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Equine derm

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis multiple large (about 5 cm) abscesses in the ventral pectoral region and nowhere else; systemically healthy
Onchocerca non-seasonal, ventral midline dermatitis and is mildly pruritic or not pruritic at all
Dermatophilus congolensis skin lesions on the dorsum. You find that he has sticky matted hair on the dorsum/pasterns with multiple crusts that have purulent exudate under them (crusting dermatitis)
Dermatophilus congolensis G(+), facultative anaerobic actinomycete, branching bacteria; Penicillin
Staphylococcal cellulitis uncommon and usually causes severe acute swelling dissecting along fascial planes and devitalizing the overlying skin.
Trichophyton equinum (ringworm) usually causes multifocal lesions with alopecia and some crusting, usually around the head, neck, and shoulders.
Culicoides hypersensitivity seasonal; can cause pruritus and excoriations and can be distributed dorsally or ventrally. (vector for Ochocerca cervicalis)
Pemphigus foliaceus (autoimmune) vesicles, erosions and ulcerations, especially around mucocutaneous junctions
Dentigerous cyst result of having tooth germ tissue in the ear; CS
Habronema granulomatous skin lesions that often contain small calcified dead larvae; migration of larval stomach worm
Chorioptes equi mange mite; usually found around the foot and fetlock; pruritic dermatitis, papules, crusts, thickened skin, as well as alopecia
Fistulous withers (etiology) Brucella abortus
Haematobia irritans ventral midline dermatitis with wheals with a central crust that progress to alopecia and ulceration with fairly focal lesions; affects cattle more than horses
Dentigerous cyst CS - swelling at the base of the ear, seromucoid discharge
Dentigerous cyst Tx - surgical removal of the tissue.
Created by: 411759
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