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French verb list 1

French verbs

abaisser to lower
abasourdir to daze, bewilder
abattre to knock down
abolir to abolish
absoudre to absolve
abstenir (s') to abstain
accepter to accept
acclamer to cheer, acclaim
accompagner to accompany
accorder to admit
accourir to hurry
accrocher to hang (up)
accueillir to welcome
accuser to accuse, acknowledg
acheter to buy
achever to achieve
acquérir to acquire
adjoindre to appoint
admettre to admit
admirer to admire
adorer to adore
adresser to address
advenir to happen
affaiblir to weaken
agacer to annoy
agir to act
aider to help
aimer to like, to love
ajouter to add
aller to go
aménager to fit
amener to take
amuser to amuse
animer to bring to life (a party)
annoncer to announce
apercevoir to see
apparaître to appear
appartenir to belong
appeler to call
apporter to bring
apprendre to learn
app. par coeur to memorize
approcher to approach
approuver to approve (of)
armer to arm
arracher to pull up/out
arraisonner to hail
arranger to arrange
arrêter to stop, arrest
arriver to arrive
assaillir to assail
asseoir to sit down
assister to attend
assurer to assure
astreindre to compel
attaquer to attack
atteindre to attain
attendre to wait for
attirer to attract
attraper to catch
augmenter to increase
avancer to advance
aventurer to venture
avoir to have
avoir besoin to need
avoir raison to be right
baisser to lower
balancer to sway
balayer to sweep
bâtir to build
battre to beat
bavarder to chat
bêler to whine (like a sheep)
bénir to bless
blaguer to joke
blâmer to blame
blanchir to bleach
blesser to hurt, offend
boire to drink
bouger to move
bouillir to boil
briser to break
brosser to brush
broyer to grind
brûler to burn
cacher to hide
casser to break
causer to chat, cause
céder to give up
ceindre to put on
célébrer to celebrate
cesser to cease
changer to change
chanter to sing
charger to load
chasser to hunt, chase
cheminer to walk on
compter to count, intend
concevoir to conceive
conclure to conclude
concourir to compete
conduire to drive
confire to preserve
confondre to confuse
conjoindre to unite
connaître to know
conquérir to conquer
conseiller to recommend
consentir to consent
considérer to consider
consommer to consume
construire to construct
contenir to contain, to fit
conter to recount
continuer to continue
contraindre to compel
contredire to contradict
contrevenir to contravene
contrôler to control
convaincre to convince
convenir to convene
correspondre to correspond
corriger to correct
corrompre to corrupt
coucher to put to bed
coudre to sew
couper to cut
courir to run
coûter to cost
couvrir to cover
craindre to fear
créer to create
crier to shout
croire to believe
cueillir to gather
cuire to cook
culpabiliser to make one feel guilty
danser to dance
débattre to debate
décevoir to disappoint
déchirer to rip
décider to decide
déclore to reopen
déconfire to be beaten
découdre to unpick
décourager to discourage
découvrir to discover
décrire to describe
dédire (se) to retract
déduire to deduce
défaillir to faint
défaire to undo
défendre to defend
défricher to lay groundwork
dégager to free
déjeuner to have lunch
demander to ask for
déménager to move
demeurer to live, stay
démolir to demolish
dénoncer to denounce
dépasser to exceed
départir to accord
dépêcher to hurry
dépeindre to depict
dépendre to depend
dépenser to spend
déplaire to displease
déranger to disturb
descendre to descend
désirer to desire, to wish
désobéir to disobey
dessiner to draw
déteindre to bleach
détenir to hold
détester to hate
détourner to divert
détruire to destroy
développer to develop
devenir to become
dévêtir to undress
deviner to guess
devoir to have to
différer to differ
diminuer to diminish
dîner to have dinner
dire to say
diriger to direct
discourir to discourse
discuter to discuss
disjoindre to disconnect
disparaître to disappear
dissoudre to dissolve
divorcer to divorce
compter to count, intend
concevoir to conceive
conclure to conclude
concourir to compete
conduire to drive
confire to preserve
confondre to confuse
conjoindre to unite
connaître to know
conquérir to conquer
conseiller to recommend
consentir to consent
considérer to consider
consommer to consume
construire to construct
contenir to contain, to fit
conter to recount
continuer to continue
contraindre to compel
contredire to contradict
contrevenir to contravene
contrôler to control
convaincre to convince
convenir to convene
correspondre to correspond
corriger to correct
