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government wantland

final exam

politics struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant or with hold benefits or priveleges
government preeminent institution within a society, has ultimate authority to decide how conflicts will be resolved and how benefits and privileges will be alllocated
political culture ideals liberty, self government, equality, individualism
capitalism private ownership of property and a free market economy
socialism state owned government, everyone equally shares wealth
totalitarism dictatorship, one person has complete control over everything
Aristotle natural law
Thomas Aquinas natural law with christian framework
protestant reformation direct communication with God, brought up question in being involved in Government
enlightenment Isaac Newton father of period, human reason, science, toleration
Thomas Hobbes Leviathon, argues have to have gov't or there will be total chaos
John Locke believed in second treatise of Gov't, a social contract, agree to support king, he in return helps you
Roots of American Gov't Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Enlightenment, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke
Stamp Act 1765 internal taxation of legal documents and newspapers which colonists went against
First Continental Congress requested colonies to send King George III their greviances and start to raise their own troops
Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson signed by second continental congress, stated people have natural rights and it is the governments job to protect those rights and when they dont the people have the right to rebuttal
Common Sense written by Thomas Paine about how this is the perfect moment and reasons why to gain independence
Shays Rebellion veterans of Revolution cant support themselves and gov't isn't doing anything about it so they rebell.
Convention 1787 also known as miracle in Philadalphia, 55 delecates from the colonies agreed to secracy and began the framework of American Gov't and the constitution.
Virgina Plan created the congress, executive, and judicial branch based on population to determine representatives for congress
New Jersey Plan same principle of Articles of Confederation (One state, One vote), congress regulate trade and impose taxes, all acts of congress supreme law of land, executive office appoint supreme court
Great Compromise created on chamber of congress, bicameral legislation, House based on population in state, senate has 2 per house, help the smaller states still be invovled
3/5 compromise slaves counted as 3/5 of a person for representation of population
Elastic Clause Article I, Section 8 necessary and proper clause, flexibility to constitutional system
supremacy clause Article VI, supreme law of the land is the constitution
McCulloch v. Maryland gave states less power, Maryland's state bank has no right to get rid of McCulloch's individual bank
Dredd Scott v. Sandford slave is not a citizen has no right to use our government
dual federalism national and state governments are co-equal soveriegn powers
cooperative federalism states and national government cooperate in solving problems
categorical grants federal grants to states or local gov't for specific programs or projects
block grants federal grants that provide funds to the state and local governments for general funtion areas
bill of rights first 10 amendments
due process clause states still have to follow what the constitution states
1st amendment fredom of religion, speech, and press
5th amendment self incrimination, stating your rights as a citizen when arrested
8th amendment no cruel and unusual punishment
Libel written defamation of a persons character, reputation, business, or property rights
slander the public uttering of a false statement that harms the good reputation of another, it has to be heard by a 3rd party
obscenity sexually offensive material, illegal if it is found to violate a 4 part test established by supreme court
abolitionism 1800-1850 1st Civil Rights movement, advocate the obtainment of rights to African Americans
womens rights senecca falls convention, finally got to vote 1920, 19th amendment
13th Amendment abolishes slavery
14th Amendment clearly defines who is a citizen and their priveleges
15th Amendment says all male citizens 21 and over can vote
plessy v. ferguson facilities had to be seperate but equal--segregation deemed constitutional
Civil Rights Act 1964 Frobade discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
Affirmative Action policies attempt to level the playing field by giving special preferences in educational admissions and employment decisions to groups that have been discriminated in the past
Political Socialization process by which people acquire political beliefs and values. Family, media, schools & peers, impact of events, social groups
yellow journalism favored spanish american war to get people more involved
muckraking expose the evil in American society so it can be removed
economic interest group labor unions to get fair wages, better working conditions, and reasonable hours
public interest group regulations of industries and such for the well being of the people, along w/ enviroment
government units states have lobbyists in D.C. they try to speak on behalf of the people in the state
Lobbyists oraganization or individual that attempts to influence the passage, defeat, or content of legislation and the gov'ts administative decisions.
federalists those who pushed for the ratification of the constitution
party machine 1800s-1920 way a party can be voted into office or holding it is bribing and giving favors with their vote in return
propespective judgement candidate may be able to do if they are elected
retrospective judgement past parties and how they did in office, to influence candidate to run
intiative group of citizens that have their state vote on issue
referendum legislatures put issue to the state voters to decide
recall recalling an issue or person by a vote
caucus self selecting, quantity and quality less and propose policies, find who can be a party delegate
australian ballot secrete ballot prepared, distributed, and tabulated by gov't officials
electoral college 2 senators and number of districts in state determine your states electoral vote for president, winner take all
voter turnout percentage of citizens taking part in the election process, things that affect turnout is income, age, gender, and interest in politics
house regulations 25 years old, residence in state,citizen for 7 years--serve 2 years
senate regulations 30 years old, residence in state, citizen for 9 years-- serve 6 years
apportionment amount of seats in house based on census
redistricting adjust the districts in which the House of Rep. belong to (change boundary lines)
trustee listen to information from constituents, then make best decision
delegate listen to constituents and vote
politicio go with what the constituents say
House structure speaker of house, majority leader, minority leader, majority and minority whips
senate structure president pro tempore, marjority and minority leader, majority and minority whips
standing committee perminent will always be there
joint committee has both senate and house to work out differences
ad hoc committee temporary, when issue is resolved it goes away
filibuster stalling tactic
war powers act gives executive 60 to 90 days to deploy troops then has to give congress their consent, limits presidents cheif executive power
presidency requirments 35 years old, natural born citizen, lived in U.S. last 14 years
Pendleton Act 1883 established the principle of federal gov't employment based on merit and created civil service commission to administer the personnel service
Created by: wleverin
Popular American Government sets




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