Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Independence
George Washington Commander of the Continental Army
Charles Cornwallis British general who surrendered at Yorktown.
Created by: BRMS
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