corrompre to corrupt
coucher to put to bed
coudre to sew
couper to cut
courir to run
coûter to cost
couvrir to cover
craindre to fear
créer to create
crier to shout
croire to believe
cueillir to gather
cuire to cook
culpabiliser to make one feel guilty
danser to dance
débattre to debate
décevoir to disappoint
déchirer to rip
décider to decide
déclore to reopen
déconfire to be beaten
découdre to unpick
décourager to discourage
découvrir to discover
décrire to describe
dédire (se) to retract
déduire to deduce
défaillir to faint
défaire to undo
défendre to defend
défricher to lay groundwork
dégager to free
déjeuner to have lunch
demander to ask for
déménager to move
demeurer to live, stay
démolir to demolish
dénoncer to denounce
dépasser to exceed
départir to accord
dépêcher to hurry
dépeindre to depict
dépendre to depend
dépenser to spend
déplaire to displease
déranger to disturb
descendre to descend
désirer to desire, to wish
désobéir to disobey
dessiner to draw
déteindre to bleach
détenir to hold
détester to hate
détourner to divert
détruire to destroy
développer to develop
devenir to become
dévêtir to undress
deviner to guess
devoir to have to
différer to differ
diminuer to diminish
dîner to have dinner
dire to say
diriger to direct
discourir to discourse
discuter to discuss
disjoindre to disconnect
disparaître to disappear
dissoudre to dissolve
divorcer to divorce
élire to elect
éloigner to move away
embrasser to kiss, embrace
emmener to take
émoudre to sharpen
emparer to impare
empêcher to prevent
employer to employ, use
empreindre to imprint
emprunter to borrow
enclore to enclose
encourager to encourage
encourir to incur
endormir to fall asleep
enduire to coat
enfreindre to infringe
enfuir (s') to run away
engager to bind
enjoindre to enjoin
enlever to remove
ennuyer to bore, annoy
énoncer to state
enquérir (s') to inquire
enregistrer to record
enseigner to teach
ensuivre (s') to ensue
entendre to hear
enterrer to bury
entraîner to involve, to pull
entreprendre to undertake
entrer to enter
entretenir to look after
entrouvrir to half-open
envoler to take flight
envoyer to send
épeler to spell
épouser to marry
épreindre to juice
éprouver to test; to feel
équivaloir to equal
espérer to hope
essayer to try
essuyer to wipe
estimer to estimate
établir to establish
éteindre to extinguish, turn off
étendre to stretch
étonner to astonish
étourdir to stun, daze
être to be
étreindre to embrace
étudier to study
évaluer to evaluate
éviter to avoid
exagérer to exaggerate
exclure to exclude
excuser to excuse
exiger to demand
exister to exist
expliquer to explain
explorer to explore
exprimer to express
faiblir to weaken
fâcher to get angry
faillir to lack
faire to make, do
falloir to be necessary
feindre to feign
féliciter to congratulate
fendre to split, crack
fermer to close
feuilleter to leaf through
fier to depend on
finir to finish
fixer to fix
fonder to found
fondre to melt
forcer to force
forclore to debar
fouiller to dig deeply
fournir to furnish, provide
frapper to knock
frémir to shudder
frire to fry
fuir to flee
fumer to smoke
gagner to win, earn, gain
garder to keep
gaspiller to waste
gâter to spoil
geindre to groan
geler to freeze
gêner to bother
gérer to manage
goûter to taste
grandir to grow
gratter to scratch, grate
inscrire to write down
insister to insist
instruire to instruct
interdire to forbid
intéresser to interest
interroger to interrogate
interrompre to interrupt
intervenir to intervene
interroger to question
introduire to introduce
inventer to invent
inviter to invite
jaillir to spurt out
jaser to chatter
jaunir to turn yellow
jeter to throw
joindre to join
jouer to play
jouir to enjoy
juger to judge
jurer to swear, vow
kidnapper to kidnap
klaxonner to honk
lâcher to loosen
laisser to leave
lancer to throw
laver to wash
lever to lift, stand
lire to read
loger to lodge
louer to rent
luire to shine
maigrir to lose weight
maintenir to maintain
manger to eat
manquer to miss
marcher to walk, to function
maudire to curse
méconnaître to be unaware of
médire to malign
méfier to mistrust
mélanger to mix
menacer to threaten
mener to lead
mentir to lie
méprendre to mistake
mépriser to scorn
mériter to merit
mesurer to measure
mettre to put
modérer to moderate
monter to climb
montrer to show
moquer to mock
mordre to bite
moudre to mill, grind
mouiller to wet
mourir to die
nager to swim
naître to be born
naviguer to navigate
négliger to neglect
négocier to negotiate
neiger to snow
nettoyer to clean
