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visceral pancreas

visceral pancreas pathology

pancreatic head surrounds the 2nd part of the duodenum; congenital, associated with other congenital anomalies annular pancreas
signs and symptoms of an annular pancreas? asymptomatic but may require surgery later
etiology is gall stones, alcohol, mumps acute pancreatitis
pancreas releases its lytic enzymes causing necrosis of its own tissue and surrounding tissue acute pancreatitis
patient presents with sudden onset of severe boring abdominal pain that radiates to the back, nausea and vomiting acute pancreatitis
what two signs with patients with acute pancreatitis present with? cullen's sign, turner's sign- serum amylase is greatly elevated
half of patients who survive acute pancreatitis are at risk of developing what? pancreatis pseudo-cyst
how are pancreatic psuedo-cysts found? CT
these contain degraded blood, debris of necrotic tissue, and fluid rich in pancreatic enzyme pancreatic pseudo-cyst
pancreatic pseudo-cysts have the potential to do what? enlarge and obstruct the duodenum
progressive destruction of pancreatic parenchyma with irregular fibrosis and chronic inflammation chronic pancreatitis
the etiology of this disease is alcohol, obstruction of the pancreatic tissue, pangreatic injury, cystic fibrosis, or could be idiopathic chronic pancreatitis
patient presents with recurrent or persistent vague abdominal pain or decreased pancreatic exocrine/endocring secretion chronic pancreatitis
hereditary; thick secretion of exocrine pancreas and respiratory system cystic fibrosis/mucovicidosis
what is the most common type of pancreatic adenocarcinoma? ductal adenocarcinoma
what are predisposing factors for pancreatic cancer? smoking, BMI and dietary factors, DM, chronic pancreatitis
where is pancreatic cancer most commonly found? head of the pancreas
patient presents with anorexia, weight loss, gnawing pain in the epigastrium radiating to the back and jaundice 50% of the time pancreatic adenocarcinoma
when is pancreatic cancer symptomatic? when it is advance and metasticized
pancreatic adenocarcinoma causes what? intractable pain, cachezia and death
are CA-19-9 serum levels increased or decreased in pancreatic adenocarcinoma? increased
lab findings for pancreatic adenocarcinoma include increased CA-19-9 serum levels
Benign beta cell tumor of islets insuliomas
this is associated with MEN1 insuliomas
lab findings for insuliomas? increased serum insulin, decreased glycemia
patient presents with sweating, nervousness, hunger confusion, lethargy and coma insuliomas
how are symptoms relieved when a patient presents with insulioma? eating
G cell malignant tumor Zollinger Ellison's syndrome/ pancreatic gastrinoma
an increase in gastrin, which stimulates gastric acid, is commonly found in what disease? Zollinger Ellison's Syndrome
severe peptic ulceration of duodenum/jejunum associated with MEN1 Pancreatic gastrinoma/Zollinger ellison's syndrome
are glucagonomas (alpha cell tumors) usually benign or malignant? malignant
Risk factors include mild diabetes, necrotizing migratory rash, anemia, venous thrombosis and severe infection glucagonoma (alpha cell tumor)
Lab findings for glucagonomas? 30x increase in serum glucagon
Created by: kissukels587
Popular Chiropractic sets




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