neutraliser to neutralize
nier to deny
noircir to blacken
nommer to name
noter to write down
nouer to tie, knot
nourrir to feed
noyer to drown
nuire to harm
obéir to obey
obliger to oblige
obtenir to obtain, to get
occlure to occlude
occuper to occupy
offrir to offer
oindre to anoint
omettre to omit
oser to dare
oublier to forget
ouvrir to open
paraître to seem
parcourir to cover, travel
pardonner to forgive
parler to talk
partager to share
participer to participate
partir to leave
parvenir to reach
passer to pass, spend time
patiner to skate
payer to pay
pécher to sin
plaire to please
plaisanter to joke
planter to plant, to crash (pc)
pleurer to cry
pleuvoir to rain
plier to fold, bend
plonger to dive
poindre to dawn
pondre to lay (an egg)
porter to wear, to carry
poser to put
posséder to possess
poursuivre to pursue
pousser to push
pouvoir to be able
prédire to predict
préférer to prefer
prendre to take
préparer (parer) to prepare
prescrire to subscribe
présenter to introduce
pressentir to have a premonition
presser to squeeze
prétendre to claim
prêter to loan
prévaloir (se) to pride oneself on
prévenir to prevent
prévoir to foresee
prier to pray
produire to produce
projeter to project
promener to walk
promettre to promise
prononcer to pronounce
proposer to propose, suggest
proscrire to prohibit
protéger to protect
prouver to prove
provenir to come from, be due t
puer to stink
punir to punish
quérir to summon
quitter to leave
raconter to tell, recount
ralentir to slow down
ranger to arrange
rappeler to recall
rassurer to reassure
rater to miss
ravir to delight
recevoir to receive
reconduire to renew
reconnaître to recognize
reconstruire to rebuild
recoudre to sew back on
recourir to run again
recouvrir to recover
récrire to rewrite
recueillir to collect, gather
rédiger to write
redire to repeat
réduire to reduce
réélire to re-elect
refaire to redo
réfléchir to think
refléter to reflect
refuser to refuse
regarder to look at
regretter to regret
rejeter to reject
rejoindre to rejoin
relire to reread
remarquer to notice
remercier to thank
remettre to put back (on)
remoudre to regrind
remplacer to replace
remplir to fill
rencontrer to meet
rendre to give back
renoncer to renounce
renouveler to renew
rentrer to return home
renvoyer to dismiss
répandre to spread, spill
reparaître to reappear
réparer to repair
repasser to iron, to pass again
repeindre to repaint
repentir (se) to repent
repérer to locate
répéter to repeat
répondre to answer
reposer to rest
reprendre to take again, to recov
réprimander to reprimand
reproduire to reproduce
rire to laugh
rompre to break
rougir to redden, blush
rouler to roll, to drive (a car)
rouvrir to reopen
saillir to protrude
saisir to seize
salir to soil
satisfaire to satisfy
sauter to jump
sauver to save, rescue
savoir to know
secouer to shake
secourir to help
séduire to seduce
séjourner to sojourn
sembler to seem
sentir to feel, smell
séparer to separate
serrer to grasp, squeeze
servir to serve
siffler to whistle
signaler to signal
signer to sign
signifier to mean
skier to ski
songer to dream
sonner to ring
sortir to go out
souffler to blow, pant
souffrir to suffer
souhaiter to wish
souiller to soil
soumettre to submit
sourire to smile
souscrire to subscribe
soutenir to support
souvenir (se) to remember
subir to undergo
subvenir to provide for
sucer to suck
succomber to succumb
suffire to suffice
suggérer to suggest
suivre to follow
supplier to beg
supposer to suppose
supporter to support, endure
surprendre to surprise
survenir to occur
survivre to survive
survoler to fly over
susciter to cause
tapoter to tap
teindre to dye
téléphoner to call
tendre to strain, strive
tenir to hold
tenter to try, to tempt
terminer to end
tirer to pull
tomber to fall
tondre to shear, mow
tonner to thunder
toquer to knock
tordre to twist
toucher to affect
tourner to turn
tousser to cough
tracer to draw
traduire to translate
trahir to betray
traiter to treat, to negotiate
transcrire to transcribe
transmettre to transmit
transparaître to show through
travailler to work
traverser to cross
tressaillir to shudder
tricher to trick, cheat
tromper to deceive, mislead
trouver to find
tuer to kill
tutoyer to use tu" "
unifier to unify
unir to unite
user to wear out
utiliser to use
vaincre to defeat
valoir to be worth
vanter to praise
varier to vary
veiller to stay up
vendre to sell
venger to avenge
venir to come
Created by: jmchugh
Popular French sets




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